#2016 Election #Bernie

An action-oriented strategy for progressives after the shock of the stolen NY primary

It took me some days to digest the NY primary but now I regrouped emotionally and would like to share some thoughts.

A view about what happened:

(1) The NY primary was stolen by voter suppression and, possibly, by fraud.

Exploring the Bernie MultiVerse: What are Sen. Sanders’ Chances?



Well, I've never seen such a bunch of sad sacks in my life (and I've been looking in the mirror too.)!

Look, we knew capturing the corrupt Democratic nomination was a long shot under normal circumstances. But there is nothing normal about this election season.

URGENT: Team Bernie needs 7,500 people right now to make GOTV calls now

Last week, when we asked for 15,000 of you to call New York, we honestly weren't sure if we could hit that target. But Sunday night when we ran the numbers, we found that you smashed through our original goal of two million calls, and put more than THREE million calls into New York in just two days.

Difficulties voting in NY today? Please pass this information along ASAP

X-poster from reddit/Kossacks for Sanders: There are a lot of problems already reported with voting, which began at 6am, but please pass this all along to NY voters if you hear of any problems:

Sanders’ Campaign HQ in NY:


Reddit activists/ Sanders campaign prepare for preventing Arizona II

The entire day I have two contradictory feelings: (1) We are close to winning NY (2) The establishment will try some dirty tricks. Let's transform such feelings into action!

Now reddit activists/the Sanders campaign prepare some counter-measures:

Stop what you're doing, what you're reading, and look at this now for one minute… do you see what Mahakali has seen?

Stop what you are doing and please click this link and just watch it for one minute straight:


What do you see?

Mahakali and many others see a revolution.

Bernie's Digital Director: Yesterday we made over 1.3 million phone calls! Let’s do it again today! NEW GOAL: 2.6 million calls to #TakeNYbyPhone

Bernie 2016 - Digital Organizing Director posted at reddit yesterday evening:

TEAM: together, we did something incredible today. Almost 6,800 of you logged in and made calls during NY calling hours. That was a few hundred short of the 7,500 callers we were hoping for on Day 1 of our big #TakeNYbyPhone weekend, BUT you made up for it and we blew past our goal of 1 million calls for Day 1, with over 1.3 million calls in total!!
