Two Primaries - Update 9 March
Submitted by WoodsDweller on Wed, 03/09/2016 - 7:58am
Delegate advantage (leader total minus trailer total), data from through Wednesday, 9 March.
In the South: Clinton +293
Outside the South: Sanders +74
Sanders avoided being shut out in Mississippi. His victory in Michigan only netted him 8 delegates.
Clinton continues to be a regional candidate, but she has only North Carolina and Florida left in her region. I don't expect them to be nearly so lopsided.
As the primary season moves outside the South the narrative will necessarily change as Clinton will not have big victories to celebrate. This should help expand Sanders' margins of victory, which is sorely needed to build his delegate count.
HRC absolutely appears
to have a very shaky foundation outside the south. Anyone who thinks she's the most electable candidate simply isn't thinking clearly.
It is possible she could gain some traction outside the south in coming weeks. Time will tell. My money (and hope) is with Bernie.
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
Independents matter
It's what I've been saying for months
I think I'm gonna make a diary this morning to emphasize this.
Voter turnout