Polling ToP on Pelosi calling for Conyers' Resignation

Even I, your humble opinionated bastard, am now truly amazed.

The response that my Poll is generating is truly mind boggling.

Long term members are lecturing me about the proper form of diaries, telling me I have no context for the poll and basically admitting that life is good inside the bubble.

They don't know what Pelosi said today. Really? Guerrilla Demorats? They don't know?

Here's the link

Just when you think it can't get any worse, TOP goes full rape apologist.

Much as I'm loathe to give them any attention, this one is beyond the pale, even for hillbots. And found courtesy of one of my other friends raising a stink about it, to quote her. "Male privilege must be defended! ---We're beginning to understand the extent of what they have to lose. Power defends itself by seeking more power. hmmmm"

They are losing it on the GOS

Even after repeated purity purges, they are still having these diaries in the wreck list:

Enough With the Circular Firing Squad
I'm truly ashamed of some folks here.

Both of these were "shame on your for wanting Pelosi fired, just because she's incompetent."
They are preditable, so I won't link to them.

The GOS hits Peak Stupid

Every once in a while I get an itch that wants to be scratched.
It's similar to driving by a car crash and craning your neck to see if there is any blood and gore. We all do it, even if it doesn't reflect well on us.
In this case "my itch" is to check out the wrec'd list of TOP to see what sort of horrible, mangled, car crash of a diary landed there.
I'm not proud of this urge.
