Open Thread

Open Thread - Friday, March 4, 2016

I got back from one of my not so uncommon hiatuses and C99 was a hopping. It was good to see the other virtual drifters, hobos and nerr do wells hopping onto the C99 train. I am the diarist formerly known as NCTim and I shall be your sporadic host this fine day.

For the uninitiated, I work pretty hard to keep my diaries content free. I like to let loose a stream of consciousness that is easier to follow if you are demented or inebriated.

Open Thread Sunday 02-28-16

Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by Maceo Parker

Noam Chomsky Wants You to Wake Up From the American Dream
10 principles of oligarchy.

If you've just seen Michael Moore's movie and are wondering how in the world the United States got diverted into the slow lane to hell, go watch Noam Chomsky's movie. If you've just seen Noam Chomsky's movie and are wondering whether the human species is really worth saving, go see Michael Moore's movie. If you haven't seen either of these movies, please tell me that you haven't been watching presidential debates. As either of these movies would be glad to point out to you, that's NOT HOW YOU CHANGE ANYTHING.

Open Thread Sunday 02-21-16

Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by Martha and the Vandellas

Meanwhile, as the media and puppeteers decide who shall lord over us for the next four years, we inch closer to WWIII and the world burns.

U.S. kicks off its new bombing campaign in Libya killing 2 Serbian embassy workers
Serbian officials say they were close to freeing the two ISIS hostages, but U.S. airstrikes killed them

Open Thread - Wed. February 17, 2016

Good Morning, 99%'ers!

Today I am on the road, traveling south for a couple of days and I will not be on line for the next couple of days. Since my last several Open Thread essays have been of a serious nature, I thought I would post a more light hearted Open Thread today. Since we are in the primary season and President's Day was on Monday, I thought I would post ten fun facts about our Presidents.
