Mother Mary Harris Jones

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones: We stand in the dawn of war between the robbed and robbers.

If they force us to shoot they will find
that they never struck such a band of fighters
as the American workingmen.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday March 14, 1906
New York, New York - Socialists and Trade Unionists Rally to Defense of Moyer and Haywood

Mother Jones, Miners Angel .jpg

Two thousand Socialists and trade unionists, watched over by one thousand bluecoats, gathered in the city of New York last night to protest the arrests and attempted judicial murder of Charles Moyer and Bill Haywood, officers of the Western Federation of Miners. One of the speakers was Mother Jones who stated:

We stand in the dawn of the world's greatest war...It will be the war between the robbed and the robbers, and the robbers will go down. When they talk of hanging Moyer and Haywood, now why didn't they talk of hanging the men who shot down innocent working men in Virginia? Why don't they talk of hanging the commercial pirates who are murdering the little children in the mills of the South?.....

If they force us to shoot they will find that they never struck such a band of fighters as the American workingmen.

Hellraisers Journal: NY Socialists Plan Mass Meeting for Moyer & Haywood; Mother Jones to Speak

There are no limits to which powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday March 13, 1906
From The New York Times: Socialists Rally Behind Moyer and Haywood

From the Times of March 12th:


Ex-Mayor of Haverhill Wants Them to
Fight to Save Moyer and Haywood.

Socialist Party of America Button.gif

A appeal was made at yesterday's meeting of the Central Federated Union By John C. Chase, Former Socialist Mayor of Haverhill, Mass., for co-operation with the Socialists in protesting against the punishment of President Moyer, Secretary Haywood, and other officers of the Western Federation of Miners, who were arrested in connection with a number of murders, including the assassination of ex-Gov. Steunenberg of Idaho. These men are now in jail in Boise City. Capitalists and corporations were denounced impartially by Chase. He said that the unions at a meeting last Thursday decided on a perpetual agitation on behalf of the imprisoned men and asked to attend the first conference to push along the agitation which will begin in the Grand Central Palace to-morrow. Referring to Moyer and Haywood, he said:

If these two men are hanged, and if any man in this body, or any other body of the kind, is not then willing to shoulder a gun and fight for his class, he is a coward.

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks to Striking Street Carmen: "The nation was founded on a strike!"

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday March 7, 1916
Washington, D. C. - Mother Jones Speaks to Striking Street Carmen

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The street carmen of Washington, D. C., conducted a two-day strike, March 5th and 6th. Negotiations are ongoing and a settlement is expected soon. The article below from The Washington Herald of March 6th describes a mass meeting held by the strikers at which Mother Jones appeared unannounced and was greeted with great applause.


Four Unions, 6,000 Strong, Pledge
Support to Strikers

Strikers Give "Mother" Jones Ovation as She Makes
Unannounced Appearance at Meeting-
Mob of Hundreds Jeer at Passing Conductor,
Calling "Scab."

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones & Leaders of the United Mine Workers on the Cover of the Journal

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Sunday March 5, 1916
From the United Mine Workers Journal: Photograph of Mother, T. V. Powderly & Pres. White

Recent editions of the Journal have featured photographs of leaders of the United Mine Workers of America which are pleased to share with our readers.

From the Journal of February 10, 1916:

UMWJ, Feb 10, 1916, Cover, Mother Jones, TVP, Pres White.png

Hellraisers Journal: Kept Press Mocks the Efforts of Mother Jones to Prevent Strikebreaking

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Friday February 18, 1916
New York, New York - Kept Press Mocks Mother Jones, Strike Remains Strong

Mother Jones, Wilmington (OH) Daily News, Jan 24, 1916, alignd.png

The strike of garment workers in New York City remains strong despite the efforts of the Kept Press to discredit Mother Jones, play up the discontent of a few strikers, and advertise scab products. Efforts by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union to successfully conclude the strike continue unabated.

From Ohio's Wilmington Daily News of February 16, 1916:


Mother Jones Appeals To Strike Breakers in New York
But Her Efforts Are Fruitless

New York, Feb. 16-Mother Jones made a whirlwind chase about the city to induce strikebreakers taking the places of the waistmakers and children's dressmakers who are on strike to walk out of the shops. She was accompanied by a committee of the Women's Trades Union league, but failed to induce any to them to join her cause. Charles L. Berman, secretary of the strike committee, said that 7,000 workers returned to their places, their employers having acceded to the unions demands.


Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks to "Lawless" Women Strikers in New York City

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Thursday February 17, 1916
New York, New York - Mother Jones on Hand to Aid "Lawless" Women Strikers

Mother Jones, Boston Globe, Jan 30, 1915.png

Mother Jones is on the scene in New York City where authorities are outraged that thousands of needle trades workers stand accused of behaving in a disorderly manner and showing contempt for proper Law and Order.

"I am becoming tired of the lawlessness of these strikers, especially the women!" declared Magistrate Murphy.

The strike, led by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, has been on since about February 8th. Union officials make the counter-charge that strikers have been roughly handled while performing their strike duties out on the picket line.

Attempts to settle the strike are ongoing.

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones & John D Jr Plan: Give Life of Boy Murderer for Life of Ludlow Boy

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones

Saturday February 12, 1916
From The Day Book: A Life for a Life?

A story now being published in newspapers across the nation recently received some attention from the Chicago Day Book:

Day Book, Mother Jones, JDR Jr, Young Slayer, Feb 10, 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Declares Child Labor Is Murder, Dwarfing Little Minds and Bodies

"Of such is the kingdom of Heaven," said the great teacher.
Well, if Heaven is full of undersized, round shouldered, hollow-eyed,
listless, sleepy little angel children,
I want to go to the other place with the bad little boys and girls.
-Mother Jones

Sunday February 11, 1906
Greensboro, North Carolina - Mother Jones Speaks on Child Labor

From the Greensboro Daily Industrial News of February 9th:

Mother Jones.jpg


Socialist Declares That Factories Are Responsible
for Mental Degenerates
Laboring Man's Champion Speaks to a Small Audience
in Labor Union Hall But Holds Her
Hearers' Interest to the End.

Mother Jones talked in Labor Union Hall last night to an audience made unfortunately small by the inclemency of the weather. But the few people who were there were profoundly interested and were besides very greatly taken with the "spunky" little woman who tried to stir up in them the revolutionary spirit and to implant in them a firm purpose to benefit their brothers and help them forward to a higher civilization.

Mother Jones related first the history of the tool, told how it had become a machine, and how its change, and its ownership by the few had brought about the present economic conditions. She told about how young men used to go West to escape the servitude of labor, but now, she said, the conditions were the same everywhere.

Cuba appealed for relief from Spain, said she, and could have had it without war, but in the interests of capital war was brought about. Then capital went on to the Philippines, to work up that country. In the Far East, before the gates of Pekin, Militarism and Capitalism for the first time in history, joined their interests and worked together. The whole thing means that we are face to face with a competition as the world has never known it before.

Calls Child Labor Murder.

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones on Child Labor & Children "shriveled and old before their time."

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Saturday February 10, 1906
Greensboro, North Carolina - Mother Jones Interviewed, Tells of Children in the Mills

The following is an interview with Mother Jones which was published in the February 8th edition of the Greensboro Daily Industrial News:


Noted Socialist Thinks General Uprising
Will Be Avoided by Both Sides.
Amusing Anecdotes Related By Her Show Her Fearlessness and
Sense of Humor as Well as Her Lack of "Respect of Persons."
Mother Jones March of the Mill Children, 1903.png
Mother Jones leading the March of the Mill Children, 1903

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones with her snowy hair "is the very ideal of beautiful old age."

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Friday February 9, 1906
Greensboro, North Carolina - Interview with Mother Jones

The Daily Industrial News of Greensboro published the following interview with Mother Jones in its February 7th edition:


Noted Socialist Visits Greensboro and Chats Most Entertainingly of Her Work,
Her Purpose and the Tactics She Invariably Pursues.

Mother Jones, seated.jpg

"Mother" Jones, the noted socialist who is to speak in Labor Union Hall on tomorrow night, came to this city two days ago. She was seen by a Daily Industrial News reporter last night, and talked freely of her life and work.

So many people picture "Mother" Jones as a kind of Carrie Nation who wields her hatchet against governments instead of saloons that the sight of the real woman fairly takes away the breath.

The best description of "Mother" Jones is her own soubriquet "mother," and when to that wholesome-hearted out-reaching motherliness is added humor, even mischievousness, jollity, and "spunk" immeasurable the reality is almost approached.

To reach it quite, however, would be impossible, for "Mother" Jones is one of those indescribable little persons who always just eludes description and analysis. Classify her as a woman fighter and striker, and her tender, sweet gentleness comes up in contradiction. Classify her as the woman with heart so exquisitely sympathetic and pitying that it aches for every hurt suffered by a fellow creature and the picture of the intrepid woman marching at the head of a great army of workmen baffles one.
