
What is a republic?

At some point in 2009 or 2010, as I watched the political and economic catastrophes of Barack Obama interposing himself between the banksters and "the pitchforks" unfold, I was reading a book on the history of American industrial technology. The Introduction included a discussion of the republican political thought of the Founders. Those two or three paragraphs launched me into researching American history, to answer two questions:

What is a republic?

Chucky - "You need me on that Wall"

Chuck Schumer slams 'hatchet job' by Trump allies to discredit Robert Mueller

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., bashed allies of President Trump Monday after days of questioning the investigation of special counsel Robert Mueller, calling their attacks a "hatchet job" meant to undermine the probe looking into Russian involvement in the 2016 election.

Here's what c99 means to me & why I want it to continue

I thought long and hard about this site after JtC's essay yesterday. It was sad to hear that people have left the site and some have withdrawn donations. What is there for me to say? Well, a lot really.

To begin, I intend to focus on what I know about c99. And what I know is that this community has great value to me, and, I believe, to many other people.

Uber - A Preview of our Corporate Feudal/Mafia Future

Crime was already a big deal on the Wild West Internet; but Uber has taken it to new depths. The more the judge in the Waymo/Alphabet case against Uber digs, the bigger maggots he digs up. Given Uber, this is no surprise. But the implications of what passes for "accepted business practices" on the Internet should terrify everyone.

Mike Malloy Doesn't Understand Why People Dislike Hillary Clinton


Mike Malloy is a guy I once respected when it came to independent voices in the media. Then Billary 2016 happened and he joined the bandwagon of bashing Sanders supporters and third party voters. And he's still doing it now, as you can see here.
