
The Weekly Watch

Laboring to Entertain?

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Let's break from the news cycle this holiday weekend and watch some old movies and a few fun shorts and cartoons. It's pick and choose what interests you. Only the most serious movie buff will have seen all of the films, and the shorts will be new for almost everyone. Have great holiday and enjoy a movie or two over the week. You might want to start your viewing with a cartoon or short.


The Democrats Heist Movie

Democrats are greedy bastards.

To be frankly honest, they couldn't give a shit about the poor, minorities, or anything else, it's all about the MONEY that those groups can give. As those groups have gotten poorer and poorer, the amount of money that they can squeeze out of their traditional groups has gotten smaller and smaller.

The Tuesday Talking Stick: Let's go to the movies!

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Because the adoptive family where I grew up as the only child went out of their way to me be non-communicative, at least with me, I think I must have inherited my gre·gar·i·ous side from my biological mother. Never actually met the woman, but I've discovered that she shared my habit of always wanting to make conversation both friends and strangers. Perhaps this explains why I would want to host The Tuesday Talking stick, and why I continue to enjoy hosting a monthly film discussion group called Spiritual Cinema Louisville.

That group actually has much in common with The Talking Stick and most open threads. After streaming a film or watching a movie on disk, we draw our chairs closer together and wait to see what happens. We, most often I, choose not to screen documentaries since that would be a visual presentation of take it or leave fact(s). We prefer films that provoke conversation rather than try to persuade ... films that speak truth although they may never have actually happened. By talking about what we have seen together, we hope to make discoveries that would not be possible {be sure your volume is turned on} if we stayed home and watched a film alone.

"Political Correctness Run Amok!!!!111!" (Forgive me, this may be a long one)

The title here refers to people complaining about the state of many forms of media and entertainment today from Television to Video Games and Music to, yes, even Professional Wrestling. These cries of Political Correctness and 'SJW Censorship' have ruined everything according to some. There's just one problem with that: What many of these folks decry as Political Correctness Run Amok is simply a media response to changing and growing demographics.