Capitalist Class

Hellraisers Journal: War, Patriotism, and Wage Reductions to Beat the “Barbarous” German Workers

The working class has no country.
The employing class has stolen them all.
-Robert Minor

Sunday May 21, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: War and Wages by Robert Minor

From this month's Review, some thoughts on War, Patriotism, and International Solidarity:

WWI, When They Ask You, Robert Minor, ISR, May 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones: We stand in the dawn of war between the robbed and robbers.

If they force us to shoot they will find
that they never struck such a band of fighters
as the American workingmen.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday March 14, 1906
New York, New York - Socialists and Trade Unionists Rally to Defense of Moyer and Haywood

Mother Jones, Miners Angel .jpg

Two thousand Socialists and trade unionists, watched over by one thousand bluecoats, gathered in the city of New York last night to protest the arrests and attempted judicial murder of Charles Moyer and Bill Haywood, officers of the Western Federation of Miners. One of the speakers was Mother Jones who stated:

We stand in the dawn of the world's greatest war...It will be the war between the robbed and the robbers, and the robbers will go down. When they talk of hanging Moyer and Haywood, now why didn't they talk of hanging the men who shot down innocent working men in Virginia? Why don't they talk of hanging the commercial pirates who are murdering the little children in the mills of the South?.....

If they force us to shoot they will find that they never struck such a band of fighters as the American workingmen.

Hellraisers Journal: IWW Issues Official Call to Action on Behalf of Charles Moyer & Bill Haywood

There are no limits to which powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Saturday March 3, 1906
From the Montana News: Official Call from Industrial Workers of the World

The February 28th edition of the official newspaper of the Socialist Party in Montana published the following appeal from the I. W. W. which calls for the working class men and women of America to rally to the defense of Charles Moyer and Bill Haywood:

Montana News, Helena, Feb 28, 1906 Vol IV No 24.png
Official Call To Action
Stirring Appeal Sent Out by Industrial Workers
as Result of Mine Owners' Conspiracy.

IWW Universal Label, IWWC 1906 Proceedings.png

Beginning at the Coeur d' Alene in 1897 a reign of lawless violence has been waged by the capitalist class in the western states, one phase of which was the unparalleled series of outrages perpetrated against the laborers of Colorado. Throughout this conspiracy there had been continuous attempts to crush the labor organizations of the miners by seeking to foist upon them the crimes committed by the capitalist conspirators themselves. Every one of these attempts has failed. In spite of suborned witnesses and terrorized and corrupt juries, every case has ended in complete acquittal. The failure of the conspirators' diabolical schemes has filled them with desperation.