
Bernie Sanders for President:

FDR's Four Freedoms:

Freedom of speech.
Freedom of worship.
Freedom from want.
Freedom from fear.

Bernie Sanders four tenants:
A Green New Deal
College for All
Jobs for All
A $15.00 an hour minimum wage

I like having a Democrat running for office who reminds me of the old days of FDR, LBJ and JFK.

Remember when the Democratic Party was run by Democrats?

Tag, You're It: Learning How To Use Tags Effectively

Good morning my dear friends. There's an awesome, ahem, feistiness here this morning, very cool. Being from the 70s, the only tag I know of is the childhood game. I'm trying to learn how to use them better. For a number of reasons that might help our own article-writing skills and also help site effectiveness in terms of search, cross-linking, finding community and so forth. More below. Also, Allan Sherman. Just saying.