How many inaccuracies are there in the Mueller report?

Remember that polling data that Manafort gave to the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska that people said proved that he was working with the Russians to get Trump elected? no.

Now, as the ‘Russian influence’ narrative is dying down, the anti-Trump – anti-Russian campaign is moving to new grounds. Last week the New York Times claimed that Paul Manafort, who for some time ran the Trump election campaign, gave public and internal polling data to the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska: Manafort Accused of Sharing Trump Polling Data With Russian Associate. A day after that sensational claim made a large splash throughout U.S. media the New York Times recanted:

But what is the actual truth about that polling data?

Manafort gave polling data to his Ukrainian fixer Konstantin Kilimnik with the request to pass it along to Ukrainian oligarchs for who he had worked before joining the Trump campaign. Kilimnik had long worked for the International Republican Institute office in Moscow. The IRI is a CIA offshot under Republican Party tutelage that is used to influence politics abroad. Its long time head was the deceased hawkish Senator John McCain. While he worked with Kilimnik in the Ukraine, Manafort concentrated on moving the Ukraine towards the European Union and away from Russia. His and Kilimnik efforts were always opposed to Russian interests. But the NYT and others falsely try to pass them off as the opposite with the sole purpose of feeding the anti-Trump/anti-Russia campaign.

The NYT propaganda article on Manafort:

Manafort Accused of Sharing Trump Polling Data With Russian Associate

As a top official in President Trump’s campaign, Paul Manafort shared political polling data with a business associate tied to Russian intelligence, according to a court filing unsealed on Tuesday. The document provided the clearest evidence to date that the Trump campaign may have tried to coordinate with Russians during the 2016 presidential race.

Does anyone believe that Mueller wasn't aware that Manafort's BFF Konstantin Kilimnik worked for the CIA connected International Republican Institute? Or that Hillary's BFF Sydney Bluemethal was the person who first wrote up the information that became the Steele dossier? Wait you didn't know that Chris Steele wasn't the person who actually wrote the dossier?

Evidence Suggests the Hillary Clinton Team Created Dossier Was Provided to Steele, then Kerry’s State Department and then to the FBI

“The reason Hillary hired Fusion [GPS] is because she needed someone more credible than Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer to float these charges,” Morris alleges.

Just as the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee used intermediaries in financing the Steele dossier to keep its fingerprints off a document styled as intelligence and not opposition research, Shearer allegedly used the tactic of laundering to ensure that his information looked as though coming from a clean source rather than a political dirty trickster.

In late September 2016, Sidney Blumenthal, a close Clinton confidant and colleague of Shearer’s, passed Shearer’s dossier on to State Department official Jonathan M. Winer, a longtime aide to John Kerry on Capitol Hill and at Foggy Bottom.

According to Winer’s account in a Feb. 8, 2018 Washington Post op-ed, he shared the contents of the Shearer dossier with the author of the first dossier, ex-British spy Christopher Steele, who submitted part of it to the FBI to further substantiate his own investigation into the Trump campaign.

It looks more and more like the entire Steele dossier was not only paid for by the Hillary campaign but may have been created by the Hillary campaign as well. The whole thing was a manufactured sham used by the Deep State to attempt a coup of the Trump administration.

Remember Felix Sater who was said to have worked with Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen on building a Trump tower in Moscow where Vlad would have a $50 million apartment?

In the Mueller report Sater is mentioned in the text and footnotes more than 100 times! The Mueller team introduces Sater in the report as a New York based real estate adviser:

In the late summer of 2015, the Trump Organization received a new inquiry about pursuing a Trump Tower project in Moscow. In approximately September 2015, Felix Sater, a New York based real estate advisor, contacted Michael Cohen, then-executive vice president of the Trump Organization and special counsel to Donald J. Trump.

Not once in the Mueller report does the Mueller gang refer to Sater’s connections with the Clintons, Loretta Lynch or with Andrew Weissmann, the suspected drafter of the Mueller report.

Who else is Sater friends with? None other than the Queen of Russia Gate!


This is not new information. It's been available since January 16, 2019, but it's the first time I've read about it. I mentioned some of this in a recent essay here and I think it needs more exposure. Mueller's report is starting to fall apart because of the inaccuracies he put in it. One of his claims for Trump's obstruction is that his lawyer spoke with Flynn's lawyer and asked them to notify the WH if there is any information becoming known that would hurt national security. This didn't happen the way Mueller said it did.
(I'm having trouble finding the article on this)

Here's a current article on Konstantin Kilimnik. I guess when you lie to the country in your report that eventually the truth will be exposed. My question is can Mueller face any consequences for it? How many of the reports he filed with the courts were based on false information?

Key Figure That Mueller Report Linked to Russia Was Actually a State Department Intel Source

“Kilimnik requested the meeting to deliver in person a peace plan for Ukraine that Manafort acknowledged to the Special Counsel’s Office was a ‘backdoor’ way for Russia to control part of eastern Ukraine,” the Mueller report stated.

But State emails showed Kilimnik first delivered a version of his peace plan in May 2016 to the Obama administration during a visit to Washington. Kasanof, his former handler at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, had been promoted to a top policy position at State, and the two met for dinner on May 5, 2016.

The day after the dinner, Kilimnik sent an email to Kasanof’s official State email address recounting the peace plan they had discussed the night before.

The Mueller/Weissmann dossier is full of lies and it’s time Mueller and his team were investigated for prosecutorial misconduct. As many of us here have documented over the last two years since this bogus Russian interference story came out Russia did not interfere with the election nor did they have anything to do with Hillary's losing the election. Nada! It was created by first Hillary's campaign after they found out that Wikileaks had evidence of their interference with the primary and then the FBI doing everything they could to entrap people in Trump's campaign to make it look like they were working with people in Russia.

The Mueller investigation started two days after Comey was fired. The whole reason why it was created was to try to get Trump to obstruct it and then he could be charged for it. The only reason people were even charged was because they "lied" to the FBI. Manafort was charged for not paying his taxes and for not registering as a foreign lobbyist. But Tony Podesta had worked with Manafort and did many of the same things and yet he was never charged.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Found this on a message board. Commenter posted about a tweet from Jim Comey, which Comey quickly deleted. Then Comey tweeted a corrected version.

posted on Jun, 1 2019

I will keep this thread short and sweet.
Earlier today, James Comey had a tweet.

The Tweet Jim Comey deleted: (which was posted - time stamped at 10:28am on June 1st, 2019)

James Comey @Comey
Bill Barr on CBS offers no facts. An AG shouldn't be echoing conspiracy theories. He should gather facts and show them. That's what justice is about. Q


And then Jim put up a new tweet: - (which was posted - time stamped at 1:32pm on June 1st, 2019)

James Comey @Comey
Bill Barr on CBS offers no facts. An AG shouldn't be echoing conspiracy theories. He should gather facts and show them. That's what justice is about.


As you can see, the Q is gone on the replacement Tweet.

Was it an accident, or what? I'm curious what others think about this.

Sorry about the off topic. I'll be back with a response I'm still working on.

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All of the people involved need to be jailed for sedition with long sentences.

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institutional resistance, and it goes much deeper than those at the top.

I read that when Trump ordered Brennan's security pass revoked, whoever was responsible for doing the task did not comply.

Trump needs to review entire agencies, especially defense related ones, and fire all insubordinates.

And I held the same opinion during Clinton's administration when people seemed to be pulling crap on him.

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snoopydawg's picture

Mueller turns justice system on its head

Special Counsel Robert Mueller should be censured, if not disbarred, for violating Department of Justice rules and turning the legal system upside down for political purposes -- to "get Trump."

His malpractice was on full display this week with his unnecessary press conference to smear the president's character and reputation by inferring he committed crimes -- without bringing charges.

Our legal system doesn't work that way.

The accused is either innocent or guilty based on factual evidence -- not nuance or smoke and mirrors. If prosecutors have insufficient evidence and can't bring charges against someone, the case is dropped. And prosecutors aren't supposed to damage a person's reputation for spite.

But that's exactly what Mueller did in violating Department of Justice rules and protocols.

In the U.S. justice system, Americans are afforded the presumption of innocence, and the burden to proof is on law enforcement -- not the defendant. But Mueller took a sledgehammer to that foundational principle during his partisan press conference by saying, "If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. ... We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime."

If, after all that, Mueller and 19 high-priced lawyers couldn't find sufficient evidence a crime was committed and bring indictments against the president, it's because it didn't happen.

It was all a hoax, stemming from a discredited dossier and massive disinformation campaign waged by Trump's political enemies.

But that fact didn't stop Mueller during his media spectacle from kicking the president in the shins on his way out the door. He implied that just because he didn't charge Trump due to Office of Legal Counsel rules that state he can't indict a sitting president, that doesn't mean Trump is exonerated. This wrongfully put the burden of proof upon the accused, forcing Trump to prove his innocence.

Bingo. Mueller has left Americans with the idea that Trump actually did think that Trump committed some type of offense, but he also says that he has no proof that he did. This leaves Trump without a way to clear his name.

And now we see that he was purely biased on how he wrote his report by leaving lots of pertinent information out of his report. Plus there's the fact that he didn't interview any one person from the FBI involved with putting Trump under investigation of false pretenses.
This sham has gone on long enough and I would be just overjoyed if Barr did actually hold people responsible for creating this propaganda scam on the American people. Especially Hillary Clinton and everyone else involved no matter how far up it goes. But we know that people like Herheinous are never held accountable. She's off living her grifting life while we are still stuck with her mess.

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@snoopydawg letter of clarification about Mueller's presser?

But the bottom line is, no matter what Mueller said, the dems will simply make stuff up.

I just heard some dem legislator on tv say that Trump should be appreciative of Nancy Pelosi because she is so unbelievably wonderful.

Dems have gone completely insane.

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snoopydawg's picture


"Unlike the election interference investigation, which began as a counterintelligence investigation inside the FBI, the obstruction investigation began as a criminal investigation – and a criminal investigation that Mueller admits he never had the authority to conclude," Shapiro wrote. "Mueller stated regarding Russian interference, 'It was critical for us to obtain full and accurate information from every person we questioned.

This should have been the first question asked. What crime is Mueller investigating? No one in Trump's campaign committed any crime and even if they had it would have been because the FBI put it in front of them. Again why didn't Mueller talk to anyone from the FBI? On what grounds did they decide to investigate whether someone in Trump's campaign had to be investigated? They helped set it up. And as one article posted here shows it was Hillary's BFF Bluementhal that created the dossier that they used to get FISA warrants. Did they open it because Trump said, "Russia if you find Hillary's missing emails let us know." If Hillary hadn't deleted the missing emails that she was ordered to turn into congress Trump would never had joked about that. And if she hadn't used her private email server against every rule made then Comey wouldn't have had to tell congress that the NYC FBI office found her emails on Weiner's laptop. No crime no investigation. And how many people are aware that it's known how Strzok changed Comey's words of grossly negligent to something less? If he hadn't done that she could have been charged under the espionage act. Could have and should have.

Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider."

Yet Mueller proceeded to write two hundred pages about Trump himself, and his conduct. This means that Mueller spent tens of millions of dollars and years of time investigating unindictable conduct. So what the hell was he doing? Mueller provided two separate explanations for the investigation of Trump’s conduct: first, he said, the investigation was permitted because it is “important to preserve evidence while memories are fresh and documents available.” Evidence of what, though? A crime? But Mueller refused to allege a crime. So evidence of something -- something that wasn’t prosecutable right now, and that Mueller refused to suggest amounted to a crime for the future. Mueller himself said the investigation was justified because perhaps it would have resulted in evidence that “could be used if there were co-conspirators who could be charged now.” But Mueller didn’t charge co-conspirators in obstruction. This is bizarre, at least.

Mueller’s second justification is more obvious: he essentially said he was doing Congress’ impeachment groundwork for them. “The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,” Mueller stated. This is an invitation to impeachment.

But that’s not Mueller’s job. He is a member of the executive branch. He is not an independent counsel. He is not a legislative investigator. A criminal investigation that cannot possibly result in charges is a conflict in terms. Mueller never should have agreed to such an investigation under the law, and Mueller’s own standard makes that clear.

Aargh! Exactly. The investigation was in place to start two days after Comey leaked his private meeting notes with Trump. Was that legal? Mueller was said to be interested in getting the job as FBI director even though legally he couldn't again. He left his phone in the Oval Office. Why? Rosestein offered to wear a wire to tape his conversations with Trump. He helped setup the investigation by Mueller. Why wasn't he fired?

Russia Gate was a scam from the beginning. This was brilliantly setup for multiple reasons. Internet censorship started after it did. The increase in the military budget so the defense companies can build more weapons of mass destruction to use on Russia when the time is right and people have been conditioned to see Russia as the enemy. Saying that Russia gave Assange and Wikileaks the hacked information from the DNC has turned anyone in Assange's camp against him for when we rendition him here. And the other things I'm missing... Aack I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of the things we have covered here for over two years.

Interesting article, thanks.

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Alligator Ed's picture


Rosestein offered to wear a wire to tape his conversations with Trump. He helped setup the investigation by Mueller. Why wasn't he fired?

After Müller delivered his hydra report, a many-headed monster full of venom, AG Barr gave a conference during which Rod Rosenstein stood slightly behind him motionless and completely inexpressive. Rosenstein was there to give Barr's commentary additional weight for the Dems to contend because he was a henchman in the coup attempt. So, to attack Barr, Rosenstein, a co-conspirator in the plot, would have had to be criticized. That would have been quite unpleasant for those who contended earlier that Trump would fire Rosenstein because of RR's involvement. Would the Dems then be forced to say Rosenstein was a bad fellow for visually supporting Barr?

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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

The republicans are saying that Russia did indeed interfere with the election. I'm sure that they know that they didn't. But both parties want the things that are happening because of it.

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@snoopydawg missing emails (not HRC's, someone else's) and missing documents from some of the HRC stuff.

See, didn't I say that Mueller was taking so long in order to destroy evidence?

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snoopydawg's picture


I think I read something about how the Comey emails have gone missing or were deleted too. Yeah Mueller is never going to testify or say anything else from what he has already said. I don't think he can be the one that makes this decision. But congress isn't really interested in impeachment. This is just a ruse to keep people distracted. Did you hear about the congress person who has the authority to get Trump's taxes? He first asked for them and after he was told no he said that he would subpoena them. This was a month ago and now NYC has offered him Trump's state taxes and he said that he doesn't want them because it would look like he was singling Trump out and would give him ammunition to say that it's a witch hunt. LMAO! He's the only one who can get them. This article is in last night's EBs if you're interested.

The lawyers for Hillary told the FBI that they had no say in whether her computers were destroyed or not. Comey never looked at her stuff when he interviewed her without being under oath.

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@snoopydawg Where was the crime?

The stock answer from the FBI (or was it the CIA?) is that when they notice people interacting with the Russians, they get suspicious and check it out.

That reason simply isn't believable.

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snoopydawg's picture


Hmm. Guess that they don't notice when other governments are talking to people in ours. What a silly reason.

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@snoopydawg That is what has been offered up as justification for the spying.

So, my dad used to work in Russia for a couple of years in the energy area (he was safety compliance person there). His interpreter came to the US, and I had the privilege of having dinner with him and his wife (he knew my co-workers husband - they had met in Viet Nam), and they prepared traditional Russian borsch.

So, I guess I need to turn in me and my Dad. And rat out my former co-worker and her husband.

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Aron said that Mueller never stated that Mitsud was NOT connected to the Russian government, leaving the impression that Papadouplous was looking for an in with the Russians.

This crap will never end.

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snoopydawg's picture


Thanks for bringing him up.

He too is connected to the FBI or CIA, but he was very involved in setting up Papadouplous who was also charged for a process crime.. whoopie huh? Misfud tells Papa that he has information on Hillary's emails and.... then the Dutch ambassador just happened to hear about it from him? How did he know where Papa was?

The FBI had gotten the phone call between Flynn and some one in Russia on tape and when they spoke to him he didn't say exactly what he did on it so he gets charged with lying. Lots of FBI guys didn't think he lied. But Flynn ran out of money and Mueller was threatening to go after his son. Robert Mueller the darling of the centrists. Yuck!

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Pluto's Republic's picture

...about the Mueller Cover-up Report.


1. Strategic omissions — which, in effect, are a roadmap to Muller's sabotage of truth and fraud against the American People.
2. The unethical and despicable Papadouplous sting — which sent the entire operation careening down the path of corruption.

Both of these show up early in the investigation. There are so many obvious and self-serving omissions in Mueller's Report that I was actually embarrassed for him. Throughout the Report, he displays for the alert reader the sorry state of his professionalism and integrity. Mueller builds his arguments and observations on a foundation of facts-not-in-evidence, deliberate omissions, and a nasty presumption of guilt.

Let's face it, Mueller's entire career has been a blight on the law and a setback for the nation. It's been an experience watching him abruptly folding up his tent and running pell-mell out of Washington, DC. He paused only for his anxious press conference where he farts chaos, takes a final crap on the truth, and vows never to answer another question about his $40 million dollar investigation..

I'm so glad I was alive to see this. I feel like Dostoyevsky.

In the end, Mueller is a standard-issue psychopath. He gets fixated on a "big" narrative, and he will do anything it takes to make the reality fit the narrative as he builds a case. He will concoct elaborate lies, omit important witnesses, withhold evidence, avoid being questioned, cover his tracks, remain utterly remorseless, will not be pinned down, shows no mercy to those he traps, and disappear if he thinks he might be caught.

For those who think they can't spot psychopaths, next time you see a video of Robert Mueller, study it very closely. Watch his eyes, hands, mouth. Watch when he swallows. Pay attention to his words. Do that a couple of times and you'll have your roadmap. Too many politicans exhibit these same qualities, but you can't have American-style capitalism without psychopaths to lead the way and normalize predatory behavior.

Here's Craig Murray critiquing Mueller's Report. He's not trying to diagnose Mueller, or prove my theory of a cover-up. Murray is just stating his own observations:

On the DNC leak, Mueller started with the prejudice that it was “the Russians” and he deliberately and systematically excluded from evidence anything that contradicted that view.

Mueller, as a matter of determined policy, omitted key steps which any honest investigator would undertake. He did not commission any forensic examination of the DNC servers. He did not interview Bill Binney. He did not interview Julian Assange. His failure to do any of those obvious things renders his report worthless.

There has never been, by any US law enforcement or security service body, a forensic examination of the DNC servers, despite the fact that the claim those servers were hacked is the very heart of the entire investigation. Instead, the security services (and Mueller) simply accepted the “evidence” provided by the DNC’s own IT security consultants, Crowdstrike, a company which is politically aligned to the Clintons.

That is precisely the equivalent of the police receiving a phone call saying:

“Hello? My husband has just been murdered. He had a knife in his back with the initials of the Russian man who lives next door engraved on it in Cyrillic script. I have employed a private detective who will send you photos of the body and the knife. No, you don’t need to see either of them.”

There is no honest policeman in the world who would agree to that proposition, and neither would Mueller were he remotely an honest man.

Two facts compound this failure.

The first is the absolutely key word of Bill Binney, former Technical Director of the NSA. Bill Binney is an acknowledged world leader in cyber surveillance, and is infinitely more qualified than Crowdstrike. Binney states that the download rates for the email “hack” given by Crowdstrike [were transferred] at a speed – 41 Megabytes per second – that could not... be attained remotely [by a hacker]: thus the emails must have been downloaded to portable memory [inside the DNC offices]. Binney offers further evidence regarding formatting which supports this. Did Mueller call him as a witness? No. Binney’s voice is entirely unheard in the report.

Mueller’s refusal to call Binney and consider his evidence was not the action of an honest man.

Mueller’s identification of “DC Leaks” and “Guccifer 2.0” as Russian security services is something Mueller attempts to carry off by simple assertion. Mueller shows DNC Leaks to have been the source of other, unclassified emails sent to Wikileaks that had been obtained under a Freedom of Information request and then Mueller simply assumes, with no proof, the same route was used again for the leaked DNC material. His identification of the Guccifer 2.0 persona with Russian agents is so flimsy as to be laughable....


So here we have Mueller omitting the key steps of independent forensic examination of the DNC servers and hearing Bill Binney’s evidence. Yet this was not for lack of time. While deliberately omitting to take any steps to obtain evidence that might disprove the “Russian hacking” story, Mueller had boundless time and energy to waste in wild goose chases after asserting totally non-existent links between Wikileaks and the Trump campaign, including the fiasco of interviewing Roger Stone....

Mueller's systematic cover-up for the FBI and key members of the Intelligence Community is only part of the inaccuracies and deliberate sabotage in the Report.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

That no one besides CrowdStrike has looked at the DNC computers is par for the course for Russia Gate. The whole thing was based on no evidence of anything happened. And as I said in a previous thread there are at least 3 people in the WH that knows that VIPS. concluded that they were not hacked but downloaded. Plus a republican congress critter talked to Assange in the embassy about who gave him the information on this. He knows it didn't come from Russia.

Mueller's job was to cover up the crimes that Obama's DOJ and Hillary committed. But we here know what the truth is. Or as much of it that can be known.

Did you read this article that I excerpted a few days ago?

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Alligator Ed's picture


Subsequently, Mueller is seen as believing Trump committed crimes and Barr as covering for Trump. Meanwhile, Mueller won’t appear before Congress to testify but instead rides off into the sunset, and Barr holds the investigation’s declassification authority. In effect, this artificially constructed, unnecessary legal-constitutional ambiguity, is a set-up.

The Democrats will pursue impeachment, as Barr ‘grudgingly’ declassifies titillating pieces of ‘the evil Russians did it’ investigative documents, sucking the Democrats in further & further until the critical portions are finally unveiled, vindicating Trump, making the pro-impeachment forces look like the small and vindictive idiots they actually are, emphasizing idiots. This will, no doubt be played to timing around the 2020 election cycle.

True, the Swan did try his best to throw shade on the ultimate "no collusion, no obstruction" narrative with his ultimate pander against Trump. But Müller isn't trying to get Trump re-elected. He is trying to keep his uranium-dust coated skin intact by placing roadblocks to Trump gaining the presidential traction he would have had absent Russiagate.

Trump is pissed but hides it well. The twitter bursts which mark his thinking are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Trump knows this.

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@Alligator Ed have very good timing.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

I'm going to wait to see what comes from it. If it's a serious investigation then lots of people will be caught up in it. But I doubt that Hillary is going to be charged for anything even though she started the whole thing.

Are you still following Q? If so have you heard about the rumors that it's just another psyops done by the intelligence agencies?

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Pluto's Republic's picture


...but I see him as the key misstep that the Obama admin cabal made — right at the beginning — that set their secret investigation on a slow-motion tumble that would eventually doom the entire Russia Hoax. When they set Papadopoulos up — there were quite a few people involved in the elaborate sting, they were confident that they could engineer a win for Hillary, even if they had to put a thumb on the scale. Exit polls indicated local irregularities. Statistical analysis across history and population size suggest that Hillary ended up with way too many votes in 2016. But no one had anything to gain from taking a closer look at that. Election night was queer in several ways.

We can now see that the US election spying started very early in 2016; it could have been even earlier. Long before there was a dossier or stolen emails. I suspect Bernie was a target for a time. CrowdStrike was working with the DNC as early as late march, early April. They had been called in when a Sander's staffer penetrated the DNC firewall and started moving Party files. They blocked the Sander's campaign data and everybody was lawyering up.

The cold war was now running white hot, though that news wasn't in the People's feed, yet. In 2013, Snowden enters Russia's protection with the crown jewels. In early, 2014 Polish snipers of the Nazi persuasion helped the CIA stage the overthrow of the just-elected Ukraine government. By summer, the Russians snatched Crimea from Vicki Nuland's very vagina, to quote Pepe Escobar. Crimea was supposed to be the strategic jewel-in-the-crown for NATO — and a fatal blow to the military and morale of Russia. In 2015, the Russian army began to actively defend Syria after the US army pushed into that country uninvited, and proceeded to occupy it illegally.

Meanwhile. Russia Today on YouTube had become the most watched news network in the United States. RT was meticulously impartial toward the 2016 US elections, but the "old time" anti-communists in the Intelligence Community were convinced that RT was somehow brainwashing Americans. That notorious Pinko, Bernie Sander's, was pulling historic crowds where ever he went, and he was pulling ahead in the Polls. Swept up by the US cycle of bad decisions, the media monopolies ripped off their fairness masks and went totally biased. Not even PBS was faking impartiality anymore. This was war.

To cut to the chase, in early 2016, parts of the IC were running intense spying operations and pulling backgrounds on everyone in sight. But there was something very old school about it. I picture Brennan and Clapper in this part of the operation. Imagine lots of assets standing by, and people with fake accents wearing wires. People running into each other a second time, and getting each other drunk. Frequent international travel and all kinds of quaint protocol. These were English and Australian spies working on US soil. This is what Papadopoulos walked into. They worked him until enough connections were made that the US could legally engage in domestic spying and take over. There were no FISA warrants yet, but the extended Trump family and Trump's campaign have not had a private moment s
ince at least March 2016.

Don't know if you caught this, but Andy McCarthy wrote an interesting piece on this ill-fated turn of events in the nation's history. He flips over a number of significant clues.

The FBI’s Trump-Russia Investigation Was Formally Opened on False Pretenses

May 6, 2019

The State Department and an Australian diplomat grossly exaggerated Papadopoulos’s claims — which were probably false anyway.

Chicanery was the force behind the formal opening of the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation. There was a false premise, namely: The Trump campaign must have known that Russia possessed emails related to Hillary Clinton. From there, through either intentional deception or incompetence, the foreign ministries of Australia and the United States erected a fraudulent story tying the Trump campaign’s purported knowledge to the publication of hacked Democratic National Committee emails.

That is what we learn from the saga of George Papadopoulos, as fleshed out by the Mueller report.

The investigative theory on which the FBI formally opened the foreign-counterintelligence probe code-named “Crossfire Hurricane” on July 31, 2016, held that the Trump campaign knew about, and was potentially complicit in, Russia’s possession of hacked emails that would compromise Hillary Clinton; and that, in order to help Donald Trump, the Kremlin planned to disseminate these emails anonymously (through a third party) at a time maximally damaging to Clinton’s campaign.

There are thus two components to this theory: the emails and Russia’s intentions.

I. Papadopoulos Knew Nothing about the DNC Emails — and Probably Nothing about Any Emails

The one and only source for the email component of the story is George Papadopoulos. He, of course, is a convicted liar — convicted, in fact, of lying to the FBI during the very same interviews in which he related the detail about emails. Moreover, the Mueller report confirms that he is simply unreliable: To inflate his importance, he overhyped his credentials and repeatedly misled his Trump-campaign superiors regarding his discussions with people be believed had connections to the Russian regime — who they were and what they were in a position to promise.

Other than Papadopoulos’s own word, there is no evidence — none — that he was told about emails by Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese academic whom the FBI and the Mueller investigation deceptively portrayed as a Russian agent. As I’ve previously detailed, because the investigation could not establish that Mifsud was a Russian agent, Mueller’s charge against Papadopoulos is artfully framed to obscure this weakness. Carefully parsed, Mueller allegation is that Papadopoulos had reason to believe Mifsud was a Russian agent — not that Mifsud actually was one.

If Mifsud is the asset of any foreign intelligence service, it is Britain’s — but that is a story for another day.

We learn from the Mueller report (Volume I, p. 193) that Mifsud was interviewed by the FBI on February 10, 2017, a couple of weeks after the bureau started interviewing Papadopoulos. Mifsud denied that, when he met Papadopoulos in London on April 26, 2016, he either knew about or said anything about Russia’s possession of Clinton-related emails.

The Trump-Russia investigation continued for over two years after the FBI’s interview of Mifsud. Mueller took over the probe in May 2017. During his 22 months running the investigation, Mueller charged many people (including Papadopoulos) with lying to the FBI. But he never charged Mifsud. The government has never alleged that Mifsud’s denial was false.

There appear to be very good reasons for that.

First, there is no evidence in Mueller’s report that Mifsud had any reason to know the operations of Russia’s intelligence services.

Second, prior to being interviewed by the FBI in January 2017, Papadopoulos never reported anything about Russia having emails — neither to his Trump-campaign superiors, to whom he was constantly reporting on his conversations with Mifsud; nor to Alexander Downer, the Australian diplomat whose conversation with Papadopoulos was the proximate cause for the formal opening of the FBI probe. (As further detailed below, Papadopoulos told Downer the Russians had damaging information; he did not say emails.)

It was only when he was interviewed by the FBI in late January 2017, nine months after his conversation with Mifsud, that Papadopoulos is alleged to have claimed that Mifsud said the Russians had “thousands” of “emails of Clinton.” There is no known recording of this FBI interview, so there is no way of knowing whether (a) Papadopoulos volunteered this claim that Mifsud mentioned emails or (b) this claim was suggested to Papadopoulos by his interrogators’ questions. We have no way of knowing whether Papadopoulos is telling the truth (which, for no good reason, he kept hidden from his Trump-campaign superiors) or if he was telling the FBI agents what he thought they wanted to hear (which is what he often did when reporting to the Trump campaign).

But the email component is only half the concocted story.


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@Pluto's Republic a bit of reporting on Papadopoulos and how he was ensnared....on Fox news.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

“Hello? My husband has just been murdered. He had a knife in his back with the initials of the Russian man who lives next door engraved on it in Cyrillic script. I have employed a private detective who will send you photos of the body and the knife. No, you don’t need to see either of them.”

Little Finger: "that is Tyrion's dagger so that means that he tried to kill your son Bran who will become known as Bran the broken."

Totally off topic, but it was good ole Little Finger that started the whole damn war. He got Lysa Aaron to kill her husband and then everything went to hell after that...

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

As far as I know he wasn't eligible for it because he had already spent too many years being it during Bush's administration. Congress had to do something that let him stay on longer than he should have. But anyway here's how he left his phone and some people think it's so that it could stay open to listen in on Trump's conversations. But the thing is that Mueller knew he didn't have any chance of getting the job.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg The Dems would be stolidly and stupidly pressing any smell of Trumpian villainy from Miller while the Repubs will be punching holes in the many-flawed special Counsel report and Müller having no recourse other than to
1. Lie, thereby risking a perjury charge
2. Tell the truth--shock! Horror!
3. Take the 5th

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Five topics are highlighted by Jeff Carlson:

5 Discrepancies Call the Accuracy of Mueller’s Report Into Question
June 5, 2019 Updated: June 7, 2019

Selective Editing in President’s Lawyer’s Voicemail

… In a recent interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Dowd noted, “Isn’t it ironic that this man who kept indicting and prosecuting people for process crimes committed a false statement in his own report. By taking out half my words, they changed the tenor and the contents of that conversation with [Flynn lawyer] Robert Kelner.”

The Rtskhiladze Texts

Another example of selected editing exists in a short sequence detailing communications between former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and Giorgi Rtskhiladze, who was born in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia and has been a US citizen since 2017.

The Mueller report, which incorrectly refers to Rtskhiladze as a “Russian businessman,” contains excerpts of some texts between the two men…

… It seems clear from the actual texts that Rtskhiladze didn’t know what was on the tapes nor did he know exactly who said they had them. Rtskhiladze’s lawyer specifically noted that Rtskhiladze “does not know and cannot identify who allegedly made the statements about the tapes.”

Rtskhiladze’s lawyer noted that this information was specifically conveyed to the special counsel lawyers, and that both the FBI and the attorneys who authored the report are in possession of all the text messages between Rtskhiladze and Cohen. He closed his letter with a demand for a “full and immediate retraction of these gross misstatements.”

Papadopoulos’s Meeting With Downer

… As Papadopoulos correctly noted in his interview with Bongino, Downer “isn’t a random low-level Australian diplomat. This man ran the equivalent of the CIA in Australia for 17 years. He was the foreign minister and he was their biggest diplomat in London.”

Interestingly, nowhere in the July 28, 2017, affidavit and the Oct. 5, 2017, Statement of the Offense from the Papadopoulos case is the meeting with Downer, Thompson, or Baker and Dudley mentioned.

The discrepancy in the dates, as well as the omission of the other key meetings in the Mueller report, point to either an intent to obscure and conflate certain events, or outright sloppiness on the part of the report’s authors.

Rosenstein, Sessions Discussed Need to Remove Comey

… On May 19, 2017, Rosenstein testified before Congress, stating: “On May 8, I learned that President Trump intended to remove Director Comey and sought my advice and input. Notwithstanding my personal affection for Director Comey, I thought it was appropriate to seek a new leader.” As for the memo he wrote recommending Comey be fired, Rosenstein said: “I wrote it. I believe it. I stand by it.”

Rosenstein then testified that he had discussed removing Comey with then-Sen. Jeff Sessions prior to Sessions’ confirmation as attorney general:

“In one of my first meetings with then-Sen. Jeff Sessions last winter, we discussed the need for new leadership at the FBI. Among the concerns that I recall were to restore the credibility of the FBI, respect the established authority of the Department of Justice, limit public statements, and eliminate leaks.”

Rosenstein and Sessions had both thought Comey needed to be removed as FBI director long before the president took action to fire him. Although their reasons for the need to fire Comey may have differed from the president, these opinions—likely voiced to the president directly—add additional context to Comey’s firing that is missing from the report.

Why Was Nader Allowed to Leave Country

Another issue that has arisen is the testimony of George Nader, who is mentioned more than 100 times in the Mueller report. Nader, who worked as an adviser for the United Arab Emirates, arranged a meeting between Kirill Dmitriev, a Russian national who heads Russia’s sovereign wealth fund, and Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, during the transition period following the 2016 presidential election.

… On March 8, 2018, journalist Natasha Bertrand broke the story of 1985 child pornography allegations against Nader, as was recently pointed out by an internet researcher on Twitter. On March 15, 2018, the Associated Press reported that Nader had been convicted by Prague’s Municipal Court of 10 cases of sexually abusing minors and sentenced to a one-year prison term in May 2003. He was later expelled from the country.

On March 16, a search warrant was obtained by the FBI to allow for the search of Nader’s phone for child pornography; the same day, a Politico article detailed a 1991 conviction of Nader for child pornography.

… According to the Washington Post, following Nader’s initial FBI interview at Dulles Airport, “over the following weeks, Nader began to cooperate with authorities, providing grand jury testimony about his interactions with Trump supporters, according to people familiar with the matter.” Given that Nader’s cooperation with the special counsel appears to have occurred through at least February, Nader’s possession of child pornography was known to at least some within the FBI while Nader was providing testimony to Mueller’s team.

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