Video News Open Thread: Jill, Hill, Trump, Johnson, and even a little Bernie
Submitted by elenacarlena on Fri, 08/05/2016 - 3:33pm
Let's start from the top.
Donald Trump would be a disaster and an embarrassment for our country if he were elected president.
I awoke very early this morning, from a bad dream. All I remember is that I was trying to protect someone and this Suicide Squad-type badass was going to waste us.
Over the past week, the American public have seen a great deal of Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of an American soldier, Captain Humayun Khan, who died in 2004 while fighting in Iraq. The Khans and their son are / were Muslims, and Khizr Khan gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention last week denouncing Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric and arguing his proposed immigration ban on Muslims is unconstitutional. Trump has reacted with his usual bloviating, including jabs at Captain Khan's mother, resulting in an escalating war of words with the family.
Both Republicans and Democrats have rightly denounced Trump's attacks on the fallen soldier's family. That said, all the praise for the Khans rings hollow for me. Although they were brave for condemning Trump, they have failed to call Hillary Clinton on her support for the 2003 invasion of Iraq which killed their son in the first place. They took the stage to speak on behalf of a politician who voted to send their son to his death.
My Gut Reaction: I rarely agree with the orange bigot, but he had a point when he noted that it was Hillary Clinton, not him, who voted for the Iraq War.
More below the fold...
but sometimes things have to be done.
From today's news feed:
Okay, let's start with the Trump campaign, of which we should be SOOOO afraid.
Electoral Map Gives Donald Trump Few Places to Go
Okay, so here's the money passage:
Welcome to Video News! My apologies for no official DNC video news open thread yesterday. But Oreo the Diabetic Pootie had a crisis at 3 AM yesterday, so Ginger and I were up half the night. Oreo and Ginger seem to have recovered in full, so we have resumed normal function.
Gratuitous Oreo and Ginger photo:
is marked by the wrong presuppositions.
Take for instance Steven W. Thrasher's piece in the Guardian, "If Hillary Clinton loses in November, it won't be Bernie Sanders' fault." Both the piece and its author are sympathetic, or at least it can be said that I am convinced that Thrasher is one of the good guys. However...
Hobson's choice: a situation in which you are supposed to make a choice but do not have a real choice because there is only one thing you can have or do.
- Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary