Open Thread

The Weekly Watch

Life's Cycles

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We lost our beloved cat, Ellie, this week. She had a difficult last year with an overactive thyroid...always hungry and eating but unable to gain weight. At least death provides sweet release from suffering. We buried her next to her life long friend, our old dog Merle. We feel privileged to have shared her 15 year life. She was a joy to everyone who knew her... sweet and loving. We all ride this cycle of life from birth to death, it is up to us to make the best of the journey... and help others when we can, spreading love along our path trying to emulate our pets.

RIP Merle and Ellie

Welcome to Saturday's Potluck

Polar vortexes are disrupting to life. We get them periodically in this part of Oregon. Hard to be completely prepared. As the years go by I just keep working on trying to have enough preparation done if the unexpected happens it is more an inconvenience than a tragedy.


Middle of January is not the best time for a Birthday parties, too soon after Christmas and winter roads. My 10th birthday was special there was going to be a party. Snow covered the frozen ground, roads were plowed and red cinders spread for traction in the icy spots.
