Alpha's C99P Virtual People's Summit Organizing Blog

Lady Libertine made a comment in a thread that sounded like a good plan.

The People's Summit, which I wrote about here several days ago, is June 17 - 19 in Chicago. On twitter they are urging folks who cannot attend in meatspace to organize co-summits locally. It occurred to me that we could even do one here in cyber space, caucus 99%, if we wanted to. - See more at:

Below is my response in her thread, I am just cutting and pasting it now because I am already getting dirty looks (so apologies for the rough appearance.) but I will come back and edit and expand upon this Essay in the very near future.

If you have any skills, ideas or want to help or in any way get involved PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE jump into the comments below and chime in, it's gonna take a lot of us working together to pull this off, but with all the awesome, motivated and talented people we have here on C99P I would feel comfortable putting my money on us getting it done. Smile

(Paste starts now)

If there is enough interest I will start looking into ways we can do it. (Hopefully we can find a few low cost or free way of doing so.)

At the bare minimum If we just want audio I have a Mumble server we can use. We can always upgrade it for the month if we need to host more than 99 people (I think that is what my account currently supports) but I don't think it is particularly expensive.

Whats really nice about it is you can form separate sub conversations for individual topics or groups and have a main "Conference room" where we can come back together and discuss what the various "Committee's" have decided.

Each sub group can then self organize and have a spokesperson from that particular group able to discuss it verbally in the main conference room where everyone else is able to still listen and text chat to keep it from getting overwhelming.

What do you guys think? Shall I start setting that end of it up?

I don't mind helping with putting together the C99P geek brigade, it will give me a chance to shake the dust off my old union organizing skills, lol!

Maybe I should go further into this in a new Essay so we can discuss it deeper without thread jacking.

I will get on that as soon as I can, I gotta get back to work prepping two houses, my wife's entire family is flying into town tomorrow for her RN Pinning/graduation ceremony.

I have TWO mother in laws in town!! HELP!!!
(JK, while both somewhat odd, one is very friendly and the other is just uptight in that special "Mormon" way but otherwise ok. Wink )

- See more at:

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Lookout's picture

I'm happy to help in anyway I can. I'm not very techy, but I could help write or moderate.

Good luck with the 2 M-i-Ls.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

JayRaye's picture

Please explain more when you get the chance, Alpha.

And hey! Big congrats to your wife. She must be very excited.

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

Gerrit's picture

accomplishment; please send along our well wishes and hopes for rollicking celebration.

Best wishes for the people's summit - what a great idea. I don't tech, but I can help babble :=)

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Borkrom's picture

I have some free time and would be more than willing to help. I am not a major technical person, but I can help with testing and setting up agendas or coordinating efforts. I facilitate many remote/virtual meetings. Moreover, there is free ware to help with remote meetings that we might consider for break out groups or discussions.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

I'm not techy, either, but I can write, edit, etc. I live in a rural area and don't have much money to travel, but I can certainly participate on weekends from home. We need to do something - I totally agree.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Down here.
The link express some concerns about a Blog based voice chat.
Also though, if we're thinking a larger than a blog based voice chat I fear that would only end up with too many voices talking at once, so to speak.
There are all kinds of voice chat communities on the internet already. I'm not against them.
Voice chat can be a wonderful tool for the worker bees and the movers and shakers in the guild no doubt.
I go to blogs, primarily, to read, reflect and perhaps respond to others opinions and thoughts on the issues I'm concerned about.
A blog is like a book where a voice chat is more like a movie with no pause or rewind. There's a big difference.
Invariably, in a guild where some people join the voice chat and others do not, you will find that the voice chat increases cliquish behaviors.
I don't think I would be too interested in a voice chat except for maybe meetings with a purpose and agenda.

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With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge

Citizen Of Earth's picture

Looking forward to hear more about the agenda.

Timing a live call-in will be an challenging logistical puzzle - across 4 time zones or maybe more.

Forgot to congratulate Nurse Alphalop on her major achievement! Woohoo!! And a very admirable career choice.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Lady Libertine's picture

congrats to Mrs A on the RN!

Thanks for picking up the ball on this!

I have zero skillz wrt how to do online conferencing so Im happy you and others here do!

I just wanna shout out to one of the key original creators of this place SouthernLiberalinMD because this is the sort of thing I think she envisioned this place being capable of doing, at least from time to time. "Caucus"!

I think there are several of us who can pitch in with the (non tech) prep & coordinating work. Guess we need us a Committee or something! Shouldn't be too hard, TPS will share their Agenda and stuff, right?

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Roger Fox's picture

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

Roger Fox's picture

At this moment in time we need leadership. In a meritocracy leaders rise to the top.

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

Borkrom's picture

There is a lot to do and we have many willing hands, leadership will come out of this effort. That is why I will support this virtual conference.

Without any organization or people being engaged it will be tough going forward- look at all the groups there are out there right now. Less freaking get organized and figure what needs to be done then all our leaders will rise up to the top.

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Gerrit's picture

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.