Open Thread

Open Thread - 05-20-22 - Assorted Ramblings

Chugga chugga, what's that sound? It's the American Dream leaving your house headed for DC. See that steam rising from the smokestack? That's your dollars burning, rolled up into logs, working for the man. See that caboose? That's you running like the dickens behind the train, but you'll never catch up. The dollar train left the switchyard long ago, when moneystreet decoupled from mainstreet. With abundant dollar logs to burn, hot off of the printing press, the train chugs onward. Until it derails. But maybe that IS the point.

The Weekly Watch

The Hypersonic Speed of Stupidity

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It's the hyperbolic shifts fomenting insanity from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and the associated Russiagate narrative, to the Covid mindset with vaccination, lockdowns, and masking controversies, to the Ukraine coup, NATO provocation, and Russian invasion. Now lets add in a war with China just for fun and maximum disturbance. Everyone has whiplash from these knee jerk reactions to events. The propaganda machine is running overtime trying to control the narrative, and the people are left confused and misled. Meanwhile back at the ranch the economic sanctions on Russia have come home to roost, and though the west is winning the western PR propaganda war, they are losing the economic and military confrontation.

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Album of the Week - 5-14-22

Afternoon folks!

I've got a couple of blues albums, a bunch of blues rock and some rock 'n roll for you this week.

There are blues albums by Snooks Eaglin and Roosevelt Sykes, a live album by Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac, the first two Ten Years After albums and Brownsville Station's first LP.

Have a great weekend!
