Between the Lines: The New Praetorians.

I intended to do this only once a week, but today I'm feeling that I must do something. Peace is not a goal that can be relegated to the back burner, and while my gifts do not lie in inspiration or opposition, I can at least provide intelligence to bolster those at the front line.

So, taking a look at the Army, it seems that a 2 Star General has felt obligated to respond to a criticism of the US Special Forces. Yep, when being in the Special Forces has become a status symbol and a "Fast Track" to high rank, it figures that people would start trying to play the system. Every allegation made is of course, COMPLETELY fictitious, and the Army would NEVER stoop to such things as family connections, browbeating, or crass bribery for something as sacred as a spot in the Special Forces.


So what does this Actually tell us? It tells us that the Military is getting sloppy with their corruption. It's now so obvious and rampant that members feel the need to speak anonymously about the problems because going through the chain of command is less than useless. This additionally means that Morale is absolute shit right now. While the monoparty crows about how great their soldiers are, it's absolute bullshit, and the fact that the troops are still speaking out despite the rigid orders of silence instilled under Obama means that the discontent is powerful enough to make someone fulfill their oath of serving the country against domestic enemies.

Forgive me for a little nostalgia, since it seems that my old unit is getting new Handguns. Now, while most people just think, Oh Cool, new gear for the field, you don't realize exactly what this is saying to the people of the middle east when more soldiers show up with pistols.

So, little cultural background, (As presented by the Army, so bear in mind this does have the military spin on it.) In middle eastern countries, an AK47 is seen as a home defense gun. A long gun is seen as a standard thing for a person to wear when on official duties as a cop or soldier, and doesn't draw any attention or second glances. A Pistol on the other hand, has a VERY specific and sinister purpose. Pistols are seen as a device of authority, specifically because they are used for executions. By giving pistols to "Team Leaders" the US is essentially telling middle eastern cultures that we are giving the average Sergeant the authority to perform field executions. I can't see this going well.

And the Army wants More Soldiers. The Civilian job market is so crappy that most folks who are in ain't leaving. What I find interesting is that it's very clear from this article that the Army is deliberately targeting the desperate, meaning High School kids and College kids. 17,000 new victims for the war machine.

Oh, and there's no due process, OR war status for the enemy anymore. If you're accused of fighting against the US, while a citizen of the US, you get to go into that wonderful CIA/FBI black hole where you aren't actually charged with a crime, but at the same time aren't considered a member of a enemy army. You have ZERO protections, either under civilian or military law. So, essentially the US has declared that we will not follow any laws with regards to our treatment of prisoners. Judges can hem and haw all they want, but at the end of the day, the guy's still in jail, the law's still being ignored, and the US moral position continues to sink.

So, apologies for another edition so early, but today I needed to do... something.


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detroitmechworks's picture

is being taken up by DNC and RNC windbags. And every celebrity feels the need to make a public anti-trump statement, as if we don't already know where everybody in the MSM stands. (Those who have taken on the role of Trump apologist are even more predictable.)

So, had to do SOMETHING to take my mind in a different direction, and playing spot the lie with the DOD is a fun challenge.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

EdMass's picture

I feel your angst.

This country has done nothing internationally than promote and conduct War for decades.

Dem? Repub? They all love it. It feeds their coffers.

Why, oh why don't the unwashed see this?

Maybe the MSM want's them to focus on dick.

No one ever focussed on my dick. Thank You Jesus.

Churn the burn.

Not the Bern.


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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

detroitmechworks's picture

@EdMass but they provide great practice in endurance when you battle them.

Sorry, just had an old samurai movie running through my head just then. Yeah, a bit angsty, but at the same time, by speaking and sharing it's a nice little middle finger to the DOD.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

snoopydawg's picture

The military can do this because of the NDAA that Obama signed into law. This revoked Habeas corpus if the military arrests someone who is accused of being an enemy combatant. Or if they 'say' one is.
I thought that the ACLU was aware of this. Sadly, the constitution has been rewritten in this never ending gift of 9/11. I have been reporting on this since he did that.

“This admission by the government reinforces our demand that the citizen be given access to a lawyer, which is his fundamental right under the Constitution,” Hafetz said. “The Trump administration’s position that it can lock up an American in secret without charges or the ability to challenge the detention in court is not how our legal system works.”

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

detroitmechworks's picture

@snoopydawg But since Saint Obama signed off on it, you'd think the Rethugs would be spitting fire at it.

Instead, just business as usual in the repression Olympics.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Steven D's picture

This is very informative. As you may know, with my daughter's BF in Ukraine, I've come to appreciate the pain people in the military and their families go through, but I have no good way to evaluate information that might be useful. So thanks for this.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

detroitmechworks's picture

@Steven D Of course, I'm going to do this again every time I feel the need to do something about the war.

It's simple, and yet amazing that nobody in the MSM mentions half of this shit. It'd be a guaranteed story for months, since you could spend weeks ripping apart the DOD denials.

The fact no reporter does this means that they aren't just lazy, they're deliberately avoiding talking bad about the MIC.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.