
What conservatives think is "the left" these days

I was recently reading an article by a libertarian who used the phrase "Post-Marx Marxism, which is mercantilist." It's a good thing I wasn't drinking coffee. Since this was the internet, I went to make a snide comment below the article which included "Everything Bad = Marxism."
As if to prove my point, someone replied to my comment with, "Marxism mixed with globalist banksterism/oligarchism/corporatism will get you to mercantilism."

The Problem Of When White Liberals Talk About Systemic Racism

I love Jon Stewart. I have since the 90's. So I'm glad that he's doing his shows again.
However, his latest episode The Problem With White People, really got on my nerves. In case you didn't get the message from Jon Steward, Leslie Jones did The Racist Spectrum on Stewart's show (which I watched about 10 seconds).

On the Necessity of Humility in Politics

On KPFA's "Flashpoints" last night, the nice liberal host was prompting the nice liberal guests to say something about what items of progress they think they can expect under a Biden administration. I don't remember who was talking -- I was listening to the radio while driving home from an afternoon hike. Anyway, here's what I think the nice liberal guests on "Flashpoints" can expect:

Political Parties (Part One): Machiavelli, Cicero and Modern Political Psychology

Graphic by “Vic”)

Almost 12 years ago, I published an essay about Machiavelli’s statements concerning political parties. I thought at the time that his observations were the most insightful I’d come across. Since then, I’ve discovered that Cicero made similar observations about political factions in the Roman Republic. And I think I see similar political groupings in modern republics. What’s behind this social phenomenon? I believe recent discoveries in political psychology provide an answer.
