Election 2020

The Weekly Watch

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Election SNAFU

The acronym is - situation normal, all f***ed up. The oligarchs win regardless of who is president. Max and Stacy declared Fed Chairman Jerome Powell the real winner, and Barron's magazine agrees. However I think Powell is simply an agent of the elite, creating and funneling money ever upward to the oligarchs. They are preparing for a new Bretton Woods and a "Great Reset" to save capitalism. Who will have a seat at the table? Well, the oligarchs at Davos in 2021. Somehow I don't think regular working folks are going to benefit. The writing is on the wall...

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My pre- and post-election predictions


It's important to keep in mind that the oligarchs are going to win in a landslide regardless of the voting.
Either way, we are going to get a pro-Wall Street, anti-working class, Republican president. Which is why this is the least important election of your lifetime.

So at the risk of being waaayyyy wrong, I'm going to make some predictions.

Poll Diving – part 7

Disclosure. A few weeks ago, an election scenario intrigued me and then I noticed that I wasn't alone in this consideration. And if it came to pass would there be any way for the left to punch above its weight. However, I first wanted to assess the possibility of such an outcome. My first pass on all the key states suggested that it was possible, but within a few days the polls suggested implausible and a few days later not worth considering.

Chancellor Valorum Cannot Save the Republic (Biden is at Best a Band-Aid)

War! The Republic is crumbling under attacks from the relentless Sith Lord Donald Trump. There are very fine people on both sides. Evil is everywhere.

It must have been sad in the last days of the Republic. War had been raging for years. A war to save the Republic. And yet that very war had let the new Chancellor gain more and more power until the Republic was destroyed anyway.