police violence

Standing Rock: Invasion Happening Right Now


The amount of tanks and riot-gear-clad cops and National Guard, etc., is astonishing. There are still people in the camps, and there are concerns for their safety. Helicopters circling. Things are tense.

Please share and witness.

The Oil-igarchy vs. Native People (and the Rest of Us)

**livestream camera 1: https://livestream.com/unicornriot/events/7046185
camera 2: https://livestream.com/unicornriot/events/7046188

Government and military authorities, working on behalf of an oil company, have issued an ultimatum to the water protectors at Standing Rock. Leave the Oceti Sakowin camp today (February 22) by 2pm Central Time or be forcibly removed (which probably means arrested). Chase IronEyes posted some evacuation resources yesterday:

For those who choose to not be arrested after 2pm 2.22.2017.
Evacuation resources:
Buses will be at cannon ball bridge today at 8 am til feb 22, 2017@ 2 pm.
Motels provided
Bus tickets provided
Wellness and holistic provided
Gas cards
Please contact melaine 701-339-7896

Standing Rock: More Than 70 Water Protectors Arrested February 1

Yesterday, a group of water protectors set up a small new camp on Lakota Sioux treaty land -- and within hours, the cops and mercenaries came through in force and arrested more than 70 people, including Chase IronEyes. I watched quite a lot of livestream yesterday and there are numerous videos of the invasion and the capture of the people standing up for clean water and their treaty rights as a sovereign nation. Since the water protectors often post unedited video, many are quite long, and I therefore haven't watched everything I'm posting today. If you have time, please bear witness to what is being done to Native people again.

Standing Rock: Cops and ND Legislature Behaving Badly

On Martin Luther King Day at Standing Rock, there were actions both at Turtle Island (the small hill where ancestors are buried) and the Highway 1806 bridge, which is a public road that is still illegally blockaded by the forces protecting the pipeline company. In both locations, the cops, mercenaries, and National Guard attacked the water protectors with mace and teargas, and fired rubber bullets at point-blank range directly at people who were only a few yards away from them.

Standing Rock Update: Why Is the Highway 1806 Bridge Still Blockaded?

New video of the militarized, fortified blockade of a public highway near Cannonball was published on December 11. The vid below is 39 minutes long, but you should watch at least the first 15 minutes. In addition to the concrete barriers that were dropped onto the bridge several weeks ago, new coils of razor wire have been added, and the razor wire now extends hundreds of yards in both directions perpendicular to the bridge and also up the hill on both sides.

Standing Rock: Response to Threatened Eviction

Last Monday night, representatives of several different groups associated with the resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline responded to the ND governor's eviction notice. Without exception, all of the indigenous leaders affirmed that no representative of ND has any jurisdiction to evict them. They are not going anywhere. They cannot be trespassing, since they are on their own land, a sovereign nation. There were statements from LaDonna Bravebull Allard of the Standing Rock Sioux nation, Kandi Mossett from the Indigenous Environmental Network, Tara Houska from Honor the Earth, and a member of the legal team that filed the class action suit against Morton County, and two people, a woman and a man whose names I didn't catch, spoke about treaty law, Supreme Court precedents, and other legal stuff.

Standing Rock: Class Action Suit and Other News

The Civil Liberties Defense Center, on the behalf of the water protectors, has filed a class action suit seeking an emergency restraining order against the cops and mercenaries.

The request [asks for] an order prohibiting Defendant law enforcement agencies from using excessive force in responding to the pipeline protests and prayer ceremonies and asks specifically for a prohibition on the use of SIM, explosive grenades, chemical agents, and water cannons or hoses, as means of crowd dispersal. The civil rights complaint seeks justice against the constitutional violations perpetuated against the mostly Native American water protectors, including claims of retaliation and police brutality by law enforcement, as well suing the Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier, and City of Mandan Chief of Police Jason Ziegler for maintaining policies, customs, and practices that led to grave violations of Plaintiffs’ rights secured by the U.S. Constitution. This Court must decide whether the poorly trained defendant law enforcement agencies used SIM, freezing water, chemical agents, and explosive grenades to harm the Water Protectors and chill or deter them from their lawful exercise of the rights to free speech, association, and religion in violation of the First Amendment.
