Why I ain't ready to write Bernie off and why I feel you shouldn't either.

There are all kinds of reason Bernie has earned my admiration and respect, but leaving that aside for now I would like to say that while I think it is still incredibly unlikely, there is also still a chance.

Two weeks is a long time in election politics.

One of the biggest reasons I believe is that I don't think the Email investigation was the real big issue. I think there are two others that are more serious and have the potential to completely bring Clinton down or at least eliminate any likelihood of her achieving the presidency baring outright theft of the election.

I think Comey's testimony was deliberately more damning than he made it appear on the surface and I don't think it was an accident.

Do you think he made all those statements, statements that made it readily apparent that Clinton LIED under oath to congress by accident? The way he made his statements made it readily apparent that Clinton either lied to Congress or the FBI and he didn't think it was the FBI.

Why would he do that if he was truly trying to protect Clinton?

He is obviously by any definition a smart man, if he wanted to make a statement that didn't lead to a Clinton indictment and still make himself look good he certainly could have (At least to the Clintonites.) easily done so without further implicating her in other charges.

It is speculation, but screw it, why the hell not speculate?

Do you think maybe he was pressured to not recommend indictment on the email server but was so resentful of the fact he did everything but draw a road map to the location of OTHER charges for congress to follow?

He all but stated that she lied to Congress, he basically admitted that they were investigating the Foundation, without saying they were which will obviously give her opponents in Congress reason to believe there may be meat still on those bones so lets dig them up and give them a chew. (If they were not investigating it he would have certainly said so, look how hard he bent over backwards to make excuses for the other issue.)

It sure seems that way to me after watching it again recently.

He seemed like he was trying to swallow broken glass during the times he had to hem and haw about how she was not guilty. I don't know what was said or used to get him to cover for her the way he did, maybe nothing, like I said we are speculating, but the way he said what he said was quite unusual in it's contradictions of itself and whatnot.

There is still 2 weeks to the Convention, I don't expect Bernie to officially endorse Hillary till the end of it, if at all. (So many are so certain he will honor his pledge to not run 3rd party, why wouldn't they think he would honor his pledge to his millions of voters to take it all the way to the convention?)

A LOT can happen in those two weeks.

Look how fast Congress managed to put together the Comey hearings after his recommendation. 2 days?

Is it still a long shot?


It would take a majority of the SD's deciding that winning was more important than maintaining third way control over the party and that we need the wins downballot that Bernie would bring to the table desperately as well.

Will they decide to make the smart choice and jump ship for Sanders?

I don't know. I doubt it, but I don't dismiss it.

But the one thing that is certain is that I am not writing Bernie off until he himself tells me he is done, and then only for the election. I will continue to support his fight for as long as he is doing it regardless of the party he is in.

Also, lets not forget that He did WAY the hell more than most of us thought he would at the start of this thing. Not only did he make it all the way to the Convention if he chooses to take it the far but he also made it apparent to myself and millions of other progressives that the Democratic Party is not the ally we thought it was and that if we wanted to fix shit it was gonna take US not him to do it.

While I may feel disappointment and a bit perplexed if Bernie were to endorse Hillary, ultimately it wouldn't be enough to completely destroy my opinion of a man who has consistently worked so hard for US for so long.

I would just chock it up as one of the things I disagree with him on and proceed with my plan to do everything I can to prevent a Clinton presidency.

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riverlover's picture

Her FBI "interview" was not taped or transcribed, I think we heard that nugget. Since 2014, FBI rules required videotape of questioning. And, rumor has it, certain FBI employees (anonymous, job fears, therefore unsubstantiated) say that movement 2 days after the target has been interviewed is accelerated timing. Not typical.

If the Foundation is the real target, enough has been leaked that Bill, Hill and Chelsea should go down. Timing is not opportune, but some loyals to the Party may be not sleeping well.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

What happens if Trump quits?

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

riverlover's picture

Completely upset the apple cart, that most have never seen in RL. I am trying to imagine the tsunami that could/would happen. Would MSM even bother to report it?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

And the rejection of this crappy 2 party system will be complete. I think Hillary would come in 3rd behind Stein and Johnson. Of course Bernie could easily take it in a landslide as an Independent / Green, but he seems to not prefer that course of action. On the hand maybe its all been predetermined that Hillary will win regardless of who we vote for.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

It's always been a strong possibility that Trump only ran to present the scariest possible alternative to Hillary, especially as the more came out about her, the more she revealed of her characteristics and tendencies, the more her numbers dropped - the tellingly scarier and more bizarre Trumps pronouncements became, exactly as though to frame Hillary as the lesser evil, no matter how big an evil she revealed herself to be.

Trump also lied about the amount of his wealth; not surprising that he's making a profit off this, as he would off the Presidency, which I dare-say he's been told he can't have by the Powers That Be - and that shouldn't be.

By his dropping out, the last-minute corporate Republican replacement might look relatively good by comparison to at least a plausible number of voters, since there would be little time to dig out facts on whomever might be chosen by the billionaire/corporate interests, if they're not reverting to the previous Wall St. et al picks of, as I recall, Bush, Rubio or Hillary Clinton as their candidates.

But I suspect that it's been made clear that using Liz Warren as bait to entice a plausible number of voters to Clinton likely isn't enough to continue the con there - and appointing Biden as the Dem Presidential candidate over the heads of voters would provoke massive protest, at the least.

The PTB and their lackeys seem to have painted themselves into a corner with Her Royal Coronation as there's now a good chance of enough people thinking outside the construct of the two-party trade-off box thought to be trapping them, and cheating Bernie out may, with luck, result in an overwhelming Green landslide and an aware population noting and protesting/suing over all evidence of cheating there, even more than over the Primary.

The whole corrupt mess needs to be Berned out and replaced with government of, by and for the people, with equal rights, treatment and opportunity for all, in a sustainable society - and The People can do it this time, either through Bernie or the Greens, with The People's movement.

It's now or never, though; once the American legal system (and that of all other unwitting/unwillingly involved countries) is outsourced into offshored corporate hands, law will be against us all and for corporate/billionaire profit and control only - and it's apparently already being set up for Hillary to subjugate/obliterate all countries not conned, bullied or betrayed by corporate leaders into coming under devastatingly totalitarian corporate/billionaire economic controls.

Will Russia and China fail to protect themselves by setting up for defensive first strikes not possible for Iran and other smaller countries, as it seems that President Obama begins preparations for Clinton to enact the attacks demanded by her paymasters? Mutual Assured Destruction could occur even before the corporate candidate takes office...

Edited for a missed letter and two qualifiers. *goes for more caffeine*

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

divineorder's picture

contribution as well.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

riverlover's picture

and election questions were multiple choice. Bernie was not mentioned. I opted for Jill Stein. Asked for Party preference, I got to say for the first time, Independent. And smiled.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

was NPP an option? no chance that independent could be construed as AIP?

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riverlover's picture

And Independent seems so bland.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

riverlover's picture

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Alphalop's picture

but I dug it even if it isn't my typical fare.

Thanks for sharing it. Needed something uplifting today, going on 40 hours+ with only 3 hours sleep, lol!

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

OLinda's picture

with Hillary tomorrow in NH.
from WMUR:

It's now official. Hillary Clinton's campaign announced early Monday that Bernie Sanders, her former rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, will join her on Tuesday for a unity rally at Portsmouth High School.

WMUR.com was first to report on Sanders' plans to join Clinton. See our Saturday report below. The announcement by the Clinton campaign confirmed that report.

The Vermont senator, who won the New Hampshire primary over Clinton in February, will endorse Clinton at the event.

I don't see how he can be on a stage campaigning with her, and not endorse. We will find out soon enough.

I didn't see anything on Bernie's web site, or twitter page on this. Keeping it low profile for now it seems. Just looked at Clinton's Twitter and site and don't see it mentioned.

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Lookout's picture

I don't see how he can do that. He will lose his mojo like Samson getting a haircut. I hope everyone goes Green!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

OLinda's picture

Why he can't wait just 2 more weeks 'til the convention kills me. The Clinton campaign must have convinced him that a happy, smooth convention and coronation will be "best for the party." No floor fights, no contested convention, no questions or disturbances, just all smiley and happy! So it's time to start working toward that. Rah Rah!

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WaterLily's picture

And that admittedly may be "not much," but: Unless I hear this from the Sanders campaign, and/or see this event with my own two eyes, I'm taking anything that Hillary Clinton "announces" with a giant grain of salt.

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WaterLily's picture

Statement is out from Sanders campaign now, too.

I *will* note it makes no mention of an endorsement.

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House Democratic caucus booed Sanders Wednesday July 6,


Booed the man that 45 percent of Democrats supported in the primary?

Booed the man that all year long has been the most favorably viewed politician in America?

Booed the man that got more votes from young people in the primaries than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump combined?

Bernie, in his candidacy, has done more for this country than most Presidents have done in their career. He is the only one who has truly been for the American people, and not just for a small group of self-serving millionaries and billionaries. There has never been a more honorable political candidate, who has consistently stated, for the past thirty years, over and over what are the most important issues facing this country.

I deeply admire Bernie's character, ethical standards, honesty, integrity, and his never wavering stance on what this country needs. No other candidate has ever done this.

He has spoken over and over to the issue of big business literally owning Congress.

He has shown you can run a campaign and not end up being in debt to the financial sector or any other big business...'quid pro quo'.

He has shown consistency, integrity and critical common sense during his entire career.

He has shown that politicians never have to say, "I shouldn't have voted that way" .. because he made very few, if any, critical errors in judgement in his political career.

Democrats who did not vote for Bernie and his platform, in the primaries, made an enormous ill informed mistake.

This is the man who should have been the Democratic nominee.

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Which is (edit: why) the corporate candidate was cheated into the nomination...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

featheredsprite's picture

Hillary has refused to debate Bernie for a long time. This rally would be a good place to point out the differences [policy, folks].

At least I can hope.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

Or it's more BS intended to pressure him and con voters?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

Hey let me enjoy my last day riding my unicorn. Hahhaa.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

that was meant as a reply to OLinda.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

OLinda's picture

I could tell it was for me. Smile Glad you added the unicorn line, because I think a lot of us are in denial.

He said from the beginning he would support the nominee, and he will.

What makes it so hard to take is because of how close he (we) came. If he had lost big time, early on, not got the poll numbers, votes, etc., it would be easier to take the loss. Coming so close, nearly making it, (possibly actually winning if votes were tallied correctly), is, to me, what makes it so hard to face.

Must be difficult for Bernie too, realizing he actually had a shot and almost made it. What would he have done differently if he knew at the beginning.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

but the votes were stolen by the Clinton Crime Family. Too much evidence of vote stealing, vote suppresssion, voter purges, exit poll divergence, etc, etc, to call it a valid primary election. But whatever, the corrupt Dems would never allow an honest person to take their nomination regardless.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Friend sent me this picture ages ago,
Young woman with gorgeous angel wings, riding a white Unicorn
Caption: " Someone told me I was delusional. I almost fell off my Unicorn."

2 weeks IS a long time, agree. Won't second guess what Bernie Sanders is doing. Deeply grateful for all he has done.

Waiting to see what happens in Philadelphia. How come no one has yet spoke of BOYCOTTING this election for POTUS?

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Best to boycott the corporate candidates and vote against them by voting Green - if Bernie doesn't pull a unicorn out of his sleeve.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

featheredsprite's picture

Curses! Foiled again!

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

"Hellery did not act with criminal intent".

Is "Lack of criminal intent" really a legal defense? Is that something common people can tell the IRS? Sound like he made it up.

I agree, he sounded like he was told to let her skate. But he did not want to sound like a complete buffoon. He did prove the case that Hellery is a serial liar. And that is her biggest negative with the low information voters.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Roger Fox's picture

Comey made a statement from a legal standpoint. IT should be interpreted as such.

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

Centaurea's picture

It can be a legal defense to a criminal charge, if the particular law under which one is charged provides that intent is an element of the crime. With criminal laws, one size does not fit all.

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

HoundDog's picture

In Atlantic City Hillary Clinton lambasted Donald Trump for taking "destructive risks with other people's money" and for denying American voters an "informed choice." what a poignenty unfortunate themes she chooses to highlight the day after FBI Director Comey's report that Hillary Clinton knowingly lied when she first said, "I never received, nor sent any classified information" from her private account. We already knew from the scathing IG report that she lied when she assured Democratic voters and delegates that her illicit basement server was authorized by the State Department.

Her Democratic primary victories were based on deliberately fraudulent representations which have besmirched her character, and damaged her already low "trustibility," even more than the poor judgment she displayed when she decided to take such reckless risks with our national security for selfish reason in the first place.

A besmirchment reminiscent of John Edwards' willingness to gamble the Democratic Party's election chances and the well being of the United States in order to pursue his obsession with becoming president despite the disqualifying affair he was hiding while his wife was dying of cancer. Democrats were outraged, most especially, those of us who were his supporters. Both were willing to take "destructive risks" with the Democratic Party's election chances in order to selfishly pursue their own obsessions with becoming president based on equally delusional presumptions that they would not get caught. Clintons' destructive gamble was worse as she also has jeapordized our national security. John Edwards immediately withdrew in shame once his deception was discovered, Hillary Clinton, however, appears intent on trying to bulldoze her way to a Democratic Party "lock-in" and has shown little sign of remorse.

Is this implausible denial of reality not a continuation of the same judgement order she continues to fall victim to? The Democratic Party convention delegates must not endorse these shameful and reckless choices. Unlike the Republicans who appear to be stuck with Donald Trump, the Democratic Party rules apparently contain an exception that allows even pledged delegates to change their vote in the event of a major issue of conscience. This is such an issue.

If she does not withdraw within the few weeks she will put the Super Delegates and even her own pledged delegates, in the awkward position of having to replace her or knowingly endorse this deception which will be a disaster for their own reputations, the Democratic Party, and our Nation.

What kind of a person would do this? Knowingly lying to her own supporters, voters, and delegates telling us we have nothing to worry about, when she has known all along what she has done. We see two independent disqualifying issues - her character, and her judgement.

The integrity of the President of the United States is a foundation stone of international treaties, governance, and so many other things I can't believe we even have to have this discussion. Where are the Democratic leaders demanding she withdraw. Yes should fooled them once along with the rest of us and they ought to be furious because soon they will own this disgrace and be accountable for it as well. The convention vote will go down in history as even more consequential than the AUMF and remembered longer for future elections.

If she withdraws now, she still may be able to do so retaining some few shreds of grace and legacy avoid putting the delegates and Democratic leaders in the awkward position of having to take her down. If, on the other hand, she chooses to try to bulldoze through with the apparent strategy of getting "locked-in" at the Democratic convention, we know the Republican drumbeat for her prosecution or impeachment will escalate and expand to include influence peddling and public corruption at the Clinton Foundation. She will eventually go down like Richard Nixon, in complete disgrace and breaking the hearts of young women and girls everywhere for whom she is a hero. And dealing a devastating blow to the reputation of the Democratic Party, other candidates, and leadership.

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kharma's picture

Hubris, greed and selfishness will not let her ever withdraw. I guess this election is really what our country needs...a jaw dropping gaze behind the curtain. The great Oz is a joke, as is our 'representative' republic.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

Not to mention the billions of dollars invested in her by the self-interests she serves. They expect the world.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Roger Fox's picture


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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

Sorry, Alphalop, Bernie will campaign for Hill today in NH. --
I am weary of those here who keep wishing and hoping a miracle will occur and Bernie will become the nominee. Bernie does not want to become president! Bernie does not want to become president! Bernie does not want to run third party! Bernie does not want to run third party! Slap!That said, he ran a great campaign and is a great public servant.

But now I greatly fear a co-Bill & Hill presidency, which they will somehow manipulate to last eight years. Then, they will get Chelsea elected president, somehow. Just watch her run for senator from NY when Schumer gives up his seat to run the Clinton Family Foundation. Of course, they'll run it in the White House basement and bring in their private servers, now that it's been declared "not indictable" behavior if you're important enough. Imagine all the damage those psychopaths-in-chief will do.

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Szaephod's picture

Is the complete silence from the campaign - not a single email/plea-for-money for 10 days. I should think after all the blood sweat and tears that his supporters have contributed we'd at least get a heads up about an pending endorsement - or even a joint appearance. If the Sanders campaign thinks that a surprise endorsement optimizes the chances of bringing his supporters along… well… maybe it doesn't matter anyway, because many/most of them won't under any circumstances.

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The spirit of party serves to enfeeble the Public Administration,
agitates with Jealousies and false alarms, and opens the door to corruption,
which finds access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington

WaterLily's picture

This joint appearance will be an official endorsement. We'll see.

I just posted some related thoughts over at TPW. Take these for what they are -- the musings of an amateur:

Bernie is a master of 11th-dimensional chess. This we know, because we have witnessed it, repeatedly, throughout this campaign.

He said at the beginning that he would support the Democratic nominee. He is a man of his word. And, with many key issues making it into the platform (I say this with skepticism, but let’s just take it at face value for now), it is “time,” in conventional politi-speak, for him to appear with HRC.

1. We still don’t know if he will officially endorse. He has not tipped his hand there. For all we know, it will be a “unity rally” with all efforts pointed outward toward Trump. Still, he’s making a political concession here and I don’t blame him for it.

2. Even if he does endorse, there remain other pressures afoot. We know about the massive protests planned for Philly. We know HRC is scheduled to testify before JW on or about the 17th. And the FBI may still be forced to open a perjury investigation. We don’t know the outcome of any of these yet BUT — should they be unexpected, AND should Bernie have previously endorsed, THEN there can be no argument against his becoming the nominee if HRC is suddenly nonviable. Meaning, he’s playing by the rules. And my gut tells me this is for a reason other than a newly blossoming love for his opponent. I believe he also knows that no matter what he says, many of us will not blindly follow. He’s the first to have said that he can’t tell any of his supporters how to vote in November.

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...he was in it to win it...
...he was contesting the win at the convention....

So why is he quitting, and why is he quitting now?

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

WaterLily's picture

But is he actually quitting? I don't know. I haven't seen anything definitive.

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OLinda's picture

Yes, dkmich. I had the impression he was going to the convention as a candidate. I am sure that's what he said. At the least, he owes his supporters a comment or two about it before he starts campaigning (or endorses) Hillary.

That does give me a tiny bit of hope that he is not endorsing/conceding since he hasn't said anything to his supporters. It wouldn't be like him to just go back on his word without comment.

But, I still don't see how he campaigns with her without endorsing. Even if he doesn't say the words "I endorse," it will sure be implied.

Well, we will know tomorrow.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

"going to the convention as a candidate," immediately following the California Primary.

The language (then) became "going to the convention to fight for a progressive Dem Party Platform."

His campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, and long-time advisor, Tad Devine, were emphatic regarding this point.

Even one of his main and most enthusiastic surrogates--Nina Turner--has used this very exact language more recently, when she was asked on a Sunday talk show about Bernie's plans (whether he would endorse FSC/when would he drop out of the race).

He clearly has not officially suspended his campaign, because he is still under Secret Service protection.

I don't have a crystal ball, but my 'guess' is that Bernie will suspend his campaign within the next several days, following his appearance with FSC.

Some folks might want to watch the recent video of Jill Stein and Jennifer Flowers (talking about Bernie's healthcare proposals) posted at EB last week.

Stein is no enemy of Bernie's--she's invited him to head the Green Party ticket.

But, Stein agreed with Dr Flowers--he's a team player. He most likely will not leave the Democratic Party.

Considering that he's said--since at least late last winter, early spring--that he would not run as a third party candidate, or as a 'spoiler,' (I've posted the transcripts, repeatedly)--I take Bernie at his word.

(Edited: Typo in OLinda)


“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)

National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption

Misty May - NMDR

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

OLinda's picture

If his plans have changed, I believe he should let his supporters know. All this cryptic talk followed by campaigning for Hillary stinks.

Re Jill Stein. I was just getting this ready to post in The EB tonight. Jill comments that she didn't just flat offer Bernie the top of the ticket.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

and/or his Campaign simply feels uncomfortable breaking the news to his supporters. (Someone in his campaign must read progressive blogs.) Heck, dunno.

I'll catch up with folks at EB after I walk 'the B.' Please, do post Jill's message. Disinformation seems to unintentionally spread so quickly, lately.

I'm very glad that we should finally get 'the word,' tomorrow--regardless.



“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)

National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption

Misty May - NMDR

0 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

lunachickie's picture

Can we have a little more faith here? We've come this far, what's another couple weeks?

0 users have voted.

THANK YOU, lunachickie! I've been wondering that myself.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

WaterLily's picture

I had a thought upon awakening this morning: Perhaps he's appearing in this "unity rally" (again, I'll believe an endorsement when I hear it with my own ears) as a means to land a prime speaking slot at the convention. Where, hopefully, he'll let rip on the TPP and other things.

Maybe the HRC camp was withholding this opportunity until they got a concession from Bernie. And I could see him agreeing to this because, frankly, there will be tens of millions of eyeballs on the convention -- how could he pass up that opportunity to push the issues he's been arguing for, for so long? This is one event the media can't black out.

(Just another random musing).

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Alligator Ed's picture

He promised to work for party unity--that does not mean accepting HRC's nomination as fait accompli. In fact, Bernie may actually confront her on the need to present a more progressive program to the electorate that the sham platform committee was willing to do. So, yeah, this might turn into a debate--and I hope the cameras are rolling.

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shaharazade's picture

sounds so Orwellian at this point. What are people supposed to unify behind? The Third Way party? Then only unity I see is the D party apparatchiks, the congressional weasels including the so called 'progressive's' that all rallied around the queen and locked out the people. This is not voting it's extortion. The platform/program is a insult to the electorate so are all of the Democrat's that we have elected. What's to debate about? The degree of harm they are going to implement? Why work for party unity when the party means harm to all people everywhere and the planet. Instead of unifying I hope the Dems shatter into a million pieces.

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riverlover's picture

you are beautiful when righteously angry. Your spouse must sense when to put on a cloak of invisibility. Or do you saber-battle?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Alphalop's picture

that says, "Don't piss off Shaz..." Wink

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Alphalop's picture

I wouldn't unify behind Clinton any more than I would any other conservative republican...

Personally at this point I am almost hoping that if we can't fix this system we pull a Soviet Union style fragmentation into several smaller nations because that is about the only way we would be able to "legally" get out of these shit "Trade Deals" that are nothing but a transfer of sovereignty to the multinationals.

This grand experiment may be reaching it's conclusion, and while we have gained some useful data to work with in the future, I think it may be time to start another one.

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Does the US or any democratic Constitution say anything about democracy/law and the country personally belonging to whoever happens to be in public office during that period so that control of domestic law can be disposed of at will by that person to hostile self-interests? Thereby changing the country from a democracy to a fascist (corporate-controlled) state?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Pluto's Republic's picture

…which is the primary Human Right. The Declaration of Independence was Self Determination. So was Crimea's reunification vote. So was Brexit and Scotland leaving the UK. So was the South's succession from the Union prior to the Civil War.

They don't all result in war. But those who are denied self determination bring everlasting tragedy to the powers who deny them.

California will probably be the first to go, but global warming will quickly break the US apart into several autonomous and sovereign regions. That's how you escape tyranny in the world today.

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Carry a flame and share the light.


WaterLily's picture

I'm even more grateful to be living in Vermont. So far, we have the resources we need to be completely self-sufficient ... as long as that @$$hole Bruce Lisman doesn't get elected governor.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Perhaps a good place to abide climate change. I'm visiting in a region that has no water. Makes you think….

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Carry a flame and share the light.


Going by the evidence, the 3rd World War Party may be even more fitting an appellation than 3rd Way...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

...he agreed to make an appearance with Clinton to fight Trump but never said to her in so many words that he would endorse as a condition of him appearing at the rally.

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Roger Fox's picture

If the Sanders campaign thinks that a surprise endorsement optimizes the chances of bringing his supporters along

Bernie has always been about policy, always about the issues. Bernie has always played by his rules and he always will.

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

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Bernie stood up and ran a great campaign against the establishment when everyone else fell in line. Along the way he has educated many voters and provided a voice to the progressive movement on the national stage and is recruiting others to run for office and become the movement. He is building the foundation for a progressive majority. However he cannot do it alone and has counseled us against the thought that he is our only path to a majority. Many here are frustrated, myself included. We cannot simply give by and walk away from the political process or fall inline with the Democratic Party.

Bernie wants to work within the system and I respect his opinion and judgement. He has said all along he will work to prevent Donald Trump becoming President. He does not want his fingerprints on that victory.
When I look at Director Comey's comments over the past week about precedent and intent, outside of political pressure he does not want to influence an election. These gentlemen could be footnotes in history.

I do not have that stature and do not share their fear of Trump. I do not support him nor will I vote for him, but I have a greater fear of another Clinton Presidency. In my humble opinion it is time to contribute, work and vote for Jill Stein. We must elevate the discussion that there are two other candidates running for the White House. If we elevate their attention in the election and marginalize Democrats and Republicans we win. If Stein wins the urban states and the elections it would be huge. If she can come in 2nd or 3rd and Trump wins we are still better off.

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Hawkfish's picture

The worm may be turning.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

ZimInSeattle's picture

I believe it's all part of the Clinton's plan along with getting the bloviating orange billionaire (BOB) to run as her opponent, the only candidate she could possibly beat. Comey laid out all the evidence for the House Republicans to open impeachment hearings the day after inauguration. Thus setting the stage for 4 or 8 years of media circus giving us pleebs an attention grabbing spectacle while we're being robbed blind. The Corporate Party of America's neo-liberal and neocon wings wouldn't have it any other way. Hillary is no doubt guilty as hell, I just think the cabal of DLC/DNC/CGI/WS have far more control over government than we realize. If you haven't seen this from Seth Abramson: 5 Reasons The Comey.. it's really, really good.

As for Bernie endorsing Hillary, it's a sad day in America. He said he would support the eventual nominee, but you know this has to be killing him inside knowing that the whole primary was stolen. Hillary Cheated

I used scare quotes around the word “allegations” [of election fraud] because the truth is plain to see and undeniable by anyone with a microgram of honesty: Hillary Clinton cheated. If the rules had been followed, Bernie Sanders would be the nominee.

Emphasis added.

I do not put it beyond the realm of possibility that the above cabal has threatened Bernie in some way, perhaps including his family, were he not to get inline. I did max out to Bernie and I still believe it was worth it exposing the corruption within the Dem Party. He will have my everlasting admiration and respect. I do wish he would run with the Green's though, but I just don't see it happening. That being said, I will be voting for Jill. She has no chance as long as the cabal has control of the election system, but like Bernie's campaign, Jill doing well in the general will push the movement forward. We must get passed the lesser evil paradigm; the duopoly must be destroyed.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

MsGrin's picture

when he incomprehensibly gave up the count ahead of completion:

I do not put it beyond the realm of possibility that the above cabal has threatened Bernie in some way, perhaps including his family, were he not to get inline.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Shahryar's picture

As I recall, Kucinich was opposed to the ACA, got on a plane with Obama and got off as a "yes" vote. Then he got gerrymandered out of the House.

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riverlover's picture

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

lunachickie's picture

I believe that those who want you to get in line exist in our government, including the goon squad that will PUT you in line if you decline to cooperate.

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Alligator Ed's picture

Do you think maybe he was pressured to not recommend indictment on the email server but was so resentful of the fact he did everything but draw a road map to the location of OTHER charges for congress to follow?

In fact, that's perfect. Comey values his job and if he is out of office, then who will really probe deeply into the Clinton Foundation scam? Comey spared, at least temporarily, LoL (Lynch) and BooHoo (BHO) from getting their noses mired in the shitstorm Hillary created and dragged both of them into. The analysis makes perfect sense in a non-sensical world (and therefore is probably wrong). But the timing could be impeccable--Let Medusa win her primary and THEN refer her, Slick Willy and charming Chelsea for criminal money laundering, pay-for-play and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

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featheredsprite's picture

but the instructor neglected to prevent Comey saying a lot of other things. He pretty much ripped her apart and made it clear that an ordinary person couldn't get away with what Clinton did.

At his Congressional hearing, he pretty much did the same thing.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

Shahryar's picture

who, when he turned to answer a question, didn't see that his opponent had removed one of his pawns. And then when he turned to see who was yelling through a bullhorn, didn't notice that a bishop had been moved a square.

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WoodsDweller's picture

Bernie either gets the Democratic nomination, runs 3rd party, or endorses. Those are his options.
He's not going to get the nomination if Clinton doesn't get indicted (on perjury, since the other charges were dropped) before the nomination.
As I've said elsewhere, if Bernie's internal polling shows him a path to 270 electoral votes as an independent candidate, he should run independent. If it doesn't, he shouldn't. I don't think his pledge would stop him, so I expect the path just isn't there.
So he endorses, either now or at any point up to or including the convention. I don't claim to have any great insights as to when the optimum day would be, I'll leave that up to Bernie. He's trying to get the most he can, and he has a track record of doing that.
If Clinton is indicted after the nomination (which I think is a possibility), a timely endorsement would increase Bernie's chances of being the replacement candidate as he has shown that he is the team player the Party so very much wants. He can certainly publicly rescind his endorsement if/when an indictment happens.
If the DNC tries to go with Biden anyway, Bernie can bring out the big guns.
He redoes the polling. Some states would be off the table (for example Texas, but he isn't going to win there anyway) at that late date, but if he ran on the Green ticket they may be on enough ballots to provide a path to 270.
Then he goes to the DNC. "Hillary can't win, she's under indictment, her numbers are in the basement, and Trump will trample her. I can win, look at the numbers. I don't need you to win, but I need you to govern. You can't win without me. Which party do you want me to lead when I'm sworn in?"
That's his maximum leverage.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Do you really think that Bernie would retain the corrupt among the DNC staff as a bribe to get elected - and continue the corrupt DNC culture?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

WoodsDweller's picture

he'll be in charge of the DNC, appoint a new chairperson, and generally clean house.
If he wins as a Green or otherwise independent then the DNC would continue their corrupt ways as a greatly diminished force.
In this scenario Bernie would be in the driver's seat during negotiations because the DNC needs him, but he doesn't need the DNC. DWS would be out the door that afternoon. Further personnel changes could be effected during the campaign. A full reorganization and rules reform would take a while, but be in place by the next election.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

But wouldn't he have to deal with the corrupt members running the DNC and convince them to support him so that he could clean them out with the rest of the corruption? What's their pay-off out of that and why should they care about the Party and Bernie's election win when this scenario signally fails to personally benefit them?

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

....until in happens. is there really to be a rally in NH tomorrow? what could possibly be said by Sanders short of an endorsement? it seems to me that he is getting pressured to endorse before the convention even though he said he would take it to the convention. i'm also not giving up on Bernie until he makes the final call and, even then, there is still hope to be had that there will be some October surprise (or before then) to be disastrous for the Clinton campaign. then Sanders can come roaring back with, "I told you so."

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shaharazade's picture

player better then an 11 dimensional chess player? Easier to follow the game when you only have 3 dimensions to deal with. The red queen has only one move and it's 'Off with their heads'
Red Queen.jpeg

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Shahryar's picture

check this out, from the NY Times


there's some absurd stuff from the writer of the article too but let's look at what Bernie says

“I think it’s fair to say that the Clinton campaign and I, our campaign, are coming closer and closer together,” Mr. Sanders told reporters on Saturday.

If Bernie thinks so then that's one of us.

The next bit in the article is hilarious and is what I'm referring to when I say the writer added some unintentional humor

Already, his supporters have largely lined up behind Mrs. Clinton — with about 45 percent now saying they have a positive view of her, according to an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll.

How you get "largely lined up" behind her from less than half view her positively, I don't know!

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gulfgal98's picture

Bernie is now doing more harm than good. I know that I am definitely not lining up behind the most corrupt warmonger to ever run for President. I honestly do not know how Bernie can say that with a straight face. Every one of those millennials who got behind his campaign will probably never participate in another Presidential campaign again. This is how you turn people off to the process. I want to puke right now.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

But, I never thought the first man (to) break (ing) my heart would be a 74 year-old married Jewish man.

So say it with me - please 'n thank you,

This will be me all day tomorrow ...

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WaterLily's picture

Glad to hear it. I hope many, many of your fellow Millennials stand with you!

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lunachickie's picture

what he is saying is fairly meaningless:

“I think it’s fair to say that the Clinton campaign and I, our campaign, are coming closer and closer together,” Mr. Sanders told reporters on Saturday.

That particular quote, IMO, is nothing more than word salad.

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I have learnt to not place a lot of faith in what the corporate media attributes to/implies of Bernie - they seem to play a lot of spin-the-babble and misquoting, among other things... they know that he's important to many people who they seem to think are mindless followers rather than those interested in democracy and an ethical government and that it's important to con enough of his supporters and others of the public into thinking that the next Hillary cheat/win, of the General, is plausible, even if it turns out not to be.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Roger Fox's picture

I just don't see how so many here at C99 can blast Bernie, but these same people 3 months ago had Bernie up on a Demigod mantle.

Hes the same guy he has always been. Except now he has a national constituency.

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

Shahryar's picture

who throws 8 great innings of ball but then tires in the 9th and gives up a few runs. We can't forget how great he was for so much of the game but we also note that he didn't finish as strongly. The fact that the umpires seemed to favor his opponent didn't help.

We'll get more into this, I'm sure, after the "event" tomorrow.

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I hope that the venue is packed with Sanders supporters who simultaneously stand up and walk out when it happens. I can think of no better way to convey our disapproval of his decision and our rejection of Hillary's corruption. That would be something that the media cannot ignore.

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lunachickie's picture

Secondly, if I read one more person who has given up already, I am going to scream. Some of you won't last five minutes in an actual "revolution".

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Roger Fox's picture

Too many whiners that now feel the need to tell Bernie what to do, or call Bernie a sell out, when 3 months ago he was the second coming of FDR.

Bernie now has a national constituency, he cannot go back to being a senator from the small state of Vermont. This is going to play out for years to come.

One thing so many forget, Bernie has always played the long game. He won't be throwing it all away for someone else's short term satisfaction. How can so many here at C99 be so selfish?

I'm with you Lunachickie. Too many fair weather revolutionaries, too many whiners. Bah humbug.

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.

WaterLily's picture

Seeing so many people ready to throw in the towel at the slightest sign of difficulty is ... disheartening. Much more so than the media spin designed to discourage us ... because it's apparently working.

Fuck this shit.

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Alphalop's picture

People that have invested a lot, both physically, emotionally and financially towards achieving a goal and then having it literally stolen from them due to gross malfeasance and corruption are likely to respond with a bit of depression about the thievery and likely damage that it will cause.

The important thing is that we don't stay down wallowing in despair, that is their goal and I will not let them win that one too.

Give it a minute, most of us I am sure will get their fire rekindled from the ashes, spit the blood and broken teeth from our mouths and get back on our feet more determined and more PISSED than ever ready to show them that just because they may have landed a low blow when the ref wasn't looking in this round that we have only started the match.

And personally, now I am "Gloves off" and ready to pull the DNC's Jersey over it's head and knock it's ass down on the ice.

Those assholes want Dirty I can do that.

I am Sicilian. Wink

(wow, I really mixed a few metaphors there,lol!)

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Seem to recall the corporate media ignoring a massive protest right outside the doors of one station...


Bernie Sanders supporters hold massive #OccupyCNN protest over lack of coverage
Sarah K. Burris
Sarah K. Burris
03 Apr 2016

And from a tweet embedded in the article:

JamesFromTheInternet @JamesFTInternet

I love that @CNN is so busy talking about @realDonaldTrump that they can't report about the thousand people outside their door #OccupyCNN
4:33 PM - 3 Apr 2016

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Roger Fox's picture

Many here at C99 needed to be told what you just told them. Well done sir.

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FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.