
Hear, Hear the Democratic Creed

Democrats 101 book

In December, 2021, the Democratic party of a rural northern Ohio county gathered for a holiday party and meeting. During the event, several persons spoke. The last person, the chairwoman announced, would speak about the the book "Democrats 101" by J. M. Purvis. What follows is pretty close to the words the speaker said.

The Weekly Watch

Out With the Old, In With the New

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The years seem to fly by, and this one is no exception. However this may be a seminal year, and next year points to a major shift in world power and alliances. Will the future bode better or worse? We will see. What do you see as the big stories of the year, and the likelihood of our collective future? I make my prognostications below the fold and hope you'll add yours in the comments. No matter our views, I wish us all the happiest of the new year!


Has the ship already sailed?

Do we already have a one world government?


I do believe the 2020 covid-19 pandemic revealed a provable global conspiracy. Most folks think the conspiracy was intended to engineer a one-world government. But I wonder if we’re way beyond that. I think the pandemic may provide irrefutable evidence that WE ALREADY HAVE A ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT. A secretive, hidden, elusive one-world government.
