Hellraisers Journal: Kept Press Mocks the Efforts of Mother Jones to Prevent Strikebreaking
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Friday February 18, 1916
New York, New York - Kept Press Mocks Mother Jones, Strike Remains Strong
The strike of garment workers in New York City remains strong despite the efforts of the Kept Press to discredit Mother Jones, play up the discontent of a few strikers, and advertise scab products. Efforts by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union to successfully conclude the strike continue unabated.
From Ohio's Wilmington Daily News of February 16, 1916:
Mother Jones Appeals To Strike Breakers in New York
But Her Efforts Are Fruitless
-----New York, Feb. 16-Mother Jones made a whirlwind chase about the city to induce strikebreakers taking the places of the waistmakers and children's dressmakers who are on strike to walk out of the shops. She was accompanied by a committee of the Women's Trades Union league, but failed to induce any to them to join her cause. Charles L. Berman, secretary of the strike committee, said that 7,000 workers returned to their places, their employers having acceded to the unions demands.
From The Brooklyn Daily Eagle of February 16, 1916:
Turbulent Strikers Forced to
Vacate Manhattan Hostelry.
-----Scenes of disorder in and about the Union Square Hotel, Manhattan, where the the settlement committee of the Ladies Waist and Dressmakers Union is holding its session, finally resulted today in the hotel management requesting the committee to vacate its rooms. The committee transferred its session to Webster Hall, 119 East Eleventh street, to which place they were followed by hundreds of women.
As early as 7 o'clock strikers began to collect about the Union Square Hotel, awaiting the appearance of the settlement committee. By 11 o'clock fully two thousand persons had gathered in the lobby and at the hotel's entrances, while scores forced their way to the committee rooms. There was much disorder and private detectives were finally utilized to clear the lower floor of the hotel and to guard the entrances.
Some of the girls seeking the return of their union cards declared that they had appealed to Judge Julian J. Mack of the arbitration board, and that he had notified the settlement committee that if the cards were not issued at once he would take some action against the members of the committee. The girls want to go back to work.
The Poughkeepsie Eagle-News of February 17, 1916, advertise scab blouses:

Wilmington Daily News
(Wilmington, Ohio)
-Feb 16, 1916
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
(Brooklyn, New York)
-Feb 16, 1916
Poughkeepsie Eagle-News
(Poughkeepsie, New York)
-Feb 17, 1916
Mother Jones, Wilmington (OH) Daily News, Jan 24, 1916
Scab blouses for sale, in Poughkeepsie, Feb 17, 1916
See also:
Further examples of the kept press of New York City
mocking Mother Jones and the strike:
-The Evening World Feb 16, 1916
-The Sun, Feb 16, 1916
Partial victory achieved:
The Ladies' Garment Worker, Volume 7
International Ladies Garment Workers Union, 1916
The Ladies' Garment Worker of March 1916
Love it that this song ends with a show of Union Cards!!