

There are no issues in the 2016 Presidential race.

Maybe there were issues when Bernie Sanders was running. Sanders made an issue of honesty, of whether or not any of the political rhetoric you hear coming from the mouths of the politicians had any relation to what the politicians were going to do. And then Sanders endorsed Clinton, and, lo and behold, it didn't, again. And the issue disappeared.

A proposal for C99 - perhaps a money maker.

We need an app. A GPS-like map app. One that allows us to avoid the worst states in America on a road trip.

South Carolina

Aridzona might also fit, and we may need probationary status for others, every state with a teaBuggered governator.

I know an app developer. I will ask him what we could do.

Waking up from the long sleep?

Gopal Balakrishnan:

On numerous occasions since the 90s the left has rallied to a center-right candidate to ward off the far-right and the results have been disastrous. Not only is the far right strengthened by bolstering its credentials as the only real opposition force to the establishment, the left is drastically weakened at the expense of the center-right.

When the rain falls - Open Thread

When the rain falls every day in my region, it tends to make you reflective it tends to keep you indoors. The rain that's falling these dark days is not just water from the sky but a constant dampening of expectations. Basic human rights, wants and needs regardless of our tribe, race, gender or what ever divides us all is being played to and stirred by the current rulers of the world we find ourselves in.

Part One: Where We Go From Here

NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles that will lay out an action plan for uniting the populist movement.

The Political Landscape

To accurately gauge the efficacy of the Democratic Party base as a political entity, you need to understand how deeply compromised its members are by “magical” thinking.
