
Hillary Clinton’s Support Among Nonwhite Voters Has Collapsed

Great article on Hufffpo.

Hillary Clinton’s Support Among Nonwhite Voters Has Collapsed

by Seth Abramson
Assistant Professor of English at University of New Hampshire; Series Co-Editor, Best American Experimental Writing
03/31/2016 08:40 pm ET

Alpha's Super Tuesday #3 Results Live Blog.

Hi guys, it's me again.

I will be dropping the results of the various states returns in here and just hanging out chatting as the results come in from today's Primary.

Drop in and join me if you are bored, we usually have a good time. Smile

Hope to see you in less than an hour!

GO BERNIE!!!! Lets see some UPSETS!!!!


Brilliant new Bill Curry article at Salon today

Bill curry has always been out front of the posse catching up to El Diablo Hillario in the dusty deserts of the post-industrial wastelands. He's not only smart as a whip, but he has seen the Clinton Machine in flagrante delicto up close. Do not form mental images inside your head...too late, eh? Smile He's so close to El Diablo he can almost touch the tails of the rear-most horses. He provides a brilliant take on the view from there today. And takes a good swot at the overreach of the 538's of her MSM colluders. It even has a Jack Sparrow quote. Extract and link below.

A Campaign Manager's Perspective on the anti-Trump Protests

A lot of people lately have been commenting on how the anti-Trump protests could hurt Bernie Sanders' election chances. I thought I would share my views on this issue from the perspective of a campaign manager. Caveat: this is not my *moral* opinion on how things are or how they should be. This is my political opinion of the effect of anti-Trump protests on Sanders' electoral viability.

A few points about the situation:

Poll Aggregates for the Ides of March Dem Elections

I took screenshots of the HuffPo poll aggregates for the five states in play as of today, Sunday, 13 March 2016. I place them in order of descending hope Smile The south, sigh, remind me to write one day about the psychology of the oppressed by the genius Algerian resistance teacher, Frantz Fanon.
