
Clinton's thank-you party for big bigly donors.... (yup, not fake)

In the realm of you can't make this shit up, I present to you exhibit A of the Democratic Party's imminent death. Idiots and charlatans, the whole lot.

Hillary Clinton shouldn't go on a "thank-you" tour, but a "I'm sorry" tour... she owes the whole fucking country an apology for Heir Pumpkinfuehrer.

Corruption, the Model of Free Market Capitalism


The fraud, corruption and wasteful mismanagement is so deeply ingrained in the present capitalist system that it can make a person "insane" trying to follow up the politicians of both parties, the large corporate charities, the bankers, transnational corporations and media cronies as their corruption poisons the world.

Take the money!!

Take the money!! -- that's the bottom line, that's always the bottom line: just take the damn money. You know it, I know it, and they know it. They're gonna' take the money, so why hesitate?

There's yet another John Podesta email out on Wikileaks that is causing a (very small) bit of a stir over at Reddit. The email talks about taking money from "persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity" who are registered as such under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). (Is there anything fishy about foreign governments funding a US Presidential campaign? Of course there is, cut out the carp!)
