Et tu, CNN?
Submitted by bondibox on Fri, 11/10/2017 - 7:14amCNN, others hyperventilate over President Trump’s perfectly fine fish-feeding
CNN, others hyperventilate over President Trump’s perfectly fine fish-feeding
Times are changing. Sometimes for the better. Hillary Goddam Clinton is being offered a plea deal by Sessions' DOJ to plead guilty to "prosecutable crimes" in return for no further legal actions against her for CGI, uranium one, pay-to-play, and her email scandal which is still producing more poisonous (for her) fruit. My take is that she can NEVER admit that she has done anything wrong and will go down with her Titanic-sized load of garbage rather than admit she was a felon.
Nancy is like Medusa's emails: a gift that keeps on giving. Why do I pick on Nancy so much? Because she's there and so hard to resist. With prodding from Jake Tapper, of all people, NP remembers that yes indeed she did meet with Russians including the ambassador in 2010. But that was okay because other legislators did it too--so therefore it MUST be legal--because she said so.
As I noted in an earlier post, if you thought 2016 was weird, then 2017 is getting even weirder. Several things stand out about the past 12-14 months.
2017 is turning out to be be continuing on the path set by 2016 by becoming wierderer and wierderer. Imagine if you will, the Clinton News Network broadcasting a full, unedited political debate in an really non-partisan way (really! I mean it). The format was straightforward. The speakers were self-controlled, by and large sticking to the questions proffered by the audience. The audience questioners presented represented a fair balance of differing opinions..
There are many excellent articles published daily in this fine c99 community. Most of them are fact-based, logical, relevant to the real-world. But face it people this can get a little heavy at times (or, a lot heavy depending upon your tolerance for such things). In an effort to lighten the load so to speak (load of what you may ask) I shall endeavor from time to time to inject some humor into these serious times (by the way, as many know, I am a professional at giving injections).
Last night I went to a dentist appointment and they had the ubiquitous big flat screen tv which was tuned to CNN. If I had just entered a restaurant I probably would have walked out; if obliged to sit in a waiting room more often than not I ask if anyone is watching it, and either ask to switch it off or to change the channel. There was even a flat screen tv in the patient's room where I had my teeth cleaned.
So I was cruising through CNN to see their latest clinton propaganda and ran across this story about Obama honoring the Nordic Nations who are in DC for a summit. Here's an Obama quote as he's musing to his aides.
"Why can't all countries be like the Nordic countries?"
This is then followed up by Charles Kupchan, Obama's top adviser for European affairs.
The FBI has interviewed Huma Abedin, and will interview Hillary Clinton within weeks, as part of the FBI email probe, according to CNN.
Here is the initial report:
First on CNN: FBI interviews Clinton aides including Huma Abedin as part of email probe
Some of Hillary Clinton's closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven't found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz "accidentally" told the truth about the purpose of Super-delegates in the Democracy Party -- and it has very little to do with promoting grassroot democracy -- just the opposite actually.
Super-delegates exist to control and diminish grassroot democracy, from ever threatening the Party elite's tenuous hold on power.