Open Thread - Wisdom Edition - Friday, July 1, 2016

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.
~George Bernard Shaw~
I believe think it wise to crank it up, especially for those with a paid holiday! Some reading and The Black Crowes for you pleasure.
What Psychological and Social Factors Contribute to the Development of Wisdom?
When thinking about how wisdom develops, some people believe that wisdom comes with age. This idea may be due to examples that come readily to mind either from personal experience or from popular culture. But before considering how wisdom develops, it is probably helpful to spell out what we mean by the term wisdom. The press sometimes confuses wisdom with intelligence, as if they are synonyms. But not all smart decisions are necessarily wise ones. Of course, many decisions that are smart are neither wise nor unwise. Such smart decisions are well informed, made in the context of deliberate and thoughtful consideration but they are typically the result of an intelligent process rather than wisdom. We might define wisdom most simply as prudent judgment, or as is often attributed to Aristotle, wisdom can be defined as practical decisions that lead to human flourishing. One way of understanding wisdom is to look to specific examples of wisdom, and perhaps this is one reason that people think that aging leads to wisdom.
We have few celebrated examples of young wise folks, whereas the image of the aged sage seems to be almost universal across cultures. The belief is that to be thought wise, one needs to reach a certain advanced age. Of course this does not mean that everyone who is older is wise, but rather to be wise, one needs to be older. This reflected in popular icons such as Yoda from Star Wars or Biblical figures like King Solomon or historical figures such as Confucius, but they are just well-known examples of the pervasiveness of this belief. A recent article in the New York Times on aging and wisdom demonstrates that this entrenched belief is very much alive. In fact this view about wisdom and aging served as the impetus for some of the foundational scientific research on wisdom by Vivian Clayton and Paul Baltes. The idea that wisdom comes with age is a model for a kind of successful aging, especially considering that much scientific research on the psychological effects of aging delivers bad news about declining abilities in systems such as working memory. The idea of becoming wiser holds out a certain kind of hope for our personal futures. For example, Laura Carstensen’s research on aging supports some aspects of the relationship between aging and wisdom. Her work shows that older people make practical choices about how they spend their time that increase positive mood and sense of well-being. This seems like Aristotle’s notion that practical wisdom should increase human flourishing.
Practical Wisdom: The Master Virtue
In 2008, Christopher Ratte and his seven-year-old son were attending a Detroit Tigers game together. When Ratte went to the concession stand, he grabbed a beer for himself and a Mike’s Hard Lemonade for his son, unaware that the drink contained 5% alcohol. When a security guard saw Ratte’s son nursing the bottle of the spiked beverage, he immediately took it from him and then rushed the boy to the stadium’s medical clinic. The medical clinic called an ambulance, and the boy was sent to an emergency room. The doctors at the ER found no trace of alcohol in his system and were ready to release the boy to his father.
But the police had other plans. According to procedure, the police were required to turn the child over to the county’s child protective services. Many of the officers hated the fact they had to do it, but rules are rules. County officials put the boy into a foster home for three days even though the case agents didn’t feel it was the right thing to do, but they had to follow procedure. A judge then ruled that the boy could be released from foster care and into his mother’s custody so long as Ratte moved out of the house. Again, the judge was just following the procedure in his ruling. After two long weeks, dad and son were finally reunited.
The police, county workers, and even the judge all agreed that what this family went through because of a dad’s honest mistake wasn’t an execution of justice. But their hands were tied.
When people hear stories like this one, they’re often outraged. It seems like something is wrong with society when these kinds of things happen–and there is. The cause can be traced to the disappearance of what the ancients called the “master virtue”–practical wisdom–a quality that is vitally necessary for the health of both our culture and the lives of individual men.
What Is Practical Wisdom?
The ancient Greek philosophers spent a lot of time walking around in their togas discussing the nature of things, especially the nature of virtue. ..
In order to generate such a strong altruistic attitude in which one promises to seek buddhahood for the sake of others, it is necessary beforehand to generate an unusual resolve in which one takes on the burden of others’ welfare. In order to induce this unusual resolve, it is necessary to have compassion in which one cannot bear to see either the manifest suffering of others or their oppression by unwanted internal conditions that result in suffering. Thus, from the depths of the heart one wishes that they be freed from such a condition. For, unless one is stirred from the depths by compassion, the high resolve in which one takes on the burden of freeing beings from suffering cannot be induced.
It is clear from our own experience that it is easier to generate compassion for other persons who are attractive to oneself or to whom one feels a sense of pleasantness—with whom one feels a sense of rapport. Thus prior to generating great compassion one needs a technique to cause all sentient beings to appear appealing and attractive to oneself. This technique involves viewing all sentient beings the way we already view those beings to whom you usually are the closest, whether these be our mother and father, relatives, or others.
In order to view beings this way, it is necessary first to see them in an even-minded way, and helpful here to use the imagination. Imagine in front of yourself a friend, an enemy, and someone to whom you are completely indifferent—a “neutral” person. Examine your feelings to see whom you hold dear and whom you consider in a distant manner. Naturally, you feel close to your friend; you feel not only distant but sometimes also angry or irritated toward your enemy; you just feel nothing for the neutral person. You have to investigate why this is so...
Tolstoy’s Christian anarchism was a war on both church and state
Tolstoy’s War and Peace is well over a thousand pages. And the BBC has been criticised for whittling it down into a mere six episodes. So it’s obviously ridiculous to try and summarise such a whopping doorstopper in three short sentences. But seeing as Tolstoy believed there was quite a lot to be said for foolishness, here goes: all Christians are fools. Politicians can’t allow themselves to look or behave like fools. Therefore, politicians cannot be Christian.
No wonder the Russian Orthodox church excommunicated him in 1901. He was a thorn in the side of organised religion and, even more so, a vigorous opponent of the state. For Tolstoy, the state was one great big protection racket, a monopoly of organised violence demanding money for a false promise of security. For by the raising of armies its citizens organise for war and yet also make themselves a target for attack. Thus the Christian state is a contradiction in terms. Not that you’d know it from the BBC’s bodice-ripping adaptation, but War and Peace is an extended argument for that most foolish of moral wisdom: pacifism.
Tolstoy’s Christianity was unusual. He didn’t care for the creeds or doctrines of the church, nor for its supernaturalism, nor for what he saw as the hypocrisy of its self-satisfied practitioners. Nonetheless, as “a theory of life” he believed the Sermon on the Mount could not be bettered. Not only are Christians called to love their enemies, but even more challengingly, to “resist not the evil person”.
The Failure of Pacifism and the Success of Nonviolence
Although pacifism and nonviolence bear a close relationship to one another historically, pacifism is the ideological assertion that war and violence should be rejected in political and personal life, whereas nonviolence refers to a distinct set of political practices. Unlike other modern ideologies such as liberalism and socialism, pacifism has never gained widespread acceptance among a significant portion of humanity and seems to remain a minority position among most of the peoples of the world. Even among those who use nonviolent techniques, the conventional wisdom that physical violence is necessary under certain circumstances often prevails. However, a growing body of empirical evidence shows that the methods of nonviolence are more likely to succeed than methods of violence across a wide variety of circumstances and that more people are using nonviolence around the world. At the same time, both the effectiveness of military and material superiority in achieving political ends and the incidence of warfare and violence appear to be waning. In a remarkable example of convergence between empirical social science and political theory, explanations for the effectiveness of nonviolence relative to violence point to a people-centered understanding of power. This research can provide a basis for a reinvigorated and pragmatic brand of pacifism that refocuses the attention of political scientists on the organization, actions, and loyalties of people as opposed to technologies of domination and destruction.
Have a rockin' weekend!

Much to think about here, Tim.
There was a mass non-violent demonstration of the Ithaca Commons yesterday that I was not a part of (fine) and yet left a bad taste in my mouth.
This was a manufactured (meaning not-so-spontaneous) show of support for ?Orlando victims, ?Orlando, ?hate crimes against gays. Hundred or more people assembled in matching T-shirts in formation of a rainbow flag. Overhead photo, very colorful.
But the T-shirts were for sale for the photo-op. I assume the buyers then assembled. I hope profit goes to some worthy cause.
Cynic me sees that as false altruism. Support, yes, and all there plus more will probably buy the picture, and attendees will point and say "that's me!". Dalai Lama would not be interested, I think. And we have a blessed temple here! By Dalai Lama himself.
Hope you have a good weekend, Tim. Thinking of you all.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Nothing quite like
... the Cornell and Ithaca kids demonstrating. Bunches of hardship wisdom among them.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Good morning all.
I liked the Black Crowes but haven't heard the music in awhile. I should look up some of their tracks.
I hadn't considered the difference between pacifism and non-violence much but I think I get it. It's my own belief that violence does in fact beget violence and it should be avoided at great cost, but I'm not quite a pacifist. I have defended myself and others before and would again, but it should always be the last resort. Unfortunately violence seems to be glorified today both in our media and by the government. Its hard to get away from it.
In the media, its an easy thing to include violence and death to spice up your product. We are programmed as people to immediately respond to threats to our life, and every film maker needs your attention. Unfortunately, this constant repetition causes people to become insensitive to it. Much like powerful spices make you unable to appreciate certain kinds of good cooking, many people become used to action movies and never see anything that teaches them anything of value. After seeing it enough, the natural human aversion to pain and death becomes deadened.
Sometimes I've watched young people watching movies like 300, or any one of a number of movies that are almost endless violence, and it seems that they are deliberately taking out that human aversion to pain and death. I spent most of my life trying to get it back. There are a lot of young fools out there that have never experienced the real thing, but only this endless glorification of it we have now in the media. I hope it doesn't cost them too much.
I woke up early this morning and couldn't get back to bed, so I'll try to get a few things done.
"every film maker needs your attention" NSFW warning*
*Profanity sex and nudity in the embedded video so of course Not Safe For Work. No one gets murdered or blown up, that would probably be okay. EDIT: Added sex to the warning haha I forgot, this film still makes me uncomfortable I'm such a prude. Still think it's important because it's banned from theaters and I think the artists' works deserve to be seen. Sterile culture is bland and uninteresting.
G'morning martianexpat, nice to see you posting more lately. It is great to see the memberlist here grow with many great writers, artists, comments.
You reminded me about This Film Is Not Yet Rated which really did open my eyes to media censorship. Who now heads the MPAA? Chris Dodd, through the revolving door. Politicians perpetuate violence in many ways.
That's a good movie.
That whole rating system has a peculiar politics too it. I definitely agree that it's a bizarre system. Its funny remembering a time that it was even particularly binding.
It used to be that film makers had a reason to go PG or at least R, because most television stations couldn't show an unedited version, but the FCC has no control over cable companies. They only prevented television stations with a broadcast signal from doing that.
Now that cable is all over the place its really quite insignificant. So in addition to the ratings being made based on weird prejudices by odd people, it's becoming less and less meaningful all the time.
Thanks for
welcoming me back, by the way. Keeping my internet on may be a challenge but I'm going to try to stick around.
I am happy to see many MOT folks here!
We can continue ongoing discussions. In a friendly manner.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It is an interesting distinction
I am non-violent and would describe myself as a pacifist, but that is more in the military and authoritarian sense. Otherwise, I am a rowdy hell raiser, who doesn't take shit.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
I've been awake off and on since last night.
Insomnia. It's not awesome. But there it is.
Lynch to Accept F.B.I. Recommendations in Clinton Email Inquiry, Official Says
This looks like some creative ass-covering, following the alleged "chance encounter" between Lynch and Bill Clinton and the controversy that it justifiably ignited. So, if Lynch is separated from the final indictment decision, this kind of clears YOLO Obama from any decision that Comey makes--legacy saved. Especially if an indictment actually happens (I doubt it actually happening, because these people are horrible). Or maybe I'm overrating Obama's Machiavellian tendencies here. But it's my best guess. Friday news dump sensors...activate!
Austria court orders presidential election re-run after far-Right challenge
Well, this isn't good. The far-right candidate nearly won--and let's face it, Norbert Hofer is a right wing yahoo. Ugh. Let's see where this goes.
Support grows for Theresa May as Michael Gove claims 'I did not want' to be PM during leadership launch speech
Michael Gove and Theresa May amuse me. Actually the Tories have always amused me--especially after watching the cartoonish parody of them in Armando Iannucci's "The Thick of It" on the BBC. These clowns took a huge dump on everything, blamed it on everyone else but themselves, and tried to come in and claim that they're the only solution. Not a good plan.
Okay, I've got to go get some brekky, so I'll leave with this...the liberal punditry is really pissing me off. My Twitter feed is filled with idiots like Chris Cilliza and John Holland claiming that Sanders is losing credibility and leverage because he hasn't endorsed HRC yet. He won't endorse her until the convention, and even then--I don't think it'll happen if she and her minions screw with the platform committee. And that's the thing that pisses me off as well...they could have adopted a more left leaning platform. Because the platform is nothing. But no, they couldn't even do that.
I wonder how things are going to go after the election (if there is no indictment and we're stuck with HRC as president--ugh). Will the schism in the Democratic Party continue? Will the remnants of the Sanders supporters organize against the neoliberal assault on the citizenry?
How are you doing? I was thinking of you during the FL shooting.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Thanks, Tim
A very interesting OT. Thank you.
Wishing you a Happy Friday, Tim,
and everyone else, too!
Good morning O
Slow start around here today.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Thanks, Tim..
I'm awake now.
Good Morning, NCTim, I am just not wise enough
to read anything anymore. My mind goes from weird to weirdest. I lost my phone. Now I am a true slave.
Sp, Loretta Lynch got somehow - in a sense - lynched by the ... by whom?
Forgettabout it. I have to search for my phone. Without a phone I am just a guinea pig-like starving lab rat lost in a labyrinth of dead ends in the company of other dead-enders.
What's a dead-ender anyway? Ah, see wise Mr. Rumsfeld said it all:
Now I wonder in whose cross fire I am left, so that I have to do is go down and be defeated. I think those powerful forces have succeeded. I do not feel comfortable anymore to post anything.
I hope you are doing ok, NCTim, and wish you all the wisdom, I will never have. Now, I should actually read what you wrote. I owe you that. And I know it's good stuff, always.
mimi, we may each feel like dead-enders, without RPGs
but we are still connected to a pulse, not just our own, but others. I am not good at finding femoral pulse, but in-practice not bad at jugular. We sense what's going on, and we are both invested in our offspring. Peace this weekend, unless news breaks all to hell, which it seems to be doing.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Hello Mimi
The world is really Orwellian. I don't care what they want from me or how they want me to think. I am going to live my way.
More people have to recognize the social manipulation and insist governments make life better for people, otherwise the devolution into feudalism, oligarchy and authoritarianism will continue unabated.
Things have been rough around here, my butt is dragging.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Unwise to connect a computer to the Internet
Home Computers Connected to the Internet Aren't Private, Court Rules
/thanks microsoft!
Someone forgot to tell the Secretary of State! Oops. I mean the Clintons.
Where is the corporate responsibility? Outsourced, probably. Or bought and buried by lobbyists, same as it ever was.
That has to be the most ridiculous judicial statement ever!
So I guess we don't need search warrants anymore to search your house because people can do home invasions?
This judge really needs to be smacked with a fresh halibut....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I guess burglary will be legal soon /nt
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Friendly amendment offered
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
By that logic,
I suppose if I lived in a home that had been repeatedly broken into, I would have no expectation of privacy there either.
We really need some privacy laws.
Privacy, surely you jest
There are people who repeatedly break into homes because the crime is worth the punishment. Perhaps the same is true for those few people who ignore the basic value of privacy for themselves and others?
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
Good Day, Tim!
You always post the most interesting Open Thread topics. Today is no exception. Much to think about and perhaps some day when I grow up, I may become wise too.
After walking the dogs this morning, I went through the entire summarized and excerpted testimony of Huma Abedin that Alligator Ed has done all the heavy lifting on for us. It is absolutely amazing the sheer amount of hubris that the Clintons exhibit over and over. I just hope Comey is as straight a shooter as I have read and will do the right thing now that Obama and Lynch have created a safe zone for themselves. Will anyone stand up to the Clintons?
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good Friday GG!
I have only made it as far as patience. Wisdom is further up the scale.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
What a morning it has been.
For some unknown reason none of my log in passwords seem to be working today. With three browsers loaded, the problem seems to be undetermined at this time. I am working on it. My regrets, I can not post today.
I will be back when this issue is resolved.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking