
The Weekly Watch

Set the Spin Cycle on High

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It's been another busy news week. Are TPTB targeting Joementia? Usually they hide information about illegal classified documents. It has also been interesting to watch people come unglued over investigating the mafia branch of our government in congress. Additionally, the conflict in Ukraine is not going well for NATOstan and will require more spin...or perhaps just ignoring the facts? Let's dive into details below the fold...


Album of the Week - 1-14-23

Afternoon folks!

I uploaded a bunch of cool stuff this week, and I added to the collection of Jeff Beck stuff that has been accumulating as I dig out and clean up albums.

There's a Brownie & Sonny album, some Hot Tuna, a few cuts of Professor Longhair from a compilation, a live Flying Burrito Bros. album (later in their career without Gram Parsons), one of The Band's later albums and an album by Rory Gallagher.

Then there's two Jeff Beck Group albums that I just uploaded this week when I got the news of his passing, an album with Beck, Tim Bogert and Carmine Appice, a live album with Jeff Beck and the Jan Hammer Group and an old Yardbirds album that I uploaded a while ago.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the tunes!

The day the music died forever

A Time of Unimaginable Sorrow is Upon Us

It was a nice cool sunny morning with some blue birds soaking up the sun, all in a row on the high wire. It took some time to figure out what happened. There were a few low rumbles, they seemed to be coming from north of here. We live on a farm out in the wooded hills of southern Missouri, and north would be up towards St Louis. Soon as the booming sounds started the power went off. At first, I didn’t pay much attention, but with all the military stirrings going on in the world these days, you just don’t know what to expect.

I went inside the house, but with the power off there’s no internet, so no way to find out what’s going on. At least until the power comes back on, or until I get the generator started up. More distant thunderous booms that echo now less like thunder and more like tremendous explosions – and I’m starting to get worried. My kids are at work and the grandkids are in school. I swear I‘m seeing sparks and smoke coming from under the hood of my car, but it’s not running. Now the power line where those bluebirds were singing looks like it’s getting really hot and smoke is coming from the bucket transformer on the poles. Wow! The transformer just blew up sending a shower of sparks and molten metal flying all around the pole! I can hear blasts all over the countryside from more pole transformers exploding. All the fences are sparking and smoking. The woods around the power lines and transformers are starting to go up in extremely violent flames. And the cars are now on fire – all of them! Even the old broken-down ones out in people’s pastures. Our emergency generators are smoking – I’ve got to get them away from the houses before they burn up.

Friday Night Photos First Time Edition

Happy Friday the 13th everyone. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

With over 450+ species, San Diego county has the larges number of bird species of any county in the US, so if you go out looking often enough, there will be days with first time finds. Tonights selection are all first time finds for me from the last few months. I've only got 400+ to go.

Lewis's Woodpecker
