In the name of readiness?

I don't get up early enough to get a jump on the Bigot-in-Chief. That would not happen even if I lived on the East Coast instead of here in Southern California.

Donald Trump has just downgraded trnsgender people to fourth-class citizens. Even though transgender people have for decades swerved at a higher rate than cisgender people, The Donald has decided that we are not fit to defend our country. And if that is the case, we certainly will be denied the use of restrooms, access to education, workplace protections, housing, and even to life itself.

Effectively, Trump is putting out a contract on us.

I am a veteran. I only served for two years during the Vietnam Era, but I mustered out as a Spec 5 correctional specialist. My unit received a presidential commendation for then-president Richard Milhouse Nixon. I am not proud of that honor. I mean, consider the source.

But I am proud of the work we did in bringing the United States Disciplinary Barracks Pay Unit paperwork up to date. The country had been failing to provide the families of convicted service-members the money they had been due because of the service of those who had been convicted. This amounted to hundreds of thousand of dollars, as if the spouses and children of those committing crimes had themselves been the perpetrators.

But punishing people for no good reason has become de rigueur in this time of Trump.

The Donald claims in his tweets that he consulted with Generals and military experts. The pentagon says they were not briefed in advance. Which is it? I'm assuming those "generals" had names like Vicky Hartzler, Steve King, Louie Gohmert and MIke Pence.

n his tweets, Trump claimed that “my Generals and military experts” encouraged him to ban trans troops. I would like to know exactly which generals and which experts, because Mattis is not alone in his support for open transgender service: The policy enjoyed widespread support throughout the military, especially in light of the successful repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Opponents of allowing gay service members to serve openly cited the same concerns we are hearing now about unit cohesion, morale, and readiness, yet these fears turned out to be utterly unfounded.

--Mark Joseph Stern, Slate

In theory, this means that the military may soon discharge the roughly 15,000 transgender troops in uniform—although Trump may have only meant that he is maintaining the ban on transgender enrollment. (Who knows if anyone informed him of the difference between retention and enrollment?) We’ll find out soon enough. But for now, there is a real possibility that the commander in chief is attempting to purge thousands of men and women in uniform from the armed forces solely on account of their gender identity and in direct opposition to his own secretary of defense. This is an act of astonishing and capricious cruelty. And it is likely to be the worst day of thousands of Americans’ lives.


A member of the Naval Special Warfare Command came out as transgender just this past October. Does anyone think removing this person from her squad is going to "improve readiness?"

This person is a Navy Special Warfare Combatant Craft Crewman. They often support Navy SEALs but also conduct their own missions.

Donald Trump never served a day in the military. Not. One. Day. He had a doctor's note. Or his dog ate his patriotism. Something.

And now?

McCain noted that the Pentagon is currently conducting a study on “the medical obligations it would incur, the impact on military readiness, and related questions associated with the accession of transgender individuals” who wish to join the military.

I do not believe that any new policy decision is appropriate until that study is complete and thoroughly reviewed by the Secretary of Defense, our military leadership, and the Congress.

There is no reason to force service members who are able to fight, train and deploy to leave the military — regardless of their gender identity. We should all be guided by the principle that any American who wants to serve our country and is able to meet the standards should have the opportunity to do so — and should be treated as the patriots they are.

--Sen John McCain

I don’t think we should be discriminating against anyone. Transgender people are people, and deserve the best we can do for them.

--Sen. Orrin Hatch

You ought to treat everybody fairly and give everybody a chance to serve.

--Sen. Richard Shelby

Of course, none of those senators has ever voted to protect transgender citizens.

If this tweet becomes a DOD regulation or a federal statute, this is a president hell-bent determined to wreak havoc in the ranks – the very thing he said he didn’t want to do he’s proposed doing.

If he seeks to do this as commander in chief by ordering his subordinates to act on this, the Defense Department is going to be faced with a barrage of lawsuits.

--Aubrey Sarvis, Servicemembers Legal Defense Network

See you in fucking court!

President Trump has chosen the (69th anniversary of Harry Truman's executive order desegregating the military) to unleash a vile and hateful agenda that will blindside thousands of patriotic Americans already serving with honor and bravery.

--Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Banning any qualified person from serving their country, because of who they are is both discriminatory and bad national security policy.

--Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), Marine veteran

A dark day for our Armed Forces and our nation.

President Trump’s rationale harkens back to a more ignorant and intolerant time, where words like ‘disruption’ and ‘not a social experiment’ were used to keep women, African Americans and gays and lesbians from fully participating in our military services

Rep. Anthony G. Brown (D-MD), retired colonel

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MarilynW's picture

"Trump doesn't care" - but he has a fundamentalist VP who does care. Even the military itself was blindsided by this edict of intolerance.

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To thine own self be true.

snoopydawg's picture

were about how people don't want their taxes going to people who only join the military so that it could pay for their transitions.
Another article stated that the military spends more on viagra than it does for transition surgery.
Trump got his deferment because of something being wrong with his feet, but that hasn't stopped him from being able to golf, play tennis or other activities.


I agree with Marylyn that this is the work of Pence and the unreligious organizations.
This is another wedge issue to keep us divided. Same sex marriage defanged the religious right so they had to come up with a new wedge issue.
People were unaware that transgender people were using public restrooms forever without anyone noticing or caring until TPTB decided to make this an issue.


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.