My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
I'm so sorry.
From:Is it Mueller Time Now?
Linda Wood Mon, 05/13/2019 - 11:08pm 0
You're not the first person
From:Is it Mueller Time Now?
Linda Wood Mon, 05/13/2019 - 04:25pm 1 Mon, 05/13/2019 - 09:37pm
Thank you,
From:Is it Mueller Time Now?
Linda Wood Mon, 05/13/2019 - 03:25pm 1 Mon, 05/13/2019 - 04:19pm
If you
From:Is it Mueller Time Now?
Linda Wood Mon, 05/13/2019 - 01:18pm 1 Mon, 05/13/2019 - 03:06pm
Thank you,
From:Russiagate and lessons learned
Linda Wood Mon, 05/13/2019 - 12:45pm 0
From:International Criminal Court Declines to Do It's Job
Linda Wood Sun, 05/05/2019 - 10:26pm 0
From:Russiagate and lessons learned
Linda Wood Sun, 05/05/2019 - 09:57pm 1 Tue, 05/07/2019 - 02:47am
From:International Criminal Court Declines to Do It's Job
Linda Wood Sun, 05/05/2019 - 10:59am 2 Sun, 05/05/2019 - 05:31pm
Thank you,
From:Beto, we hardly knew ye
Linda Wood Sun, 05/05/2019 - 10:50am 1 Sun, 05/05/2019 - 12:07pm
This little baby
From:International Criminal Court Declines to Do It's Job
Linda Wood Sun, 05/05/2019 - 12:09am 0
You are right.
From:International Criminal Court Declines to Do It's Job
Linda Wood Sat, 05/04/2019 - 11:42pm 1 Sun, 05/05/2019 - 12:49am
From:Tulsi "Endorsements" and Nevada Upcoming
Linda Wood Sat, 05/04/2019 - 02:52pm 0
I hear you,
From:The Russiagate Hoax — Cutting to the Chase
Linda Wood Sat, 05/04/2019 - 02:51pm 0
From:The Russiagate Hoax — Cutting to the Chase
Linda Wood Sat, 05/04/2019 - 10:47am 0
From:The Russiagate Hoax — Cutting to the Chase
Linda Wood Sat, 05/04/2019 - 10:45am 1 Sat, 05/04/2019 - 12:46pm
Here are some recent
From:The Russiagate Hoax — Cutting to the Chase
Linda Wood Fri, 05/03/2019 - 11:28am 1 Sat, 05/04/2019 - 09:28am
Hello again, veganmark.
From:The Russiagate Hoax — Cutting to the Chase
Linda Wood Fri, 05/03/2019 - 10:44am 0
Dear mimi,
From:There is a time for everything - This is the time to say Good Bye
Linda Wood Thu, 05/02/2019 - 06:47pm 0
Thank you, veganmark,
From:What’s Left of Russiagate — Are We Down to the 1,000 Paid Trolls?
Linda Wood Thu, 05/02/2019 - 12:44pm 1 Fri, 05/03/2019 - 07:23pm
You are asking
From:So the coup attempt is on.
Linda Wood Tue, 04/30/2019 - 10:04pm 0
Thank you
From:So the coup attempt is on.
Linda Wood Tue, 04/30/2019 - 09:46pm 1 Wed, 05/01/2019 - 11:36am
I know
From:Trump gives Bernie some good advice
Linda Wood Tue, 04/30/2019 - 11:21am 0
From:Trump gives Bernie some good advice
Linda Wood Mon, 04/29/2019 - 09:25pm 1 Tue, 04/30/2019 - 09:51am
Since you posted this
From:Trump gives Bernie some good advice
Linda Wood Mon, 04/29/2019 - 09:23pm 1 Mon, 04/29/2019 - 10:48pm
From:Trump gives Bernie some good advice
Linda Wood Mon, 04/29/2019 - 12:15pm 2 Mon, 04/29/2019 - 12:38pm
From:Russia's Response to the Mueller Report
Linda Wood Tue, 04/23/2019 - 11:48pm 1 Wed, 04/24/2019 - 01:19am
Mike Pompeo
From:Russia's Response to the Mueller Report
Linda Wood Tue, 04/23/2019 - 11:36pm 0
Thanks, snoopydawg,
From:Russia's Response to the Mueller Report
Linda Wood Tue, 04/23/2019 - 12:14am 5 Wed, 04/24/2019 - 12:31am
Trump must have FORGOTTEN
From:Trump conflates all Muslims with Saudi Arabian thugs
Linda Wood Sun, 04/21/2019 - 10:46pm 0
Terrorism funding
From:Tulsi's Secure Elections needs our full support.
Linda Wood Sat, 04/20/2019 - 10:34am 0
I'm listening, gjohnsit,
From:Why leftists should support Bernie
Linda Wood Sat, 04/20/2019 - 10:22am 1 Sat, 04/20/2019 - 12:51pm
Hi, Wally,
From:Game Over? Not Really. The Time has Come to Investigate the Perpatrators of the Russia Hoax
Linda Wood Fri, 04/19/2019 - 02:26pm 0
Barr mentioned
From:Trump Derangement Syndrome
Linda Wood Fri, 04/19/2019 - 01:37pm 1 Fri, 04/19/2019 - 05:34pm
I know,
From:Wikileaks/Manning revelations treated with Respect by MSM in 2010
Linda Wood Wed, 04/17/2019 - 12:53am 0
From:U.S. asks Syrian Kurds to cut their own throats
Linda Wood Mon, 04/15/2019 - 11:32pm 0
From:Fox News Crowd CHEERING LOUDLY at Bernie's Town Hall, For Gov't-Run Healthcare, Taxing the Rich, Protecting SS, etc.
Linda Wood Mon, 04/15/2019 - 11:27pm 0
As to whether
From:Tulsi Update: April 14, 2015 (Birthday!, Gravel Endorses, TYT Good Interview, Los Angeles, NYT Bad))
Linda Wood Mon, 04/15/2019 - 11:20pm 0
John Kerry
From:Tulsi Update: April 14, 2015 (Birthday!, Gravel Endorses, TYT Good Interview, Los Angeles, NYT Bad))
Linda Wood Mon, 04/15/2019 - 11:05pm 0
As a pacifist,
From:Tulsi Update: April 14, 2015 (Birthday!, Gravel Endorses, TYT Good Interview, Los Angeles, NYT Bad))
Linda Wood Mon, 04/15/2019 - 10:50pm 1 Mon, 04/15/2019 - 09:32pm
From:The Six Degrees of Paul Manafort
Linda Wood Mon, 04/15/2019 - 10:46pm 1 Tue, 04/16/2019 - 12:52am
From:Tulsi Update: April 14, 2015 (Birthday!, Gravel Endorses, TYT Good Interview, Los Angeles, NYT Bad))
Linda Wood Mon, 04/15/2019 - 10:37am 0
I hear you,
From:A few brave enough to speak out for Assange
Linda Wood Fri, 04/12/2019 - 11:12pm 0
Dear gjohnsit,
From:A few brave enough to speak out for Assange
Linda Wood Fri, 04/12/2019 - 10:19pm 2 Sat, 04/13/2019 - 08:26am
Syrian refugees
From:Are Americans Able to Participate in a Reality-Based Election?
Linda Wood Mon, 04/08/2019 - 06:07pm 1 Mon, 04/08/2019 - 06:48pm
I respect your thoughts as always,
From:Tulsi Gabbard Best Democrat in the Field
Linda Wood Mon, 04/08/2019 - 05:26pm 1 Mon, 04/08/2019 - 09:58pm
She has said this,
From:Tulsi Gabbard Best Democrat in the Field
Linda Wood Mon, 04/08/2019 - 03:57pm 1 Mon, 04/08/2019 - 04:01pm
The worst part
From:Tulsi Gabbard Best Democrat in the Field
Linda Wood Mon, 04/08/2019 - 01:29pm 1 Mon, 04/08/2019 - 02:26pm
Thank you
From:Tulsi at 63,434 Donors!!!
Linda Wood Sun, 04/07/2019 - 06:05pm 0
Part of what Gabbard
From:Tulsi at 63,434 Donors!!!
Linda Wood Sun, 04/07/2019 - 01:05pm 0
Thank you, apenultimate.
From:Tulsi at 63,434 Donors!!!
Linda Wood Sun, 04/07/2019 - 10:41am 0
joe shikspack,
From:The Evening Blues - 4-5-19
Linda Wood Fri, 04/05/2019 - 06:02pm 1 Fri, 04/05/2019 - 09:07pm
From:The Evening Blues - 4-4-19
Linda Wood Thu, 04/04/2019 - 08:49pm 0
Mark, brilliant!
From:The Seething And Contempt In Greenwald's Eyes About the "Joke and a Fairy Tale" of Russiagate Is A Watershed Moment. "The Games Is Over."
Linda Wood Thu, 04/04/2019 - 07:29pm 0
And proxy wars
From:NATO loses in the Ukraine election
Linda Wood Tue, 04/02/2019 - 09:30am 0
Here's a link.
From:Tulsi Accelerates
Linda Wood Mon, 04/01/2019 - 05:37pm 1 Wed, 04/03/2019 - 03:38pm
From:Tulsi Accelerates
Linda Wood Mon, 04/01/2019 - 01:30pm 1 Mon, 04/01/2019 - 02:03pm
Linda Wood Fri, 03/29/2019 - 10:15pm 0
Dear Bob
Linda Wood Fri, 03/29/2019 - 09:22pm 3 Fri, 03/29/2019 - 11:22pm
I vote
From:SPYGATE update by Jeff Carlson
Linda Wood Fri, 03/29/2019 - 02:15pm 0
From:SPYGATE update by Jeff Carlson
Linda Wood Thu, 03/28/2019 - 10:39pm 1 Fri, 03/29/2019 - 03:59am
From:SPYGATE update by Jeff Carlson
Linda Wood Thu, 03/28/2019 - 05:42pm 0
Yes, I agree
From:SPYGATE update by Jeff Carlson
Linda Wood Thu, 03/28/2019 - 05:41pm 0
From:SPYGATE update by Jeff Carlson
Linda Wood Thu, 03/28/2019 - 05:34pm 0
From my perspective
From:SPYGATE update by Jeff Carlson
Linda Wood Thu, 03/28/2019 - 04:11pm 2 Thu, 03/28/2019 - 05:04pm
From:Fasten your seatbelt: Papadopoulos, David Corn, POPCORN
Linda Wood Thu, 03/28/2019 - 10:26am 0
From:The Evening Blues - 3-26-19
Linda Wood Wed, 03/27/2019 - 12:49pm 0
You'd think,
From:Fasten your seatbelt: Papadopoulos, David Corn, POPCORN
Linda Wood Wed, 03/27/2019 - 12:29pm 0
From:Fasten your seatbelt: Papadopoulos, David Corn, POPCORN
Linda Wood Wed, 03/27/2019 - 12:27pm 1 Thu, 03/28/2019 - 11:33am
I agree
From:Fasten your seatbelt: Papadopoulos, David Corn, POPCORN
Linda Wood Wed, 03/27/2019 - 10:38am 1 Wed, 03/27/2019 - 01:47pm
Thank you,
From:Fasten your seatbelt: Papadopoulos, David Corn, POPCORN
Linda Wood Tue, 03/26/2019 - 11:23pm 1 Wed, 03/27/2019 - 07:55am
From:The Collapse of the Mueller-Industrial Complex
Linda Wood Tue, 03/26/2019 - 09:58pm 1 Wed, 03/27/2019 - 10:54am
They keep
From:Fasten your seatbelt: Papadopoulos, David Corn, POPCORN
Linda Wood Tue, 03/26/2019 - 09:46pm 3 Wed, 03/27/2019 - 12:08pm
From:Fasten your seatbelt: Papadopoulos, David Corn, POPCORN
Linda Wood Tue, 03/26/2019 - 09:38pm 0
I've noticed
From:Matt Taibbi says it all about Russiagate journalism disaster
Linda Wood Tue, 03/26/2019 - 07:25pm 0
You're so right.
From:Conservative Magazine, sane analysis
Linda Wood Tue, 03/26/2019 - 06:37pm 0
From:The Evening Blues - 3-26-19
Linda Wood Tue, 03/26/2019 - 06:32pm 2 Tue, 03/26/2019 - 09:04pm
From:If it wasn't Russia, then who hacked the DNC?
Linda Wood Tue, 03/26/2019 - 06:18pm 0
I certainly agree
From:Matt Taibbi says it all about Russiagate journalism disaster
Linda Wood Mon, 03/25/2019 - 07:11pm 0
Thanks for these
From:Conservative Magazine, sane analysis
Linda Wood Mon, 03/25/2019 - 06:32pm 0
Yes, and
From:Now the fun begins
Linda Wood Mon, 03/25/2019 - 06:02pm 0
From:Now the fun begins
Linda Wood Mon, 03/25/2019 - 03:13pm 1 Mon, 03/25/2019 - 04:54pm
From:Now the fun begins
Linda Wood Mon, 03/25/2019 - 03:03pm 1 Mon, 03/25/2019 - 04:51pm
Consortium News
From:Now the fun begins
Linda Wood Mon, 03/25/2019 - 01:49pm 1 Mon, 03/25/2019 - 02:56pm
Michael Rogers,
From:Matt Taibbi says it all about Russiagate journalism disaster
Linda Wood Mon, 03/25/2019 - 12:00am 0
If the report
From:Matt Taibbi says it all about Russiagate journalism disaster
Linda Wood Sun, 03/24/2019 - 11:32pm 1 Mon, 03/25/2019 - 12:44am
At the end of his article
From:Matt Taibbi says it all about Russiagate journalism disaster
Linda Wood Sun, 03/24/2019 - 10:07pm 3 Mon, 03/25/2019 - 12:35pm
Well said,
From:Matt Taibbi says it all about Russiagate journalism disaster
Linda Wood Sun, 03/24/2019 - 09:27pm 0
Holy cannoli.
From:Rachel Has a Sad about Mueller Gate
Linda Wood Sun, 03/24/2019 - 12:12am 0
Here's Tucker Carlson
From:Democrats' Stalingrad: Total defeat. The Counter-coup begins
Linda Wood Sat, 03/23/2019 - 06:50pm 1 Sun, 03/24/2019 - 12:46am
From:Democrats' Stalingrad: Total defeat. The Counter-coup begins
Linda Wood Sat, 03/23/2019 - 06:44pm 0
Alligator Ed,
From:Democrats' Stalingrad: Total defeat. The Counter-coup begins
Linda Wood Sat, 03/23/2019 - 02:01pm 2 Sat, 03/23/2019 - 07:31pm
Thank you, gjohnsit,
From:Committing war crimes for no particular reason
Linda Wood Fri, 03/22/2019 - 06:15pm 0
Zero Hedge
From:Clinton, in newly revealed emails, discussed classified foreign policy matters, secretive 'private' comms channel with Israel
Linda Wood Fri, 03/22/2019 - 12:57pm 0
You describe
From:All roads lead to Ukraine/Clinton collusion
Linda Wood Fri, 03/22/2019 - 12:08pm 0
Many thanks, Amanda.
From:Clinton, in newly revealed emails, discussed classified foreign policy matters, secretive 'private' comms channel with Israel
Linda Wood Thu, 03/21/2019 - 10:58pm 0
I am actually
From:Russia is about to win Cold War 2.0
Linda Wood Wed, 03/20/2019 - 09:52pm 1 Thu, 03/21/2019 - 06:55am
Thank you for this!
From:Russia is about to win Cold War 2.0
Linda Wood Wed, 03/20/2019 - 10:50am 1 Wed, 03/20/2019 - 03:26pm
Good news.
From:Monsanto going Down!! Second verdict is in.
Linda Wood Wed, 03/20/2019 - 10:42am 1 Wed, 03/20/2019 - 01:13pm
But he's
From:Hmmm: Mueller got search warrants for Cohen almost immediately; Update: Rosenstein sticking around a bit longer
Linda Wood Tue, 03/19/2019 - 06:23pm 0
I also
From:Tulsi in Person and 27,000 More Needed
Linda Wood Tue, 03/19/2019 - 02:46pm 0
