When the rain falls - Open Thread

When the rain falls every day in my region, it tends to make you reflective it tends to keep you indoors. The rain that's falling these dark days is not just water from the sky but a constant dampening of expectations. Basic human rights, wants and needs regardless of our tribe, race, gender or what ever divides us all is being played to and stirred by the current rulers of the world we find ourselves in. We are all after all is said and done human and we live on a planet that provides us all with life. Why kill it? Why kill human progress? By progress I don't mean the accumulation of power and money but the never ending and ongoing arch of justice and inalienable human and civil rights. Not to mention the over arching killing of the life force and planet that sustains us with it's bounty.

I'm horrified by this latest election/ selection and put down of a sane candidate that says Hey this is fucked up lets try to go some where better. Our choice is not democratic, it has no regard from either sides 'winners' for human progress or our planet. It's all about naked power and destruction. What a sad, sick farce. Issues do not matter they are irrelevant as the twisted demographics of mass deception rule.

I'm channeling my frustration into support of Sanders pitch which leaves much to be desired but what the fuck does Hillary really offer. Trump may be a fascist demagogue but Killary is where hope dies. She's insane, nasty evil and inhumane she represents every damn hairball history has coughed up as a rationalization for freaking intolerable. We rule! We offer a place in hell for all of you who dare to contradict our supremacy.

This seems to have veered off into a anti-Hillary rant. Well.. who can blame me. What I meant to write about was what this black guy had to say that i heard on my local radio station KBOO which is a local predominately AAA and a minority community voice. Two nights ago I went downstairs to cook dinner and turned o KBOO and heard an inspiring black voice on a show that features AA that are the polar opposite of D Oliver and that charlatan Markos Anyone that contradicts this is a racist and an unpatriotic rotten doctor commie rat . Well fuck that.

I had no idea who this right on dude was but as I cooked and listened I tried to guess: Is this Malcolm X, is this MLK I kept asking myself? Is this now or then? It was black panther named Dhoruba Al -Mujahid Bin Wahad. Sounds scary right? Well what he had to say rang true to this whitey's heart and mind. But hey what do I know.


His long rant, worth a listen

We live in a police state..

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detroitmechworks's picture

are de rigueur for DLC supporters. They instantly fall back on "Both Sides Do It" and accuse those of not being with them as Rove supporters.

I too feel the urge to rant, but I shall spare your comments section. Smile

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

gulfgal98's picture

I love how blunt you are and the passion with which you write. Both of these videos are excellent. I certainly wish I had the second video when I was doing my series on police brutality. The gentleman speaking in that video has it totally right. Thank you for this great OT.

Edit to add: I have listened to Larry Pinckney twice. He is saying the very same things that many of us here are saying. But when we said them at dkos, we were branded as racist and told to STFU and GTFO. Larry is right, not the self appointed opinion police.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

the fund raiser for c99p member smiley7 gets underway today when JeklynHyde posts a diary at Daily Kos sometime between 1:00 and 3:00 PM eastern time. Please, go to DK and rec his diary to get it on the rec list and please donate if you're able. Smiley has prostate cancer and needs to travel to Knoxville Tenn. for proton beam treatments. I'll also post an essay here with the details. Thank you.

Thanks for the great OT, Shaz.

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she's about to get called in

The Justice Department has granted immunity to a former State Department staffer, who worked on Hillary Clinton’s private email server, as part of a criminal investigation into the possible mishandling of classified information, according to a senior law enforcement official.

The official said the FBI had secured the cooperation of Bryan Pagliano, who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the server in her New York home in 2009.

As the FBI looks to wrap up its investigation in the coming months, agents are likely to want to interview Clinton and her senior aides about the decision to use a private server, how it was set up, and whether any of the participants knew they were sending classified information in emails, current and former officials said.

No optics problem here. Nope. None at all.

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detroitmechworks's picture

I still feel the urge to giggle every time I type that phrase.

Feels like...


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

gulfgal98's picture

Clinton will dodge the legal bullet but one or more of her aides may not. I am always amazed at how the aides are willing to take a bullet for these ethically challenged people.

I keep emphasizing that regardless of legality or not, it is obvious that Clinton was trying to hide something from future public scrutiny. This alone should be an election issue. I am very emphatic that no public official at any level should be doing public business on a private server, let alone mixing public and private emails on the same account.

I wonder how many of those 30K+ personal emails involved the Clinton Foundation. I think that is where the rot is going to rest. Huma Abedin held a position with both the State Dept. and the Clinton Foundation at the same time. She has been Clinton's closest aide for years.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

So there isn't a chance in the world that they will prosecute Hillary.
However, this still looks bad in an election year.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

when called before a Congressional Hearing [several months back]. He is a former WJC aide who set up her 'home brew' server, even though his background was not IT.

His immunity 'might' mean that we'll see some sort of penalty, though I'm guessing that we won't see FSC, or her closest aides, frogmarched, anytime soon. Already, I'm seeing so-called experts say that since the Justice Department whitewashed Petraeus's case, it will be next to impossible to impose penalties against FSC--since, (supposedly) his infractions were even more serious, in that he definitely understood that he was handing over 'classified' documents to his mistress. Of course, FSC pleads ignorance to having knowledge of any wrongdoing.

IMHO, that fact (if true) should demonstrate that she is too incompetent to even be considered as a serious Presidential contender.

I will try to locate, and repost my comments on the extraordinary handling/precautions taken with classified material that were taken when documents are transported from the Pentagon to local DC metro and surburban agencies/think tanks, etc.

(And I'm talking about when I was straight out of college, employed in the private sector in the late 70's, which was before my Civil Service career. I can't imagine what lengths are taken today--post-9/11!)

Thanks for today's OT.

Have a great day, Everyone!



"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive."
----Gilda Radner, Comedienne

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National Mill Dog Rescue

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

mimi's picture

I had never heard about Dhoruba Al Mujad Bin Wahad before, but he reminded me a lot of Mumia Abu-Jamal who I listen to often on Pacifica Radio. I was glad to read from the wiki page of Bin Wahad that ....

....Wahad lived in Accra, Ghana, where he organized on Pan-Africanism and the prison system. Using the funds from his settlements for personal damages from the FBI and City of New York, he established the Campaign to Free Black and New African Political Prisoners (formerly the Campaign to Free Black Political Prisoners and Prisoners-of-War) and founded the Institute for the Development of Pan-African policy in Ghana. - He currently lives in New York City and continues his work.

Ghana has been a country that attracted always the "honest fighters" so to speak.

On another note, just read this article, and thought one better knows who is going to be in a HRC treasury department :
Larry Fink and His BlackRock Team Poised to Take Over Hillary Clinton’s Treasury Department. Lots of nice people.

BlackRock is far from a household name, but it is the largest asset management firm in the world, controlling $4.6 trillion in investor funds — about a trillion dollars more than the annual federal budget, and five times the assets of Goldman Sachs. And Larry Fink, BlackRock’s CEO, has assembled a veritable shadow government full of former Treasury Department officials at his company.
Fink has made clear his desire to become Treasury Secretary someday.
Fink’s ready-made team available for a move from Wall Street to Washington includes among others:

Fink’s most telling hire, however, is Cheryl Mills, arguably Clinton’s most trusted confidante. Mills was Clinton’s chief of staff at the State Department, was deputy White House counsel in the Bill Clinton administration, and is on the board of directors of the Clinton Foundation. Fink hired Mills for the BlackRock board of directors in October 2013, in what observers mused was a ploy to insinuate himself into the Clinton inner circle.

Among other BlackRock officials with ties to Clinton: Senior Managing Director Matthew Mallow is a “Hillblazer” who has helped raise $100,000 or more in donations. Clinton held a fundraiser earlier this month at Mallow’s New York City home. There is no indication of Fink himself contributing financially to the Clinton campaign. (smart move, heh)

That article is beyond my paygrade. But I think others might profit from reading it.

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NCTim's picture

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --