
Scott Ritter on Tank Realities

Ritter provides detailed information on the reality of tank warfare in Ukraine, as well as the maintenance nightmare as described by American veterans.

He also gives a history of the Banderite fascist Nazi armed groups supported by the U.S., starting with the CIA after WWII.

The most memorable part of this vital piece by Ritter is a quotation of remarks by Petr Bystron in the German Parliament.

At the Farm

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By the time you read this I will be on the farm getting things ready for spring planting. I know it may seem early, but I have a load of leaves from the neighbors from last fall that I need to get into the new compost pile.

The Weekly Watch

Food Fight!

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Big pharma and big ag have teamed up to feed us crap, make us sick, and sell us drugs for the condition. The WEF is involved in the scam as well, wanting you to eat bugs and halt animal production.

The World Economic Forum is committed to helping define the agriculture industry agenda and drive change that boosts well-being and improves the global food system.

Today lets look at a saner approach as we review the news of the week.


"Live to fight another day"

Withdraw from Artyomovsk!

This is the advice which social media say the U.S. Government is today giving to the Zelensky regime in Kiev. It follows by a day or two the public release by German intelligence operatives of their own assessment of the latest course of the war, saying that the stubborn resistance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to advancing Russian ground units in Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), just as the defense of Soledar (lost to the Russians a week ago) was and is a death trap set by the Russians for the Ukrainians. As the U.S. overlords understand today, continued losses of Ukrainian forces in these hopeless PR stunts are compromising any chances of their making a spring counteroffensive when the advanced military gear now being shipped to them arrives and is put into the field.
