Open Thread - 08-04-23 - Re-education

Is we learning yet?
Occasionally while surfing the internet I'll run across this hair on fire exclamation: "I'll see you in the re-education camp". Re-education? I thought that's what schools were for? Take that as you may, or not. I believe there is an effort afoot to thoughtscape your mind for you, as though you aren't intelligent enough to think for yourself.
To my mind, there's no need for a re-education camp, the camp has already been built, it's all around us. Like an ubiquitous schoolmarm, everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Like an insidious rehabilitation program, not of the physical world, but of the mental realm. Fences built around the mind are as effective as a barrier of razor edged concertina wire, maybe more so, because once the fences are accepted then there's no need for escape.

There's also no need to think for yourself in this new world, there are those that have imagined a new perspective for you, a new world void of individualistic ideation, a contrived world where we all graze together in a field of conformity. A field grown of genetically modified seeds of thought, artificially planted to grow into an engineered system of compliance. "You will be happy", so the slogan states, first by coercion and cancellation and then forcefully if need be, just ask any political prisoner.
Do you watch TV? Movies? Read newspapers? Surf the web? Do you sometimes feel that your mind is being reprogrammed? The idea is to tear down the old systems to be replaced with new social and political paradigms. Paradigms less favorable to the human condition that most of us remember from the not too distant past. The new paradigms are portrayed as benevolent change. Benevolent change for whom begs the question?
The tools of the revisionists are gaslighting, obfuscation, semantic drift, lies and propaganda, or to term it in a concise nutshell, brainwashing. Done on a subliminal level, repeated ad infinitum, the susceptible mind will nod in affirmation, and in my humble opinion, said affirmation already exists among the majority. The real target of this onslaught of mind control are the youth, who have grown up with social media's bells and whistles and will welcome the chance to freely roam the parochial constraints of their own programmed minds. Our new normal will be their old normal.
Once the mind is corralled the march to the abattoir of self determination will be a slow walk to democratic irrelevance. Is free will even a thing anymore? Was it ever a thing?
A case in point is the contemporary onslaught on the First Amendment. Breaches of the First Amendment are nothing new, especially during war: Civil War (PDF) and WWI and WWII, to mention three examples. To me though, this new push seems to be an attempt at permanent displacement of what is arguably our most important right, the right to say what we want (with certain boundaries) without government interference. The federal government wants that pesky little hindrance of free thought and free will out of their way, for good this time. Recent revelations have shown the federal government's back door efforts to stifle free speech by coercive corporate de-platforming, cancel culture, and outright censorship. The government can't stifle your speech but a private entity can, or so goes the thinking. So government thumbs its nose at that quaint document from the late 18th century and leads big tech in a symbiotic dance of power and greed.
But could these recent revelations be part and parcel of what I perceive as a war on the First Amendment? Maybe so.
Nowadays red flags go off for me when a whistleblower comes forward with new revelations. It didn't used to be this way, Watergate and the Pentagon Papers are prime examples of revelations that lead to real consequences and real changes. Juxtapose that with today, starting with Dan Rather, nothing seems to be consequential and nothing changes. I've spoken of this before.
I watch the current revelations with apprehension. I fear the government is using the expose' of its coercion with big tech to normalize government censorship, to make it accepted and mainstream. The truth is being thrust upon us to sweep away the First Amendment right under our noses and right before our eyes. It's demoralizing and despairing when nothing is done about government transgressions and I'm afraid that's exactly what will happen again. I posit that demoralization and despair are exactly the end goal of these so called revelations. Capitulation and compliance are the objectives.
And we come full circle back to what I mentioned earlier:
A field grown of genetically modified seeds of thought, artificially planted to grow into an engineered system of compliance.
Is we learning yet? Those that wish us muzzled have.
I'm proud to be a conscientious objector in the war for my mind.
To view the lyrics click the white "CC" button at the bottom of the video

Good morning Free Rangers...
what's on your non-re-educated minds?
Please watch the "Political Corruption" video at the end of the open thread. Turn the closed captions on to read the lyrics. It's outstanding.
Good morning Johnny, thanks for the OT.
The sad thing is that large swaths of the public have been indoctrinated and conditioned into demanding censorship, clamoring for unpleasant and/or dissenting speech to be taken down, for books to be burnt and voices to be silenced. There was a time when some tried to achieve some sort of consensus via discussion and argumentation, but that has evolved into a desire for simple uniformity and conformity which is not so much achieved as imposed. Government actions and machinations are greatly simplified and assisted by the fact that the government need only sell its ideas and programs to these cadres of self-righteous who then become free, unpaid enforcement teams.
be well and have a good one
have a great weekend also,too.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning sir...
I agree on all points.
There are many sources of the indoctrination but I believe the boobtube to be the leading cause. There's the direct flow when watching it but there's the indirect flow when its used as background noise, sometimes all day. It's like listening to learning programs while asleep, it's subconscious programming. Before you know it you're spouting talking points just like the talking heads.
You mean cadres like Flying Monkey Squads who's sole intent were to run off anyone who dared stray from the edicts from on high? Now where did I see that at?
Heh, the very same
and these days they're damn near everywhere
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
A perfect example of a hypocrite!
I am sure he applauds
TV commercials do not feature Burger King, but I see tons of adds for vegetable concoctions, such as Nature's Balance. TV is grooming us on the diets of the future.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Maybe Antiny should have a talk with Biden
since Biden just kicked millions off food stamps and decreased the amount they get for millions more. Old Tony needs to buy a fcking mirror and fix the problems at home before trying to dictate to the world. Gawd what a horrible person he is.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Blinken's problem is stupidity and hubris
stupid con job.
That's what it takes to try to pull off such a(this is not an original thought: when I remember the video where it's mentioned I'll post it)
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
What he really means...
in political doublespeak is: "Food insecurity is global insecurity." Kind of like using food to implement color revolutions.
The propaganda wing of the UK military came out with this gem
It was a feeble attempt to explain the slow progress of the so-called offensive.
It didn't go over so well.

The next US military aid package will solve the problem.
Thank you for
British Intelligence is inaccurately named.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The solution?
Why, Agent Orange, of course. We probably have several million barrels of it left in some warehouse somewhere. You know, new old stock that didn't get shipped to Vietnam, and is now taking up space.
Warehousing costs money- might as well give it to the Ukies, too. Defoliate all that farmland! That'll show the Russians who is boss...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Kudos to RFK Jr
for filing a fed court lawsuit on Weds against Google/YouTube for violation of his 1A free speech rights in censoring him at the behest of the Biden admin for his comments in the covid area. The social media censorship has gotten way out of hand.
It seems straightforward that the gov't cannot do indirectly -- using social media platforms to do its censoring -- what it is prohibited from doing directly and that private entities should lose their immunity from 1A liability when they collude with gov't to violate those rights thus becoming effectively state actors themselves.
Good on you...
Thanks for bringing that forward, wokkamile.
Here I think the notion of the culture industry --
as once promoted by the Frankfurt School, bears relevance. Once they had culture itself as something spread through industrial products (movies, TV shows, modern advertising, electronic music, and so on), they controlled the public's frames of reference.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
It makes one wonder...
what the future holds given the speed of technological advancement.
Since so much past science fiction has become contemporary reality is it a stretch to think that the industrial products will be bypassed and the, ahem, "culture" will somehow be piped directly into the individuals brain, once they get past that pesky 1st amendment thing.
I have no idea what Horkheimer and Adorno would have thought
Culture Industry essay: "The misplaced love of the common people for the wrong which is done them is a greater force than the cunning of the authorities" (134). Remember, they originally wrote that in 1944 when there was no Internet and television was in its very early stages. So even in that day and age the triumph of the culture industry was quite profound.
of the Internet. I keep thinking of that line from the"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Was radio...
that much more of a technological advancement as the internet is today, for its time, especially for a generation that had just lived through the Great Depression and wanted affirmation that life was going to get better? The culture industry was as much a tool then as it is today.
Marshall McLuhan thought it was
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Radio remains very powerful
As proof of the continuing power of radio, I enter as evidence Mr. Rush Limbaugh, et al. Yes, Rush is dead, but the medium is not. Don't believe it? Turn on any AM radio at any time of day anywhere in the USA.
Hi traveler
It's amazing how someone (Rush Limbaugh) of so much consequence has become so passe. Is that a reflection of how far beyond dangerous absurdity we've gone?
I'm proud to be a conscientious objector in the war for my mind.
hmm, I have no mind to begin with, so they make war against nothing, once a dummy, always a dummy, who is the dummmy aggain ?. I am getting so confused..
Thanks very much for your outstanding essay. In order to educate myself I have to re-read it couple of times. Re-reading is am effective re-educational tool, isn't it?
Be well and have a good one and thanks for being here for us, JtC.
Thanks mimi...
glad you got some value from it, and no, you're not a dummy.
This is how the MSM twists the facts to put a positive spin on a
less than positive situation.
Obama’s job numbers were the same
Most of the new jobs created during his tenure were part time or gig workers who got no benefits and low pay.
Biden’s head of the fed has done a good job at reducing decent paying jobs in the tech sector and throwing hundreds of thousands of them on unemployment an keeping wages low. Add in the 30,000 thousand from yellow truck jobs. I’m wondering how many of those workers are sweating about whether they see their pensions get gobbled up in the bankruptcy?
I’ve also wondered how Romney could square his religious beliefs with stealing so many people’s pensions whilst he owned Bain capital? Has he been to confession about it yet…oops wrong religious cult. My bad. Remember that the church will get 10% of his wealth through tithing. I’m sure that the church leaders are quite happy.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Smithmas
Well maybe the 5th time is the charm
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
it looks like I'll have to get another stocking to hang on the mantle. I'll see if I can find one made from long orange flax fibers that I can comb over.
What gets me is how many people are okay now with censorship
and wants the government to do more of it because they have been propagandized into giving up their rights. I think it’s one thing to believe something that we learned in school when we were young only to find out that it wasn’t true. Like America won WW2 and without our help Hitler and Germany would now be ruling the world only to find out decades later how it was Russia that conquered Berlin. Yes we helped a lot and we helped Russia win $$$, but they had been totally left out of the picture.
But for people who swallowed all the Russia Russia Russia and Trump being the worst president ever and then the Rona fear porn propaganda that suddenly switched to Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine and "kill all the orcs" after they saw through the Iraq propaganda and they know why war propaganda is to manufacture consent for it, I think there’s another reason for why they did:
I posted more on this last year and I will look for the link if anyone’s interested.
Many of us here saw through the massive propaganda campaign and lots of people on the wotb did too so why did so many others fall for it?
The NYT recently published an article about how saying certain things shouldn’t be allowed under free speech. It just mind boggling how easily people are willing to throw away their rights and ours just because they don’t like someone or they are afraid.
Rambling and maybe incoherent, but high pain day.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It amazes me...
how many folks are willing to throw away their rights that they'll probably never get back. Maybe they don't understand how precious and fleeting those rights are.
I think a lot of it boils down to whether an individual trusts the government or not.
Those who once railed against the man
have now accepted the man and all it represents.
I remember you doing an essay on this wondering what happened to the anti war protesters during Vietnam.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I know quite a few who went through re education camps
and they are very different than reading something on the net you disagree with. Night and day different. We have access to as much and any information you want, never have so many had access to any and all information, calling this re education is ludicrous. I think we need to require a year of selective service at 18 to people can't grow old disassociated from reality.
How to prove you totally missed the point
without admitting you totally missed the point. And that includes CLAMORING FOR brainwashing and re-education!
If you don't think "selective service" involves INTENSE brainwashing, you have never been there.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
We have as much access to propaganda
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Do you really think...
this piece was about re-education camps? Or did you just read the first paragraph and decided to post an inane reply that had no bearing on the essay itself?
I gave you a thumbs up anyway, consider it a participation trophy.
Maybe it should be retroactive in some cases…
and no matter how old some people are.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
We are being bombarded with Newspeak as described by Orwell
Biden seems to think that 1984 was an instruction manual instead of a warning and he even went so far to create a Ministry of Truth. And everyone who supports the censorship has willingly gone into room 101 for reeducation.
You nailed it, JtC! Hopefully the court will stick to its decision and end the attack on the first amendment. Too bad though that most of our other rights are on life support. Biden is even chipping away at the 2nd amendment.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
me is learning - me not re-educating myself - sigh life is tough
isn't it?
Yes, uses needs more educajun
...but not more propaganda. That's not re-education, its Continuing Ed....hey gotta keep that certification and license.
We all have some areas where we think clearly, but we also have blindness. Take RFK's (mistaken to my mind) Israel policy, but perhaps he'll discuss the matter with Max. That indicates the inclination to learn, but you know it sure is hard to let go of those long held beliefs and values...doesn't happen overnight...and especially if you think about from a societal level. Slowly, slowly, then all at once.

from one car in 1900 to one horse in 1913
TPTB are pushing the narrative so hard, most people are seeing through the least they know things ain't right.
Well hope all is right with all of you!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I remain a loyal
As for RFK's position, he's in a very tough place, already having been accused of antisemitism by the usual MSM/AIPAC sources for his couple of recent comments. He's easily the most carefully and critically scrutinized and misinterpreted candidate running for the presidency. I take his more recent staunchly pro-Israel comments and the interview with the controversial rabbi Shmuley as a political move to insulate himself from further attacks.
One analyst at the ConvoCouch, a guy named Pasta who has been covering Kennedy's campaign closely, says he's going overboard in support of Israel to avoid being Jeremy Corbyned. Interesting take and seems about right.
In any case, it was a bad look for him to turn around and decline a talk w Max, doing more damage than good. Hopefully the interview will happen soon and they both can agree to disagree and maybe Max will ease off his unnecessarily harsh criticism. (will go watch his chat w Jimmy right now.)
Kennedy did lie
when he said that anyone who kills an Israeli gets paid for it for the rest of their life. Or that Israel only hits military targets…and probably a few other things. But those 2 are doozies and easily debunked. My biggest concern is foreign policy because of how many lives ours destroys and how much money is wasted on it instead of it being invested in America, but instead destroys lives here.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.