Jimmy Dore w/Peter Joseph

Pretty awesome conversation on how the capitalistic system
is broken along with much everything else.


amerika is like a child who was locked in a closet for 10
years and when the the closet was opened the child (amerika)
came out deranged.

not exact quote but close


we have an economy based on scarcity, the arguement being we
cant have healthcare cuz we can't afford it, yet we have all
the money in the world to bomb the whole world

again not exact quote but close


billionaires give half their money to charity but in
reality its a big PR move, giving to their own foundations
to profit from the loopholes in taxes. Its an elistist
narcissism that they believe that their views are more
important than the views of the everyday people. that they
can change healthcare of countries without any dmocratic
presence at all....Is totalitarian philanthropy.

again not exact quote




Somewhat of a summary...

market forced economy doesn't work, Bernie get's some
stuff wrong.

It was a real good listen, we are all one, the economic
system of today will only lead to mankinds train flying
off a cliff.

Bubbles, boxes and categories are wrong, people are
getting it all wrong.

Sorry but I get the feeling I'm butchering what the 5 video's
are meant to mean but watch it for yourselves, I don't think
you'll have wasted your time at all.

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ggersh's picture

we have an economy based on scarity, the arguement being we
cant have healthcare cuz we can't afford it, yet we have all
the money in the world to bomb the whole world

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Pluto's Republic's picture

Peter Joseph has near perfect clarity. It's such a relief to see it on display. You created the ideal presentation, allowing us to jump in at different points.

What Joseph brings, in the end, is the idea of "causality." It is the key to true understanding and the path to real solutions, but people and governments deliberately ignore the relationships between things. They treat every new adversity like a complete reality that we must bomb into submission, rather than seeing it as a part of a larger interconnected entanglement that is in a state of constant becoming. Each time we intervene in this complex system, bursting in with physical or economic violence against another country or people, we immediately harm ourselves and double the size of the chaos. Each time, the planet dies a little more.

One example of this comes to mind: On the day of 9/11 and on every single day since, there is only one question that needs to be answered: "What did we do to cause this attack to happen?" or "What did we do to make them so angry?" No one needed to be bombed. No country needed to be attacked. No war needed to happen. No regime needed to fall.

All we needed to do was to find the cause. The cause would reveal the solution. However, asking that question could make enemies and ruin your life. That was programmed into society from the top-down. It made you a traitor to suggest that America did something to cause 9/11. More likely, looking for that cause would ultimately reveal that 9/11 was not a "reaction" at all. That it was an isolated "action" that was initiated to launch all our reactions and counter-reactions since.

Regardless, the US deliberately pushed past any need to identify or explain what caused 9/11 and took the hastiest, most violent course of reaction it could muster. Americans had no curiously about the cause. They wanted revenge.

And what we are left with is what they got, instead.

Everyone can come up with their own example of not getting to the "cause" of things. The idea, says Joseph, is learning to think about everything in that more complex and analytical headspace, first. Whether we act or not.

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato
ggersh's picture

@Pluto's Republic dont want causes, all they want is power/money
to say they will fix it, which in the end they don't
as being the 1% excuses them from any accountability
to anyone but themfuckingselves.

All we needed to do was to find the cause. The cause would reveal the solution. However, asking that question could make enemies and ruin your life. That was programmed into society from the top-down. It made you a traitor to suggest that America did something to cause 9/11. More likely, looking for that cause would ultimately reveal that 9/11 was not a "reaction" at all. That it was an isolated "action" that was initiated to launch all our reactions and counter-reactions since.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Alphalop's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Find the cause because THEY and THEIR actions are the true root cause of the majority of the world's ills.

Nobody wants to think they are a bad person, or an evil person, and that includes the baddest and most evil among us.

So therefore anything that could cause such self reflection is to be avoided and suppressed at all costs.

As a matter of fact...

Hey, what's with that funny sound and light coming though my tv???? I feel off...

(Reprogramming complete Oligarchy support mode activated)

We can't have these billionaires thinking they are bad people! It baffles me why you lower classes don't care about the suffering and social ostracism that these poor rich folks have to endure.

What's wrong with you people and your lack of empathy?

You think our lives are all wine and cheese parties and luxurious yachts!

Well, maybe they are, but what does that have to do with anything?

We still have to worry about the mortgages and insurance on our winter and summer homes as well as the regular residences, oh and the ski chalet, almost forgot about that one.

And do you think Foie gras and caviar grow on trees?

Won't someone think of Buffy and Muffy's debutante party? Those are spendy too!

How callous you 99% are... /s

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Pluto's Republic's picture


I happen to mingle with the "haves," upon occasion. They really do have no sense of what real-life is like for most Americans. That's okay. Most Americans have no sense of what life is like for them, either. On a casual political level, the most striking difference between the two economic realities is that the "haves" feel cocooned and safe with the mainstream media, whom they trust implicitly. They see media's flaws but believe it is a truthful media overall because it confirms their beliefs about America and the outside world.

To paraphrase Daniel Moynihan, the One Percent is ever-engaged in one of mankind's oldest philosophical pursuits — the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. The corporate media monopolies deliver that.

For the rest of thinking America — they have to make a conscious decision daily whether or not they will believe the news media that day. This changes from day to day. The corporate media narrative only sporadically confirms their beliefs about America and the outside world. This is significant because the media is the glue that holds society together in the 21st century. It allows the people to think and identify as a culture. When those bonds break, watch out.

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Why were we attacked and why do they hate us? It's obvious to those of us who are against what our country does to others, but the people who will not acknowledge it need to be woken up instead of thinking that our military is really fighting to spread freedom and democracy. There are still too many people who think that way.


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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

The Aspie Corner's picture

The only people who say capitalism is broken are the Libert-Aryan$ who highjacked the political and economic systems because they felt the Reagan 'Revolution' didn't go far enough in their rolling back of the New Deal.

They infiltrated both parties through think tanks and legalized bribery. Yet the lay-people who worship the market say it's broken because Gubmint, and that getting rid of the Gubmint will automatically make them royalty. They already have what they want, they just can't ever satisfy their endless lust for wealth and power/

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Meteor Man's picture

This is the first time I have been introduced to Peter Joseph. I am compelled to add this from The New Human Rights Movement

The conventional wisdom views poverty, social oppression and the growing loss of public health as an unfortunate and immutable side effect of our way of life. The New Human Rights Movement argues that these outcomes are, in fact, contrived—only natural to our outdated economic system. Social activists can never succeed in dramatically improving human life on this planet until they understand the structural reasons these problems exist.

Arguing against the long-standing narrative of universal scarcity and other pervasive, legitimizing myths that defend the current state of affairs, The New Human Rights Movement ultimately presents the case for an updated economic approach. Joseph explores the potential of this grand social shift and how we can design our way to a post-scarcity world—a world where poverty doesn’t exist and the human family has become truly sustainable.

There is still hope:

The New Human Rights Movement reveals the critical importance of a unified activism in this direction, through understanding and working to alter the inherent injustice of our current social system. It not only warns against what is in store if we continue to ignore our broken society, but also reveals the positive future possible if we succeed.

Gonna watch the videos again.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

GreyWolf's picture

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gulfgal98's picture

interviews I have ever seen. Peter Joseph nails it as to our ills. Even though I had heard of the zeitgeist movement through Occupy, I had no idea what it meant. We should all pay greater attention to what Peter Joseph has to say. Thank you for sharing.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

ggersh's picture

@gulfgal98 No worries, I try my best to bring good
stuff here to C99

Peter Joseph nails it as to our ills. Even though I had heard of the zeitgeist movement through Occupy, I had no idea what it meant. We should all pay greater attention to what Peter Joseph has to say. Thank you for sharing.

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley