
Just how insane is our Syrian policy?

The global war on terror has redefined what constitutes failure.
At one time sending kids to die in a generation-long quagmire without end in a narcostate would unquestionably constitute failure.
That is the situation in Afghanistan today, but no one in politics or the news media bothers to point out the obvious.
The bar for foreign policy failure has been lowered to a back-breaking limbo champion level.

The Continuation of the Project for a New American Century


Back in September 2000, the neocon/Zionist think tank, Project for New American Century (PNAC), published a 90 page report called "Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategy, Forces, and Resources for a New Century." PNAC was founded by neocon/Zionists William Kristol and Robert Kagan and included many of the neocons that infested the Bush administration starting in 2001.

We just bombed Syrian government forces again

Did we just kill Russian soldiers in Syria? We may have.
