Broward County

Broward Sheriff Scott Israel: he gave them hailstones for rain

Does vitriol dissolve hailstones? Please read on and see if the chemical reaction progresses. Warning: for those who love Killary, please read something else. For those who are unsure of the depravity of the Democratic party, you may wish for some certification of your beliefs. For those of you middle grounder people, essentially neutral about Parkland Florida massacre, please read on.

Admonition: IHH.

Parkland, Florida school shooting--coincidences and cowardice

Wait til the dust has settled, or in this case, wait til the smoke has dissipated. On first inspection, it seemed that the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland Florida Feb. 14, 2018 was just another senseless act of some mentally unstable person cracking under the pressure of modern life. There is plenty of that going around. Big high school, with greater than 3000 students. Large school grounds. MSNBC falsely reporting that the shooter was OUTSIDE the school, shooting in.