I'd like to see Tulsi take the McCarthyites to school

Can you imagine if Tulsi wore a red pantsuit to the next debate? It would create a Ruskophobia meltdown. The hillbots would be screaming hither and yon about how she's no longer hiding her true allegiances, etc.

And if I were Tulsi, I'd wait about an hour and then have a helper in the audience shout out the number of tweets that mention "Tulsi + Red + Russia" since the debate began.

And then I'd spend the next minute shaming all the twitteratti for their McCarthyist mob mentality.

"What have we come to as a nation when there are those among us who are eager to impugn a person's character over the color of their clothes."

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Granma's picture

In school anymore, especially stuff like the McCarthy era. I'm going to make it my business to teach it to my grandkids.

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@Granma just yesterday made some remark about Hillary's slam of Tulsi with an "lol" at the back end of it. This is someone who most certainly should know better than that but then again, she doesn't know that history and most in the US don't. I did tell her she needs to look up McCarthyism and look at just what happened to people who were destroyed but that idiocy. I doubt she does that though, she seems to be one of those who will nod along when discussing things but does NOT in the end really listen to what is being said, drives me nuts. I also threw in there that Russia isn't even communist anymore, and I highly doubt she knows that either. Our owners like it that way, a dumbed down and compliant populace more worried about what's in their daily Facebook feed than looking at reality. I mean history is just old stuff, right? We don't need to learn no history here in America and we refuse to do so!

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

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