
Political slogans

I was watching a video game live stream from earlier this year, when the two hosts started talking about their student council experiences. One of the subjects they touched on that applies to politics in general was campaign slogans, and their effectiveness. That made me consider the campaign slogans we hear today, and ones from the past.

Please stop the "Scumbag Trump" and other such derogatory memes. Don't help Hillary lie.

The goal of this essay is to discuss Trump and his criticism of Hillary, Obama, and Bush's Middle East Foreign policies. In response to the following essay I wrote a comment, which several people suggested I turn into an essay.

Scumbag Trump - Clinton "Founded" ISIS

But seriously, how bad could a President Trump be?

The threat that we could elect President a shallow, egotistical grifter whose career can be credited entirely to his father's success and could engage us in a multi-decades war, crush the economy while siphoning the national wealth off to his crony friends and set American jurisprudence back 50 years doesn't scare me.

I've lived through it once already. #GWBUSH

Why I believe Trump will NOT be a US President.

I really must pooh-pooh this notion that Donald Fucking Trump has any real possibility of winning the election.

I did use to believe this may have been a real squeaker of an election, that with the long-standing Hillary Derangement syndrome on the Right. It just seemed that maybe he would turn out to be somewhat competent.

Just some recent thoughts.

I don't fear a Trump presidency. I'm told I should, because he is the reincarnation of every evil humankind has ever birthed upon the land, and to let him become president would bring about an end of world scenario worse than anything we could ever imagine.
Or, from those who aren't Clinton supporters: he's a racist that would set the US back several decades.
