CA Election Update MON 7-18-2016 – 50+ Links – DAY 41 AFTER CA Election Day - 12.29% of CA Voters Votes for President Not Counted
Submitted by CA Democrat on Mon, 07/18/2016 - 4:51pm7-15-2016 - Secretary of State Padilla Certifies Election Results
While he did try to certify the result as an actual one, he tries to cover his "butt" with this caveat 0ne (the "I know nothing defense"):
NOTE: The Secretary of State’s office does not issue, receive, or count ballots. State law requires elections officials in each of California’s 58 counties to process and count ballots, and transmit results to the Secretary of State’s office. The Secretary of State’s office compiles all of these results in the official Statement of Vote.
These are his key statistics from the June 7, 2016 Presidential Primary Election:
8,548,301 total votes cast.
47.72% turnout of registered voters.
58.92% of ballots cast were vote-by-mail ballots
Here is the # of ballots the SOS says he counted for President:
In other words- with the Presidential election being practically the only thing on the CA June 2016 ballot - they want us to believe: that over a million CA voters simply went to all the effort to vote for President and then did not vote for President - over 12% of all actual voters.