
Open Thread - 08-04-23 - Re-education

Is we learning yet?

Occasionally while surfing the internet I'll run across this hair on fire exclamation: "I'll see you in the re-education camp". Re-education? I thought that's what schools were for? Take that as you may, or not. I believe there is an effort afoot to thoughtscape your mind for you, as though you aren't intelligent enough to think for yourself.

To my mind, there's no need for a re-education camp, the camp has already been built, it's all around us. Like an ubiquitous schoolmarm, everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Like an insidious rehabilitation program, not of the physical world, but of the mental realm. Fences built around the mind are as effective as a barrier of razor edged concertina wire, maybe more so, because once the fences are accepted then there's no need for escape.


The Weekly Watch

Corona Curiosities

It seems there's more that we don't know than we do know about the SARS-CoV-2 and the expression of COVID-19. There's several conspiracy theories floating around driven in part by the quarantine of healthy people and the huge role of the Fed in buying corporate debt and foreign central bank debt and artificial inflation of the stock market, all while throwing working people under the bus. It is suspicious. Let's look at some of the things we do know and speculate about the rest.

We can dream of the day when we are not
"six feet apart"

The Weekly Watch

Whistling with a Mouthful of Crackers

How ironic to talk of whistleblowers and never mention Chelsea, nor Julian, nor Ed Snowden who are all being persecuted by the very people hollering about protecting whistleblowers. Not to mention it was a CIA agent within the white house spying on Trumpilini....and he worked his way through channels? Let's see how did that work out for John Kiriakou or Tom Drake or Jeffrey Sterling? They all served time. Like Russiagate, Ukrainegate looks like a CIA propaganda tool. Now instead of discussing real issues we'll be observing the circus of clowns dancing around and around and getting nowhere. Meanwhile there are real things happening like:


But they teach it at university!

If you had asked me a year ago about geoengineering, I would not have known what it was. If you had asked me about chemtrails, I could've told you what they were but I would not have been convinced that they were really a thing. They seemed like one of those conspiracy theory subjects that were a vague cause for worry but not yet a proven problem.