"Volcanic, impulsive, enabled by sycophants"

this pretty much sums up how things appear from this end of the telescope.
But wait there's more...

“Hillary Clinton is now poised to become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, but she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office,” he adds.

When Politifact isn't so factual

A PolitiFact piece headlined "Allegations of fraud and misconduct at Nevada Democratic convention unfounded" is going around. I'm not going to link to it because most people have seen it, and I don't want to give it the clicks. But I spent a fair amount of time looking through it last night, and I don't think it is fair. Here are my thoughts.

Maine Democratic Party Changes rules Re: Super-delegates

During Maine's Democratic Party Convention an amendment was submitted to the rules that would change the way super delegate votes are distributed.

The new rule, which passed to by a voice vote and chants of Bernie!Bernie! also included a call for other states to do the same in the conventions that follow.

This could be a BIG DEAL...

It's 2016. What's the Worst That Could Happen?

What follows is political analysis based on a supposition that Hillary and Trump win their Party's nominations. It is derived from a notable opinion piece by Dan Balz entitled, "What would Trump be like as GOP nominee?" I paraphrase some of Balz's passages and use quotes, as well. Our conclusions are different. Dan Balz is Chief Correspondent at The Washington Post.

The General Election Strategy

Clinton and her team are planning to go early and hard against Trump. They are convinced that in the general election, Trump will be the same kind of opponent that he was in the Republican Primaries; that Trump's fall campaign style will continue to be slashing. They expect Trump to come at Clinton from both the right and the left.

Clinton’s team is preparing for what they believe will be one of the nastiest campaigns in recent memory. “Hillary set out a year ago to be a champion for everyday people and to help families finally start getting ahead again in this economy,” said Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager. “That’s what she’s going to keep talking about in the general election. . . . Trump, I’m sure, will try to bully and throw out insults. That’s not going to derail her.”

But the Trump that Hillary's Team is preparing for is not the Trump who will be running in the general election. And, that could derail her.

An Ex-RWNJ's Guide to Converting RWNJ's...

(re-titled and edited a bit. Probably shouldn't have posted it at 1AM on a weekday too, lol!)

A few weeks back at the GOS one of our fellow C99Peeps recommended in a thread that I should cross post a Diary I had written over here as he/she thought it contained some useful information.

What matters to you? (Part 1)

Hey guys,

Like most of you, I'm pretty much a newb here. And while I'm really enjoying the vibe -- or maybe because I'm really enjoying the vibe -- I got wondering which issues enjoy the broadest support across this community. Because there are a lot of issues that matter. And because this seems like a community where ideas can be debated freely and honestly.
