Hellraisers Journal: IWW Issues Official Call to Action on Behalf of Charles Moyer & Bill Haywood

There are no limits to which powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Saturday March 3, 1906
From the Montana News: Official Call from Industrial Workers of the World

The February 28th edition of the official newspaper of the Socialist Party in Montana published the following appeal from the I. W. W. which calls for the working class men and women of America to rally to the defense of Charles Moyer and Bill Haywood:

Montana News, Helena, Feb 28, 1906 Vol IV No 24.png
Official Call To Action
Stirring Appeal Sent Out by Industrial Workers
as Result of Mine Owners' Conspiracy.

IWW Universal Label, IWWC 1906 Proceedings.png

Beginning at the Coeur d' Alene in 1897 a reign of lawless violence has been waged by the capitalist class in the western states, one phase of which was the unparalleled series of outrages perpetrated against the laborers of Colorado. Throughout this conspiracy there had been continuous attempts to crush the labor organizations of the miners by seeking to foist upon them the crimes committed by the capitalist conspirators themselves. Every one of these attempts has failed. In spite of suborned witnesses and terrorized and corrupt juries, every case has ended in complete acquittal. The failure of the conspirators' diabolical schemes has filled them with desperation.

The renewal of these outrages in the present arrest of Charles H. Moyer, Wm. D. Haywood and their associates marks the culmination of this conspiracy. The secret arrest, illegal deportation, and general criminal character of all the proceedings mark this as the first step to railroad these innocent men to the gallows, in the hope of thereby breaking up the radical working class organizations and putting an end to all resistance to tyranny.

We declare the arrest to be the result of a conspiracy premeditated by the capitalist pirates of the west, led by the mine owners and backed by the Standard Oil company. The latter had disposed of Heinze of Montana as an antagonist of its interests and found only the radical organizations of the working class left to oppose it. To put Moyer, Haywood and their associates out of the way would effectually clear the field for their brutal reign under the black flag of piracy. And this is the evident intention of the gang which has pursued our comrades mercilessly for years.

Speaking for the working class and the revolutionary working class movement, we accept the challenge in the name of freedom and will meet this outrage as it ought to be met, by calling upon our comrades to confront these debauchers of government who cry "To hell with the constitution!" and resort to every desperate means to intimidate and as the present situation shows, even to murder our fellow workers and comrades, who have never been proven guilty of a single offense charged against them.

Read the statement of one who was instrumental in kidnapping our comrades and separating them from their homes and families:

The officers of the Western Federation of Miners and those who were implicated in the secret designs of the leaders will never leave Idaho alive.

The Industrial Workers are here-by called upon to prepare for such immediate action as developments in this latest criminal outrage may warrant; first, by a series of mass indignation meetings, not to pass meaningless resolutions, but to act as becomes men conscious of their rights and determined to maintain them; second, by starting a defense fund, contributions to be sent to national headquarters of the I. W. W., 148 W. Madison street, Chicago.

It being evident that the Standard Oil free-booters have taken the law in their own hands, nothing remains for us but to meet them upon the ground and with the weapons of their own choosing. Workingmen of America, be prepared to act.

General President.

Wm. E. Trautmann,
Gen'l Sec-Treas.
Chicago, Feb. 20, 1906

[Emphasis added.]


Montana News
"Owned and Published by the Socialist Party of Montana"
(State Branch of Socialist Party of America)
(Helena, Montana)
-Feb 28, 1906

Montana News, Helena, Feb 28, 1906, Vol IV No 24
IWW Universal Label, IWWC 1906 Proceedings

See also:

Fritz Augustus Heinze

"To Hell with the Constitution."
-by Emma F Langdon

The Cripple Creek Strike
-by Emma Florence Langdon
Denver, 1904-05
Appendix, April 1908
(Coverage of Haywood-Moyer-Pettibone Case)

The Darrow Collection, Haywood Trial

PROCEEDINGS OF THE Second Annual Convention OF THE Industrial Workers of the World
310 Bush Temple, Chicago, III.
(Search with: Moyer Haywood Pettibone.)
Note: at this time (February and March of 1906) the Western Federation of Miners is still affiliated with IWW.
That relationship begins to unravel during the 1906 IWW Convention.


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Mark from Queens's picture

Thanks for you commitment JayRaye.

Was just last night reading Philip Foner's "Jack London/American Rebel" and the passage was about this.

While he was finishing "The Iron Heel" London paused to write the essay "Something Rotten In Idaho" about this extrajudicial travesty. Eugene Debs followed with, "Arouse Ye Slaves." To which the President at the time (Teddy Roosevelt) referred to the men in question and their defenders as "undesirable citizens." Maxum Gorky replied with this telegram: "Greetings to you, my brother Socialists. Courage! The day of justice and delivreance for the oppressed of the world is at hand."

Such fierce and outspoken rebels these folks were. Where are their descendants today?

Saw a recent interview with Big Short author Michael Lewis and the producer of the film. He's been pulling no punches in directly calling out Wall St as criminals who have upturned our society and should be prosecuted for it.

We need more people who have the power to call attention to this to come forward and speak truth to power. Like Jack London, who joined with the movement to indict the power structure.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

JayRaye's picture

Can't wait to publish "Arouse ye Slaves."

Coming up soon, stayed tuned!

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons