Federal Reserve

Active Shooter Capitalism: U.S. Goes Postal on it Biggest Creditor

WHILE YOUR ATTENTION WAS DIRECTED ELSEWHERE: The U.S. is fast choking off two of China's major oil suppliers, Iran and Venezuela, and last Thursday, a Treasury and Commerce Department order effectively closed the American market to Huawei, the biggest Chinese cell phone manufacturer. That follows an announcement on May 14 by the US Trade Representative of a 25% tariff on a $300 billion basket of Chinese-made goods.

New Fed Chair Just Another deCapitalist

A bit surprising that a quick search here indicates no one has yet blogged about Trumpster's choice as next chairman of the Federal Reserve: Jerome Powell, who is not an economist, but a lawyer. Powell, a Republican, has been on the Fed Board of Governors since 2012 when he was appointed by--who else?--Barack Obama.
