Featured Editorials

The Weekly Watch

Postponing Our Own Memorial Day

It isn't that I fear death, I would just like to postpone it as long as possible (provided I remain in good health). I thought it would be interesting to explore ways to maximize our health in today's column. Much of our health is a result of our diet. Lifestyle also plays an important role. The cast of our genetic dice provides the base of our health through our lives. The nature of our work and work place can stress us out or might be a supportive. The homes and communities where we live also shape our health. The nature of our environment and pollutants we encounter can promote or retard our health as well. Personal health is a multifaceted issue, and a moving target as we age. Our genetics dictate much of our health but we can control our diet, develop healthy habits, and avoid many of the toxins common in today's society.

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Ta, Felicia: Theresa's Thexit. May she never return.

Or, how can we miss ya unless ya leave?

Most of this post is an excerpt from an article in the ever so cool Jacobin about the long overdue ouster of the UK's Theresa May as Prime Minister and head of the Conservative Party. As you know, May has been a darling of so-called centrists, who should be known as what they actually are: alt neoliberalcons.


A warning heard increasingly fervently among many alternative journalists and bloggers.

First: ‘Whom Not To Trust – U.S. Government Indicts Another Intercept Source;  Another source that provided government secrets to The Intercept has been uncovered and indicted by the U.S. government, May 9, 2019, moonofalabama.org
