Featured Editorials

"DoucheLeaks": featuring Markos Makesitso, Russia Maddow, Kurt Eivgonebald, Max Bootlick, and of course, Peter Douche

It's provable that the Pestilent Neoliberal Cesspool (or TOP) continues to plunge new depths. But you already knew that as a C99-er.

The place is unrecognizable. Occupied by the very worst, obnoxious, simpleton, fear-laden, incrementalist centrists. They alternate in fear and hubris. Scared of the changes that challenge their soft, meaningless lives of convenience, and so full of vapid self-assuredness that they know what's better for the lessers.

Jacob Levitch parses a Bill Gates and Google discussion of using AI in Health Care

‘Bill Gates talked with Google employees about using A.I. to analyze ultrasound images of unborn children’,
Mar 18 2019, cnbc.com

“Bill Gates, co-founder and former CEO of Microsoft, says he talked to Google researchers on Monday about the application of artificial-intelligence technology in health care.
