
The End is Nigh

“The president has agreed to our request,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) told reporters. “Hopefully the president has learned his lesson.

“Our unity is our power and that is what maybe the president underestimated,” Mrs. Pelosi said.

Is it reach across the aisle or reach around the aisle?

Bring on 2020...

Chuck Schumer's enormous Judicial blunder

A couple of days ago, I read an article somewhere about Chuckles blowing off all resistance to the Repugnant Party approving the Repug (Trump) ticket of 17 federal circuit court judgeships. Seems he need to get team out to their districts 2 or 3 days early, so he waved his hand and told Mitch McTurtle that Chuckles would see that Team Blue (should be Team Yellow) would give all 17 the okay without hearings. Man, what a great way to select a judiciary.

Our Leadership

Cuomo, Schumer, CNN

Oh yeah it's about the Big Dog..

CUOMO: What Bill Clinton said about Me Too, a lot of controversy. Your take?
SCHUMER: Not getting into that.
CUOMO: Because?
SCHUMER: I think it's irrelevant to what we need to talk about.

Nuff Said

PS Nice chyron: "Democratic Party remains totally united...."

Today's Humor (2/21/17) Chuck Schumer lectures GOP on party schism

Political hypocrisy is nothing new, but occasionally it rises to comic levels. One of the funniest, although not meaning to be so, is Wall Street lackey Chuck Schumer. Listen to the video in the link. After warning the Nation in somber tones about the impending split in the Repugnant Party, Chuckie unleashes the most astounding effluence of chutzpah, recent days.

In a bold and stunning move, Senate Dems tap Schumer as their leader.

OK, far from bold. And far, far away from stunning. As is done in a fraternal organization where the leadership moves "up the chairs", Wall Street's darling is now the Minority Leader in the Senate. Once you become 2nd Vice President at the Elks Lodge, you simply wait your turn to be Grand Poobah (kinda like Her Heinous, btw). Like the generals who insist on fighting the last war.