Too Soon? Too Snarky?
Submitted by EdMass on Tue, 09/04/2018 - 12:30pmAfter the month long funeral of Navy Pilot, Congessman (Keating 5 founding member), Senator and War Hero John McCain, despite all evidence to the contrary, he is still dead.
And the Sun sets on what was the best of Merica..
What is to become of his 13 houses?
With Spanish subtitles!
Bad EdMass...
Monday Open Thread; December 4 is National Cookie Day
Submitted by enhydra lutris on Mon, 12/04/2017 - 5:00am
December 4 is the 338th day of the year, there are 27 days left
Today's number is 4
Sunday Open Thread: October 1st is International Music Day
Submitted by enhydra lutris on Sun, 10/01/2017 - 5:00am
World History this day
0331 BC -- Alexander the Great whupped Darius III at Gaugamela. This was a BFD
1898 -- The Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration was founded, oh woe, oh woe
1918 -- T. E. Lawrence, et. al. took Damascus. Much was promised, many were shafted.
From the land of Francisco Franco
Submitted by EdMass on Wed, 09/20/2017 - 12:58pmHey, where's Felipe VI, the King? Wait Spain has a King? Go figure...
Spanish police seize millions of Catalan referendum ballots