police violence

Standing Rock, November 25

Today, at a mall in Bismarck, approximately 15-20 water protectors were arrested for "standing in a circle" at the mall (= trespassing, according to cops). Kandi Mossett of the Indigenous Environmental Network provides this firsthand look at the arrests (approx. 30 mins but there's a lot of repetition). The cops and one white guy she interviewed are hostile, and she maintains her composure throughout.

Standing Rock: Razor Wire Barrier Constructed Around Burial Ground

In another depraved act of inhumanity, the militarized forces in North Dakota have deployed razor wire all around the base of Turtle Island, the scene of one of the water protesters' actions yesterday (November 24). Please remember that when the Sioux and other indigenous people speak of "sacred sites," they often mean places where their ancestors are buried. Here's a 4-minute video from the Young Turks showing the razor wire being installed today (November 25).


Standing Rock: Live Action Right Now

This is at least the second action taken by the water protectors today. The first was in Mandan. This is at Turtle Island, where there are burials on top of the hill where the cops are massed.

Watch live now


edited to add another live link

Standing Rock: After the Water Cannons

Hundreds of water protectors were injured at the Standing Rock encampments when law enforcement blasted them with water cannons in freezing temperatures Sunday evening. The attacks came as water protectors used a semi-truck to remove burnt military vehicles that police had chained to concrete barriers weeks ago, blocking traffic on Highway 1806. Water protectors’ efforts to clear the road and improve access to the camp for emergency services were met with tear gas, an LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device), stinger grenades, rubber bullets, and indiscriminate use of a water cannon with an air temperature of 26 degrees Fahrenheit.

Standing Rock Sioux Under Attack Right Now

Cops and sheriffs are using water cannons on water protectors right now in ND. It's really cold there and people are soaking wet and being shot with rubber bullets, teargas. Cops are using concussion grenades. Live links below. I will add more as they come available. Share them please!


Does Violence Beget Violence?

A crazed gunman killed five officers in Dallas and wounded others. A crazed bipartisan leadership, coalesced with financial and business elites, and military brass, kill in seconds around the clock the same or greater number. Is it possible that if the latter did not happen, neither would we see more of the former?

"Officer-Involved Shooting" = Murder by Police

Philando Castile was murdered in Minnesota by a police officer as he was sitting in his car, reaching for his license and registration. His girlfriend, Lavish Reynolds, and her four-year-old daughter were in the car. As is common in extrajudicial murders of black people in America, the victim's loved one, Lavish, was taken into custody and as of this writing has not been released even though she is accused of no crime.
