
Strange Bedfellows: Frackers and AntiWar Activists

Saudi Arabia has committed countless war crimes in Yemen with American planes and bombs.
Not only does the Trump Administration not care about this, they seem proud of it.
But the Trump Administration does care about mass layoffs in Texas during an election year, and by a strange twist of fate Frackers and AntiWar Activists have wound up on the same side of an issue.

Polling reveals that people who always support wars are usually idiots

Anyone who thinks that supporting the troops means supporting pointless wars, or that bombing villages somehow "teaches them a lesson" is not a deep thinker. When you encounter people that reflexively support wars against places and people that they know absolutely nothing about, you should be aware that you are dealing with someone who is both ignorant and angry.

Have we gotten even dumber in the last 17 years?

"History repeats; the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce."
- Karl Marx

Judith Miller, Karl Rove, Tom Friedman, Joe Lieberman have all crawled out from whatever rocks they were hiding under to step in front of TV cameras and tell us how wonderful a war with Iran will be.
