My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Excellent start!
From:Personal Resilience: I am a Green Witch
Bill Melater Fri, 03/18/2016 - 01:48pm 0
Good food for thought
From:Personal Resilience: I am a Green Witch
Bill Melater Fri, 03/18/2016 - 01:46pm 2 Sat, 03/19/2016 - 11:16pm
From:Today's WTF
Bill Melater Fri, 03/18/2016 - 12:55pm 0
I chipped in $10/mo to help keep food on your family.
From:The Dreaded Site Meta #1
Bill Melater Thu, 03/17/2016 - 08:02pm 1 Thu, 03/17/2016 - 08:09pm
Thank you, both.
From:Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will.
Bill Melater Thu, 03/17/2016 - 06:56pm 1 Thu, 03/17/2016 - 07:11pm
Of course,
From:Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will.
Bill Melater Thu, 03/17/2016 - 06:03pm 1 Thu, 03/17/2016 - 06:16pm
Awesome diary, OPOL!
From:Are we too stupid to save ourselves?
Bill Melater Thu, 03/17/2016 - 01:59pm 0
Hey 99ers-- a touch of levity to lighten things up a bit...
From:Are we too stupid to save ourselves?
Bill Melater Thu, 03/17/2016 - 01:12pm 0
TY, JtC. I'll try all of those.
From:Important Site Announcement
Bill Melater Wed, 03/16/2016 - 07:17pm 0
Christ, it's like trying to circumvent the Orange Stasi.
From:Letting them know who is gone?
Bill Melater Wed, 03/16/2016 - 07:11pm 1 Wed, 03/16/2016 - 10:44pm
Thanks, JtC. Now... some further improvement suggestions...
From:Important Site Announcement
Bill Melater Wed, 03/16/2016 - 06:07pm 1 Wed, 03/16/2016 - 06:18pm
The job of the MSM is to sell soap.
From:Open Thread - Wed. March 16. 2016 - Trump and Fascism
Bill Melater Wed, 03/16/2016 - 09:37am 1 Wed, 03/16/2016 - 10:11am
I'm just plain sick of dynasties ruling this country
From:Alpha's Super Tuesday #3 Results Live Blog.
Bill Melater Tue, 03/15/2016 - 11:27pm 0
Interesting that they're all red states, no?
From:Alpha's Super Tuesday #3 Results Live Blog.
Bill Melater Tue, 03/15/2016 - 11:12pm 0
Tipped and recced, RA. Well said.
From:My diary is up on GOS.
Bill Melater Tue, 03/15/2016 - 02:10pm 1 Tue, 03/15/2016 - 06:18pm
