The Difference Between A Slave and a Worker (DMW TOP Salvage)

Before we go any farther, this diary is about Sex Work.

Some of this is from personal experience, some of this is from the anecdotes of friends who I have who do Sex Work, and some of this will be sourced.

However, this is an issue that must be discussed, and we'll start with the elephant in the room, which is Trafficking, and then go into the rest of it.

I must state that I've Known Sex Workers.

I may get banned yet

I thought y'all might be interested to know that I left this comment in a Bern diary, specifically where I saw a lot of comments ridiculously disparaging of Bern. So far, it's just a hide rated comment (8 hides to 1 uprate, thank you yojimbo). I guess I won't know if it leads to "worse" until Monday.

TOP as a strategic asset for the Democratic Party?

The kerfuffles over at TOP appear to have garnered the interests of the Strategic Culture Foundation in the form of author Eric Zuesse.

Zeusse has many less-than-laudatory things to say about TOP:

America!: The New Free To Play MMO (DMW TOP Salvage)

Tornado Software is pleased to announce the newest MMO to hit the Internet, one that everyone wants to play.


This new Free to Play MMO has some very unique features that set it apart from the pack, and ensure that all players will love it and keep coming back.

If you Demand to Open Carry, I demand Clearing Barrels (DMW TOP Salvage)

I hear you Responsible Gun Owner.

I get it. You want to carry your gun around. You feel that you're responsible enough to have it close at hand and that nothing should dissuade you from your task.

That's fine. But here's the thing. I have this little issue with you carrying it around loaded.

Report from TOP

I just visited DK (aka TOP) just to see what is going on and posting a few comments. The daily diary count is diminished--no surprise there. I am happy to report that many Berniecrats have so far escaped the dreaded ban hammer, including Tom P, Liepar Destin, delphine, LoneStarMike and others. I dwell on this topic briefly because some of the ongoing diaries there are very openly proBernie, but now of course far outweighed by proHRC stuff.

Good News Everyone! (DMW TOP Salvage)

(Originally Posted Dec 11, 2014)

As of today, you still cannot legally be sold into slavery. (Except, of course, as a punishment for a crime. Which nobody's going to really do. They WILL pay you convict labor rates, a growing and vital part of our economy!)

As of today, you still will have a pension. (Admittedly, LESS than you did yesterday. But think of all those poor people who don't get any, and realize that you're better off!)

Wow. The changes at TOP: Beginning of the end?

First, I am now Officially Thrilled to have found this place. It will be some time before the shell-shock of the changes at TOP have provided me dissipates. Thanks for this.

This morning I posted a piece on a group of people somewhere - 4chan was blamed - for making up a fake meme about Bernie buying an expensive car with donor's money.

Unbelievers try to tar Bernie with expensive sports car claim. And fail.
